294 research outputs found

    Structural Patterns of the Bioeconomy in the EU Member States – a SAM approach

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    The concept of 'bioeconomy' is gathering momentum in European Union (EU) policy circles as a sustainable model of growth to reconcile the goals of continued wealth generation and employment with bio-based sustainable resource usage. Unfortunately, an economy-wide quantitative assessment covering the full diversity of this sector is, hitherto, constrained by relatively poor data availability for disaggregated bio-based activities. This research takes a first step in addressing this issue by employing social accounting matrices (SAMs) for each EU27 member encompassing a highly disaggregated treatment of traditional bio-based agricultural and food sectors, in addition to identifiable bioeconomic activities from the national accounts data. Employing backward-linkage (BL), forward-linkage (FL) and employment multipliers, the aim is to profile and assess comparative structural patterns both across bioeconomic sectors and EU Member States. The results indicate six clusters of EU member countries with homogeneous bioeconomy structures. Within cluster statistical tests reveal a high tendency toward 'backward orientation' or demand driven wealth generation, whilst inter-cluster statistical comparisons across each bio-based sector show only a moderate degree of heterogeneous BL wealth generation and, with the exception of only two sectors, a uniformly homogeneous degree of FL wealth generation. With the exception of forestry, fishing and wood activities, bio-based employment generation prospects are below non bioeconomy activities. Finally, milk and dairy are established as 'key sectors'.JRC.J.4-Agriculture and Life Sciences in the Econom

    Preferencias hacia el origen de un alimento étnico y la influencia de variables psicográficas

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    En los últimos años, el conocimiento y consumo de comidas y/o alimentos étnicos se ha difundido en el ámbito nacional. Diversos factores, entre los que destaca la inmigración, han sido decisivos en su comercialización. El mantener las costumbres alimentarias de su país de origen hace que los inmigrantes conformen segmentos de consumidores que generan una demanda específica en el mercado. Mediante un experimento de elección, se investigan las preferencias de los consumidores latinoamericanos con respecto a un alimento esencial en sus dietas, la harina de maíz. Para permitir que las preferencias puedan diferir entre individuos, se estima un modelo logit mixto. Entre las posibles fuentes explicativas de la heterogeneidad de preferencias, se contrasta la influencia de factores psicográficos, tales como los valores personales, la fobia a los alimentos nuevos y el etnocentrismo del consumidor. Así, se ha encontrado que los consumidores más neo-fóbicos y los más orientados hacia el desarrollo personal, tienden a ser más sensibles a variaciones en el precio; y los más etnocentristas manifiestan mayor preferencia hacia la harina de su país de origen.Experimento de elección, logit mixto, consumidores latinoamericanos, alimentos étnicos, características psicográficas., Agricultural and Food Policy, Q13, M31.,

    Exploring alternative approaches to estimate the impact of non-tariff measures and further implementation in simulation models

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    This report generates estimates for the effect of non-tariff measures (NTMs) on trade unit values. Adding to the latest development of the NTM analysis, we account for different types of NTMs for pairs of countries/regions. Our estimates thus provide new insights about the bilaterally distinct effect of specific NTMs. This is particularly interesting for policy makers that like to know which types of measures are relevant for trade from or to specific countries/regions and whether they are trade-hampering or trade-facilitating. We elaborate on the estimation of the price effect (measured in trade unit values) vis-à-vis the standard gravity on trade quantities (measured in trade value). A panel dataset (2012-2015) using the last releases of trade unit values (Berthou & Emlinger, 2011) and UNCTAD NTMs global database is built, and alternative approaches to account for the distinct bilateral impact are tested on beef, white meat (poultry) and milk. The focus is on trade between the EU member states and relevant regions with which the EU is negotiating or has just completed trade agreements: MERCOSUR, ASEAN, Japan and New Zealand. In this report, we do not implement the specific Ad-valorem equivalents (AVE) estimates for NTMs in a simulation model but rather provide a literature review that elaborates on the different approaches to depict NTMs in simulation models. The next step would be the application of the AVEs estimated in a simulation model in order to gauge the economy-wide effects of the respective NTMs under review.JRC.D.4-Economics of Agricultur