19 research outputs found

    Genetic and ecological outcomes of Inga vera subsp. affinis (leguminosae) tree plantations in a fragmented tropical landscape

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    Planting of native trees for habitat restoration is a widespread practice, but the consequences for the retention and transmission of genetic diversity in planted and natural populations are unclear. Using Inga vera subsp. affinis as a model species, we genotyped five natural and five planted populations in the Atlantic forest of northeastern Brazil at polymorphic microsatellite loci. We studied the breeding system and population structure to test how much genetic diversity is retained in planted relative to natural populations. We then genotyped seedlings from these populations to test whether genetic diversity in planted populations is restored by outcrossing to natural populations of I. vera. The breeding system of natural I. vera populations was confirmed to be highly outcrossing (t = 0.92; FIS = -0.061, P = 0.04), with populations showing weak population substructure (FST = 0.028). Genetic diversity in planted populations was 50% less than that of natural populations (planted: AR = 14.9, HO = 0.865 and natural: AR = 30.8, HO = 0.655). However, seedlings from planted populations showed a 30% higher allelic richness relative to their parents (seedlings AR = 10.5, parents AR = 7.6). Understanding the processes and interactions that shape this system are necessary to provide ecologically sensible goals and successfully restore hyper-fragmented habitats. Future restoration plans for I. vera must consider the genetic diversity of planted populations and the potential for gene flow between natural populations in the landscape, in order to preserve ecological interactions (i.e. pollination), and promote opportunities for outcrossing

    All about neosporosis in Brazil

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    Feeding Infants With Cleft Lip and/or Palate in Brazil: Suggestions to Improve Health Policy and Research

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    Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Objective: To verify feeding resources used prior to corrective surgery among cleft babies from Brazil and to discuss suggestions to improve common feeding problems around the world. Design: Cross-sectional descriptive study conducted at eight medical centers. Participants: A total of 215 parents or guardians of cleft children. Methods: Interview based upon a prevalidated questionnaire. The chi-square test and comparison of means by analysis of variance were used; significance level adopted was 5% (P < .05). Results: Feeding guidelines were provided in the maternity unit to 53% of the families. Breastfeeding was encouraged among 80% of mothers, predominantly in the South (P = .016). However, follow-up after maternity discharge was not appropriately carried out and failure to breast-feed occurred in 78% of families. The feeding tube was used in 21%. According to families, for those who used the ordinary nipple, it was considered the best option by the majority (29%). Conclusion: Neonatal feeding in cleft babies is a global challenge. Reports about the difficulties encountered and successful experiences would be helpful to disseminate strategies and stimulate research directed at the large-scale applicability of neonatal feeding for cleft babies on public health. This study detected the need to increase professional training and emphasizes the need for public policies addressing neonatal referral to specialized care wherever possible. It also stimulates research into using an ordinary nipple as another resource for feeding cleft babies and suggests an international discussion about specific recommendations for humanized primary health care.505577590Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Os grupos na atenção básica de saúde de Porto Alegre: usos e modos de intervenção terapêutica Groups in basic health attention in Porto Alegre: uses and forms of therapeutic intervention

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    Esse artigo trata dos grupos como modalidade assistencial utilizada pelos serviços de atenção básica de saúde. Oficinas, grupos de educação em saúde e palestras constituem atividades diferenciadas em relação aos demais atendimentos tradicionais. O estudo que subsidia essa discussão teve como objetivo conhecer o perfil da assistência, sob a forma de grupos, prestada nas unidades que compõem a rede básica de saúde de Porto Alegre. Foram abordados 116 profissionais, de um total de 124 serviços de saúde, entre os quais 96 desenvolviam grupos. Evidenciou-se que os mesmos têm relevância terapêutica por favorecerem a troca de informações e o aprendizado sobre aspectos relacionados à saúde/doença. Constituem práticas inclusivas, capazes de vincular os usuários aos serviços e de reformular o modelo assistencial vigente. Assim, constatou-se que a compreensão dessas práticas remete a sua dimensão de qualificação da assistência coletiva e também a uma dimensão estratégica de compensação de atendimento às crescentes demandas de saúde.<br>This article deals with groups as an assistential modality used by the services of basic health attention. Workshops, health education groups, as well as, lectures are different activities done in relation to other traditional attendances. The study that is behind this discussion had as its main aim to know the profile of assistance, under groups' organization, offered in the Units which make part of the Basic Health Network in Porto Alegre. Within a total of 124 health services, 116 professionals were approached, among them, 96 developed groups. We could verify that the groups have therapeutic relevance because they favor the sharing of information and the learning about aspects which are related to the topic health-sickness. They constitute inclusive practices, which are able to create a link with the users and the service, as well as, to reformulate the existing assistential model. Therefore, it was verified that the understanding of these practices reflects on its dimension of the group assistance qualification and also the strategic dimension of compensation in the attendance of the increasing demand of health