20 research outputs found
Results of the study of the drug from calcium salts of amino acids (calcium diglycinate, calcium di-L-prolinate) on the model of osteoporosis in animals are described. The test substance was found to have better therapeutic effect in the regeneration of bone tissue in comparison with the drug containing calcium carbonate. The drug containing calcium salts of glycine and L-proline can be used for prevention and treatment of osteoporosis.Описаны результаты исследования лекарственного средства на основе солей аминокислот (кальция диглицинат и кальция ди-L-пролинат) на моделе гипоэстрогенного остеопороза животных. Установлено, что исследуемое средство проявляет лучшее терапевтическое действие на регенерацию костной ткани по сравнению с препаратом на основе кальция карбоната. Лекарственное средство, содержащее кальциевые соли глицина и L-пролина, может быть использовано для профилактики и лечения остеопороза
Синтез N-(4-бром-2-карбоксифенил)-глицина
Preparative methods of synthesis of N-(4-bromo-2-carboxyphenyl)-glycine and monopotassium salt of N-(2- carboxyphenyl)-glycine have been developеd.Осуществлена экспериментальная проверка методик синтеза монокалиевой соли N-(2-карбоксифенил)- глицина, при этом откорректирована методика ее получения на основе о-хлорбензойной кислоты и глицина. Отработаны условия бромирования монокалиевой соли N-(2-карбоксифенил)-глицина с целью получения N-(4-бром-2-карбоксифенил)-глицина. В результате разработаны препаративные методики получения моно- калиевой соли N-(2-карбоксифенил)-глицина и N-(4-бром-2-карбоксифенил)-глицина
Препаративный синтез N-ацетил-3-индолинонов
Compounds that contain an indole cycle in their structure have biological activity and are a source for the development of new medicinal products. N-acetyl-3-indolinones are actively used as incoming substance for their organic synthesis. Preparative methods for the obtaining of N-acetyl-3-indolinones, used as incoming substances for the synthesis of condensed indole derivatives with high therapeutic activity, have been developed. Synthesis of N-acetyl-3-indolinone was performed by deacetylation and cyclization of N-(2-carboxyphenyl) glycine and its 4-bromo-derivative to form N,O-diacetylindoxyls followed by hydrolysis of the obtained compounds to target indolinones. It was established that brominated derivatives have increased stability as compared with the analogues which do not contain bromine on the benzene ring of the indole nucleus, resulting in the increase in the yield of desired products in the reaction.Соединения, содержащие в своей структуре индольный цикл, обладают биологической активностью и являются источником для разработки новых лекарственных средств. Для их органического синтеза активно используются в качестве исходных веществ N-ацетил-3-индолиноны. Разработаны препаративные методики получения N-ацетил-3-индолинонов, применяемых в качестве исходных соединений для синтеза конденсированных производных индола, обладающих высокой терапевтической активностью. Синтез N-ацетил-3-индолинонов осуществляли путем диацетилирования и циклизации N-(2-карбоксифенил)глицина и его 4-бромпроизводного с образованием N,O-диацетилиндоксилов с последующим гидролизом полученных соединений до целевых индолинонов. Установлено, что бромзамещенные производные обладают повышенной стабильностью по сравнению с аналогами, не содержащими брома в бензольном кольце индольного ядра, в результате чего при их использовании в реакции повышается выход целевых продуктов
Stabilized dye laser for crystal electromagnetic calorimeter monitoring
A slow laser output drift stabilization system was described. The system stabilized the light output of a commercial dye laser to the level of 0.3%. The results showed that the use of a stabilized laser light source for monitoring of electromagnetic calorimeter crystals would simplify the monitoring system design. It would also improve the overall monitoring system performance by removing the light output correction term. (Edited abstract) 15 Refs. --- 22 --- A
Stabilized dye Laser for Crystal Electromagnetic Calorimeter Monitoring
An on-line active laser light output stabilization system is developed. The system compensates for slow variations of the laser light output caused by temperature drifts and by the aging of laser elements. The possible application of the stabilization system, as an additional element, to the CMS ECAL light monitoring is discussed
Equipment and methods for rapid analysis of PWO full-sized scintillation crystal radiation hardness during mass production
The mass production of lead tungstate crystals (PWO) for the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) Project at CERN began at the Bogoroditsk Techno- Chemical Plant (BTCP, Tula Region, Russia) in 2000. Mass production technology, developed in recent years, is based on a set of methods and instrumentation for crystal growth and machining, as well as quality control and certification of crystals. One of the most crucial categories of tolerances is the radiation hardness of crystals. Control of the PWO radiation hardness during the mass production phase requires a reliable, easy-to-use measuring tool with high productivity. A semiautomatic spectrometric setup for PWO radiation hardness monitoring was developed and tested at CERN. After final crosschecks, the setup was put into operation at BTCP. (13 refs)
Equipment and methods for rapid analysis of PWO full size scintillation crystals radiation hardness at mass production
This year an extensive R&D on lead tungstate crystals has entered into the pre-production phase at the Bogoroditsk Techno-Chemical Plant (BTCP). Laboratory small-scale PWO crystal growth technology, which has been tuned and optimised over the last years, is transforming now into an industrial technology of mass production. This mass production technology is based on a set of methods and instrumentation for crystal growth, machining, crystal quality control and certification. According to the specification on lead tungstate pre-production crystals, one of the most important categories of tolerance is the radiation hardness. Control of the PWO radiation hardness at the pre-production phase requires reliability and an easy to use measuring tool with a high productivity. A semi- automatic spectrometric setup for PWO radiation hardness monitoring has been developed and tested at the X5 CERN irradiation facility. After final crosschecks the setup was set into operation at the BTCP. Together with several other methods this setup covers a full range of radiation damage phenomena in PWO crystals. (5 refs)