2 research outputs found


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    O granuloma induzido por corpo estranho é um modelo experimental de infamação subcrônica que permite a avaliação do efeito de fármacos sobre o extravasamento vascular (edema) e sobre o infltrado celular. A Nimesulida é um anti-infamatório não esteroidal (AINE) que age por vários mecanismos e é largamente utilizada por sua boa tolerabilidade e comodidade de administração. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verifcar o efeito da Nimesulida sobre o modelo de granuloma induzido por corpo estranho. Camundongos Swiss machos (n=6/grupo) receberam implantes subcutâneos de algodão previamente pesados e esterilizados. O grupo Nimesulida foi tratado com o fármaco na dose de 5mg/kg a cada 12 horas, por via oral, por seis dias. Os animais do grupo Controle receberam igual volume de água estéril e apirogênica por via oral, nos mesmos intervalos e pelo mesmo período. Um dia após o período de tratamento, os animais foram sacrifcados, os implantes de algodão retirados e obtido o peso úmido. Os implantes foram pressionados contra lâminas, posteriormente coradas e utilizadas para a contagem diferencial de células. Após dessecagem por 48 horas em estufa, foi obtido o peso seco. Houve diminuição signifcativa do peso úmido do implante e signifcativa alteração do padrão do infltrado celular do granuloma, com diminuição de neutróflos e aumento de macrófagos nos animais tratados com Nimesulida, que apresentaram um padrão tissular de infamação mais tardia se comparados aos animais do grupo Controle. Assim, o tratamento com Nimesulida modula a resposta infamatória no modelo de granuloma por corpo estranho, podendo nesses casos ser utilizada como controle positivo.Descritores: Inflamação; Granuloma; Nimesulida.Abstract:  The cotton pellet granuloma is a subchronic infammation experimental model that allows to assessing the effect of drugs on the vascular leakage (edema) and on the cell infltrate. Nimesulide is a NSAID that acts by several mechanisms and is widely used for its good tolerability and convenience of administration. This experiment aim was to verify the effect of Nimesulide on cotton pellet granuloma. Swiss male mice separated in two groups (n=6/group) received subcutaneous implants of cotton previously weighed and sterilized and began orally treatment with Nimesulide 5mg/kg at interval of  12 hours for six days. Control group animals received an equal volume of sterile and pyrogen-free water orally at the same interval and for the same period. One day after the treatment, the animals were sacrifced and had the implants removed. The wet weight was obtained and the implants pressed against glass slides, then stained and used for differential cell count. There was a signifcant decrease at the wet weigh and a signifcant change in the pattern of granuloma cellular infltrate, with replacement of neutrophils by macrophages in animal treated with Nimesulide. This group showed a more chronic tissue quality compared to the Control group. Then, treatment with Nimesulide is able to modulate the infammation in foreign body granuloma model and can be used as positive control.Descriptors: Infammation; Granuloma; Nimesulide

    Brazilian Green Propolis: Anti-Inflammatory Property by an Immunomodulatory Activity

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    The immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory activities of green propolis extracts from Apis mellifera were investigated using acute and chronic inflammation models. Swiss mice were anesthetized and a cotton pellet granuloma was implanted in subcutaneous tissue. Then the mice were divided into six groups and received apyrogenic water or different propolis extracts by oral route (5 mg/kg). According to the treatment the groups were designated as E1A, E1B, E10, E11, and E12. The control group received apyrogenic water. The treatment was performed by six days when the mice were killed. The blood and the bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) were collected to measure the leukocyte recruitment. In acute pulmonary inflammation, Balb/c mice received lipopolysaccharide (LPS) of Escherichia coli by intranasal route for three days. Concomitantly the mice received by oral route apyrogenic water (control) or E10 and E11 propolis extracts. BAL was performed to assess the inflammatory infiltrate and cytokine quantification. The results showed that the E11 extract has anti-inflammatory property in both models by the inhibition of proinflammatory cytokines and increase of anti-inflammatory cytokines suggesting an immunomodulatory activity