744 research outputs found

    High magnification crack-tip field characterisation under biaxial conditions

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    This work presents a novel methodology for characterising fatigue cracks under biaxial conditions.The methodology uses high magnification Digital Image Correlation (DIC) technique for measuringdisplacement and strain crack-tip fields. By applying micro-speckle pattern on the metal surface it is possible toachieve high magnification for DIC technique. The speckles were created by electro-spray technique. Thevalidity of this novel technique is demonstrated by direct comparison with standard extensometermeasurements, under tension-compression and torsion conditions. In order to image the correct region, thenotch effect on the fatigue life was also evaluated

    Study of the stress intensity factors in the bulk of the material with synchrotron diffraction

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    ArtĂ­culo de Proceedings de Congreso Internacional Fatigue2017In this work we present the results of a hybrid experimental and analytical approach for estimating the stress intensity factor. It uses the elastic strains within the bulk obtained by synchrotron X-ray diffraction data. The stress intensity factor is calculated using a multi-point overdeterministic method where the number of experimental data points is higher than the number of unknowns describing the elastic field surrounding the crack-tip. The tool is tested on X-ray strain measurements collected on a bainitic steel. In contrast to surface techniques the approach provides insights into the crack tip mechanics deep within the sample.Universidad de MĂĄlaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional AndalucĂ­a Tech. The authors are grateful to the ESRF for ID15 beamtime awarded under MA-1483. Financial support of Universidad de Malaga through Plan Propio, Junta de AndalucĂ­a through Proyectos de Excelencia grant reference TEP-3244, Campus de Excelencia Internacional del Mar (CEIMAR) and Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad through grant reference MAT2016-76951-C2-2-P is also acknowledged. PJW acknowledges an ERC advanced grant

    2D mapping of plane stress crack-tip fields following an overload

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    The evolution of crack-tip strain fields in a thin (plane stress) compact tension sample following an overload (OL) event has been studied using two different experimental techniques. Surface behaviour has been characterised by Digital Image Correlation (DIC), while the bulk behaviour has been characterised by means of synchrotron X-ray diffraction (XRD). The combination of both surface and bulk information allowed us to visualise the through-thickness evolution of the strain fields before the OL event, during the overload event, just after OL and at various stages after it. Unlike previous work, complete 2D maps of strains around the crack-tip were acquired at 60m spatial resolution by XRD. The DIC shows less crack opening after overload and the XRD a lower crack-tip peak stress after OL until the crack has grown past the compressive crack-tip residual stress introduced by the overload after which the behaviour returned to that for the baseline fatigue response. While the peak crack-tip stress is supressed by the compressive residual stress, the crack-tip stress field changes over each cycle are nevertheless the same for all Kmax cycles except at OL

    Study of overload effects in bainitic steel by synchrotron X-ray diffraction

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    This work presents an in-situ characterisation of crack-tip strain fields following an overload bymeans of synchrotron X-ray diffraction. The study is made on very fine grained bainitic steel, thus allowing avery high resolution so that small changes occurring around the crack-tip were captured along the crack plane atthe mid-thickness of the specimen. We have followed the crack as it grew through the overload location. Oncethe crack-tip has progressed past the overload event there is strong evidence that the crack faces contact in theregion of the overload event (though not in the immediate vicinity of the current locations of the crack tip) atKmin even when the crack has travelled 1mm beyond the overload location. It was also found that at Kmax thepeak tensile strain ahead of the crack-tip decreases soon after the overload is applied and then graduallyrecovers as the crack grows past the compressive region created by the overload

    Some experimental observations of crack-tip mechanics with displacement data

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    In the past two decades, crack-tip mechanics has been increasingly studied with full-field techniques. Within these techniques, Digital Image Correlation (DIC) has been most widely used due to its many advantages, to extract important crack-tip information, including Stress Intensity Factor (SIF), Crack Opening Displacement, J-integral, T-stress, closure level, plastic zone size, etc. However, little information is given in the literature about the experimental setup that provides best estimations for the different parameters.The current work aims at understanding how the experimental conditions used in DIC influence the crack-tipinformation extracted experimentally. The influence of parameters such as magnification factor, size of theimages, position of the images with respect the crack-tip and size of the subset used in the correlation is studied. The influence is studied in terms of SIF and T-stress by using Williams’ model. The concept of  determination of  the K-dominance zone from experimental data has also explored. In this regard, cyclic loading on a fatigue crack in a compact tension (CT) specimen, made of aluminium 2024-T351 alloy, has been applied and the surface deformation ahead of the crack tip has been examined. The comparison between theoretical and experimental values of KI showed that the effect of subset size on the measured KI is negligible compared to the effect of size of the image
