270 research outputs found

    Primordial black hole production during preheating in a chaotic inflationary model

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    In this paper we review the production of primordial black holes (PBHs) during preheating after a chaotic inflationary model. All relevant equations of motion are solved numerically in a modified version of HLattice, and we then calculate the mass variance to determine structure formation during preheating. It is found that production of PBHs can be a generic result of the model, even though the results seem to be sensitive to the values of the smoothing scale. We consider a constraint for overproduction of PBHs that could uncover some stress between inflation-preheating models and observations.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures. Prepared for the conference proceedings of the 9th Mexican School on Gravitation and Mathematical Physics : Cosmology for the XXI Century: Inflation, Dark Matter and Dark Energ

    Lukewarm dark matter: Bose condensation of ultralight particles

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    We discuss the thermal evolution and Bose-Einstein condensation of ultra-light dark matter particles at finite, realistic cosmological temperatures. We find that if these particles decouple from regular matter before Standard model particles annihilate, their temperature will be about 0.9 K. This temperature is substantially lower than the temperature of CMB neutrinos and thus Big Bang Nucleosynthesis remains unaffected. In addition the temperature is consistent with WMAP 7-year+BAO+H0 observations without fine-tuning. We focus on particles of mass of m∼10−23m\sim 10^{-23} eV, which have Compton wavelengths of galactic scales. Agglomerations of these particles can form stable halos and naturally prohibit small scale structure. They avoid over-abundance of dwarf galaxies and may be favored by observations of dark matter distributions. We present numerical as well as approximate analytical solutions of the Friedmann-Klein-Gordon equations and study the cosmological evolution of this scalar field dark matter from the early universe to the era of matter domination. Today, the particles in the ground state mimic presureless matter, while the excited state particles are radiation like.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, Accepted by ApJ Letters, Includes Referee Input

    Cosmological constraints for a two brane-world system with single equation of state

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    We present the study of two 3-brane system embedded in a 5-dimensional space-time in which the fifth dimension is compactified on a S1/Z2S^{1}/Z_{2} orbifold. Assuming isotropic, homogeneous, and static branes, it can be shown that the dynamics of one brane is dominated by the other one when the metric coefficients have a particular form. We study the resulting cosmologies when one brane is dominated by a given single-fluid component.Comment: This work was presented at the VIII Taller of the DGFM, Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas, Mexico noviembre 22-26, 201

    Supersymmetric classical cosmology

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    In this work a supersymmetric cosmological model is analyzed in which we consider a general superfield action of a homogeneous scalar field supermultiplet interacting with the scale factor in a supersymmetric FRW model. There appear fermionic superpartners associated with both the scale factor and the scalar field, and classical equations of motion are obtained from the super-Wheeler-DeWitt equation through the usual WKB method. The resulting supersymmetric Einstein-Klein-Gordon equations contain extra radiation and stiff matter terms, and we study their solutions in flat space for different scalar field potentials. The solutions are compared to the standard case, in particular those corresponding to the exponential potential, and their implications for the dynamics of the early Universe are discussed in turn.Comment: 9 pages, 4 eps figures, uses RevTe
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