5,762 research outputs found

    Main Philanthropy Trends in Latin America

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    During the last decade a new philanthropy has emerged. One that is more organized, composed of private and corporate foundations, institutions of international cooperation, religious entities and social organizations has raised both the promotion and channeling of donations.What are the characteristics of this new philanthropy? What are the main trends in the regions? With these questions in mind, the AVINA Foundation in partnership with the Office of Outreach and Parternships of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) created the Latin American Donor Index. This Index includes data on major donors in Latin America. Through the use of an annual update, donors are consulted about where the funds are allocated in the region and which fields are the main fields of action.The Latin America Donors Index enables donors to know the current trends in philanthropy in the region, and generates relevant information for social organizations in need of funding, to attract donors

    Price and Cost Impacts of Concentration in Food Manufacturing Revisited

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    This study estimates the elasticities of wholesale food prices, cost efficiency, and market power with respect to industrial concentration in 35 food processing industries, modifying the model of Lopez, Azzam, and Lirón-España (2002). In contrast to the results of their earlier analysis, findings of this study indicate that further increases in concentration would result in significant processing cost savings (and Lerner index increases) in nearly all industries and that output prices would decline in nearly 50% of the industries, although significantly so in only 20% of them. As industrial concentration rises, price declines occur in industries with low levels of concentration while price increases occur in highly concentrated industries.cost efficiency, food prices, food processing, industrial concentration, market power, Marketing, Production Economics, Productivity Analysis,

    When is Concentration Beneficial?

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    This paper separates market power and efficiency effects of concentration in a sample of 255 U.S. manufacturing industries and computes welfare changes from rises in concentration. The empirical findings reveal that in nearly two-third of the cases, consumers lose as efficiency gains are generally pocketed by the industries. From an aggregate welfare standpoint, concentration is found to be beneficial in nearly 70% of the cases, mostly for low and moderate levels of concentration being particularly against the public interest in highly concentrated markets. Overall, the results support the existing U.S. Federal Trade Commission guidelines for approval of mergers.concentration, marked power, efficiency, manufacturing, Industrial Organization,

    Evolucion demografica y demanda de viviendas en Galicia.

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar los efectos que sobre la demanda de viviendas tendra la evolucion de la poblacion gallega en el periodo 1991 - 2026, mediante estimaciones y previsiones sobre flujos de formacion y desaparicion de hogares. Para la determinacion de necesidades de viviendas principales asociadas a este proceso se plantean diferentes escenarios alternativos en funcion, entre otros factores, del grado de reutilizacion de las viviendas que quedan libres como consecuencia de la desaparicion de hogares constituidos en el pasado y del destino de las viviendas de nueva construccion.

    Microbial profiling of a suppressiveness-induced agricultural soil amended with composted almond shells lead to isolation of new biocontrol agents

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    Vida et al., 2016. Microbial profiling of a suppressiveness-induced agricultural soil amended with composted almond shells lead to isolation of new biocontrol agents. Biological and integrated control of plant pathogens IOBC-WPRS Bulletin Vol. 117, 2016 pp. 140-143This study focused on the microbial profile present in an agricultural soil that becomes suppressive after the application of composted almond shells (AS) as organic amendments. The role of microbes in the suppression of Rosellinia necatrix, the causative agent of avocado white root rot, was determined after heat-treatment and complementation experiments with different types of soil. Bacterial and fungal profiles based on the 16S rRNA gene and ITS sequencing, the soil under the influence of composted almond shells revealed an increase in Proteobacteria and Ascomycota groups, as well as a reduction in Acidobacteria and Xylariales (where R. necatrix is allocated). Complementary to these findings, functional analysis by GeoChip 4.6 confirmed the improvement of a group of specific probes included in the “soil benefit” category was present only in AS-amended soils, corresponding to specific microorganisms previously described as potential biocontrol agents, such as Pseudomonas spp., Burkholderia spp. or Actinobacteria. Based in such data, a model for the microbial-based suppressiveness is proposed and further isolation of representative microorganisms were performed.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    New Technology for Old Models: Can Dioramas Resonate with a Modern Audience?

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    This thesis uses visitor studies from the Rochester Museum & Science Center (RMSC) to investigate whether dioramas are still a useful, resonant tool for visitor engagement and if they do fulfill this purpose, how do they do so. The case study is the newly revamped diorama Rochester in 1838: Young Lion of the West at the RMSC. This diorama, a 70-year-old model, has been mixed with modern Virtual Reality (VR) technology to create an experience that will provide the visitor with a new perspective on an old model. As context, this thesis uses the history of the diorama to show the evolution of exhibition in museums. It also discusses the literature about how VR technology engages contemporary audiences. In addition to visitor observation and surveys, this thesis also includes insights from an interview of an artist and the restorer of the RMSC’s diorama. By comparing the artist’s intentions to visitors’ responses and lastly the museums expectations, this thesis will develop conclusions about the potential for the ongoing relevance of dioramas in museums. The visitor studies conducted for this thesis will also yield useful information to the RMSC for the development of a new VR vignette for the Rochester in 1838: Young Lion of the West diorama