17,515 research outputs found

    Neutrino Masses and GUT Baryogenesis

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    We reconsider the GUT-baryogenesis mechanism for generating the baryon asymmetry of the Universe. The baryon asymmetry is produced by the out of equilibrium decay of coloured Higgs bosons at the GUT scale, conserving B-L. If neutrinos are Majorana particles, lepton number violating interactions erase the lepton number excess, but part of the baryon asymmetry may be preserved, provided those interactions are not in thermal equilibrium when the sphaleron processes become effective, at T1012 GeVT \sim 10^{12}~ GeV. We analyse whether this mechanism for baryogenesis is feasible in a variety of GUT models of fermion masses proposed in the literature, based on horizontal symmetries.Comment: Talk presented at AHEP2003, Valencia, Spain, October 200

    Near-Field Radio Holography of Large Reflector Antennas

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    We summarise the mathematical foundation of the holographic method of measuring the reflector profile of an antenna or radio telescope. In particular, we treat the case, where the signal source is located at a finite distance from the antenna under test, necessitating the inclusion of the so-called Fresnel field terms in the radiation integrals. We assume a ``full phase'' system with reference receiver to provide the reference phase. We describe in some detail the hardware and software implementation of the system used for the holographic measurement of the 12m ALMA prototype submillimeter antennas. We include a description of the practicalities of a measurement and surface setting. The results for both the VertexRSI and AEC (Alcatel-EIE-Consortium) prototype ALMA antennas are presented.Comment: 14 pages, 14 figures, to appear in IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, Vol. 49, No. 5, October 2007. Version 2 includes nice mug-shots of the author

    Simplified Metrics Calculation for Soft Bit Detection in DVB-T2

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    The constellation rotation and cyclic quadrature component delay (RQD) technique has been adopted in the second generation terrestrial digital video broadcasting (DVB-T2) standard. It improves the system performance under severe propagation conditions, but introduces serious complexity problems in the hardware implementation of the detection process. In this paper, we present a simplified scheme that greatly reduces the complexity of the demapper by simplifying the soft bit metrics computation having a negligible overall system performance loss

    High Gain Amplifier with Enhanced Cascoded Compensation

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    A two-stage CMOS operational amplifier with both, gain-boosting and indirect current feedback frequency compensation performed by means of regulated cascode amplifiers, is presented. By using quasi-floating-gate transistors (QFGT) the supply requirements, the number of capacitors and the size of the compensation capacitors respect to other Miller schemes are reduced. A prototype was fabricated using a 0.5 μm technology, resulting, for a load of 45 pF and supply voltage of 1.65 V, in open-loop-gain of 129 dB, 23 MHz of gain-bandwidth product, 60o phase margin, 675 μW power consumption and 1% settling time of 28 ns

    National Incentive Programs for CSP – Lessons Learned

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    AbstractAcknowledging that Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) stands out among other renewable technologies for technical features such as dispatchability - through storage and hybridization - and its potential for higher macroeconomic impact on the local economy, national and regional governments have set up incentive programs to promote the development of large scale solar thermal plants in recent years. These support mechanisms have largely contributed to the rapid growth of the global market since 2007. While Spain and USA remain leaders, representing most of the current ∼2.5 GW in operation, other countries have emerged within a short time as very ambitious players.In our research, we reviewed some of the most relevant national incentive programs introduced worldwide: Spain, India, South Africa, Morocco and Australia. The paper will give an overview of the mechanics of the different markets, covering key aspects such as: capacity allocation, phases and timelines, qualification criteria, technical and financial requirements, local content requirements, etc, and how these elements affected competition, tariffs and the global outcome of the programs.The lessons learned from the analysis constitute a useful set of guidelines for policy makers and developers, and could contribute to the design of future effective support mechanisms that will pave the way for the further uptake of CSP technologies.The research presented in the paper has been undertaken in the framework of a technical assistance to the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy of India on the preparation of the Utility Scale Concentrated Solar Power Program

    Ultra Low-Power Analog Median Filters

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    The design and implementation of three analog median filter topologies, whose transistors operate in the deep weak-inversion region, is described. The first topology is a differential pairs array, in which drain currents are driven into two nodes in a differential fashion, while the second topology is based on a wide range OTA, which is used to maximize the dynamic range. Finally, the third topology uses three range-extended OTAs. The proposed weak-inversion filters were designed and fabricated in ON Semiconductor 0.5 micrometer technology through MOSIS. Experimental results of three-input fabricated prototypes for all three topologies are show, where power consumptions of 90nW in the first case, and 270nW in the other two cases can be noticed. A dual power supply +/-1.5 Volts were used

    1.5V fully programmable CMOS Membership Function Generator Circuit with proportional DC-voltage control

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    A Membership Function Generator Circuit (MFGC) with bias supply of 1.5 Volts and independent DC-voltage programmable functionalities is presented. The realization is based on a programmable differential current mirror and three compact voltage-to-current converters, allowing continuous and quasi-linear adjustment of the center position, height, width and slopes of the triangular/trapezoidal output waveforms. HSPICE simulation results of the proposed circuit using the parameters of a double-poly, three metal layers, 0.5 μm CMOS technology validate the functionality of the proposed architecture, which exhibits a maximum deviation of the linearity in the programmability of 7 %

    High spatial resolution and high contrast optical speckle imaging with FASTCAM at the ORM

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    In this paper, we present an original observational approach, which combines, for the first time, traditional speckle imaging with image post-processing to obtain in the optical domain diffraction-limited images with high contrast (1e-5) within 0.5 to 2 arcseconds around a bright star. The post-processing step is based on wavelet filtering an has analogy with edge enhancement and high-pass filtering. Our I-band on-sky results with the 2.5-m Nordic Telescope (NOT) and the lucky imaging instrument FASTCAM show that we are able to detect L-type brown dwarf companions around a solar-type star with a contrast DI~12 at 2" and with no use of any coronographic capability, which greatly simplifies the instrumental and hardware approach. This object has been detected from the ground in J and H bands so far only with AO-assisted 8-10 m class telescopes (Gemini, Keck), although more recently detected with small-class telescopes in the K band. Discussing the advantage and disadvantage of the optical regime for the detection of faint intrinsic fluxes close to bright stars, we develop some perspectives for other fields, including the study of dense cores in globular clusters. To the best of our knowledge this is the first time that high contrast considerations are included in optical speckle imaging approach.Comment: Proceedings of SPIE conference - Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy III (Conference 7735), San Diego 201