78 research outputs found

    IL14. Core-Hole Initiated Charge Migration with TDDFT

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    Attosecond electron dynamics in molecules underpins a range of important processes such as light harvesting, photochemistry, and ultrafast spectroscopy. Modeling these dynamics from first principles is important for predicting and interpreting ultrafast experiments. In the case of large molecules, however, correlated techniques can be prohibitively expensive. Here, time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT) o↵ers a promising alternative, but limitations in the exchange-correlation functional, especially the adiabatic (local-in-time) approximation limit the accuracy of the results. In this talk, I will present a study demonstrating the validity of TDDFT for core-hole triggered charge migration in nitrosobenzene. Specifically, by initializing the system with an unambiguous initial state (a nitrogen K-edge core-hole), real-time TDDFT with hybrid functionals captures hole migration across the molecule with accuracy comparable to ADC(4) [1]. These results suggest that given an initial state that is a good reflection of a molecule after interaction with a exciting or ionizing pump field, adiabatic TDDFT adequately capures the dynamics. Adam Bruner, Louisiana State University Samuel Hernandez, Louisiana State University Francois Mauger, Louisiana State University Mette Gaarde, Louisiana State University Kenneth Schafer, Louisiana State University Kenneth Lopata, Louisiana State Universit

    Semi-Classical Wavefunction Perspective to High-Harmonic Generation

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    We introduce a semi-classical wavefunction (SCWF) model for strong-field physics and attosecond science. When applied to high harmonic generation (HHG), this formalism allows one to show that the natural time-domain separation of the contribution of ionization, propagation and recollisions to the HHG process leads to a frequency-domain factorization of the harmonic yield into these same contributions, for any choice of atomic or molecular potential. We first derive the factorization from the natural expression of the dipole signal in the temporal domain by using a reference system, as in the quantitative rescattering (QRS) formalism [J. Phys. B. 43, 122001 (2010)]. Alternatively, we show how the trajectory component of the SCWF can be used to express the factorization, which also allows one to attribute individual contributions to the spectrum to the underlying trajectories

    High-harmonic spectroscopy of transient two-center interference calculated with time-dependent density-functional theory

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    We demonstrate high-harmonic spectroscopy in many-electron molecules using time-dependent density-functional theory. We show that a weak attosecond-pulse-train ionization seed that is properly synchronized with the strong driving mid-infrared laser field can produce experimentally relevant high-harmonic generation (HHG) signals, from which we extract both the spectral amplitude and the target-specific phase (group delay). We also show that further processing of the HHG signal can be used to achieve molecular-frame resolution, i.e., to resolve the contributions from rescattering on different sides of an oriented molecule. In this framework, we investigate transient two-center interference in CO2 and OCS, and how subcycle polarization effects shape the oriented/aligned angle-resolved spectra. (C) 2019 Author(s)

    All-Electron, Density Functional-Based Method for Angle-Resolved Tunneling Ionization in the Adiabatic Regime

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    We develop and test a method that integrates many-electron weak-field asymptotic theory (ME-WFAT) [Phys. Rev. A 89, 013421 (2014)] in the integral representation (IR) into the density functional theory (DFT) framework. In particular, we present modifications of the integral formula in the IR ME-WFAT to incorporate the potential terms unique to DFT. By solving an adiabatic rate equation for the angle-resolved ionization yield in our DFT-based ME-WFAT method, we show that the results are in excellent agreement with those of real-time time-dependent density functional theory (RT-TDDFT) simulations for NO, OCS, CH3_3Br, and CH3_3Cl interacting with one- and two- color laser fields with a fundamental wavelength of 800800 nm. This agreement is significant because the WFAT calculations take only a small fraction of the time of full TDDFT calculations. These results suggest that in the wavelength region commonly used in strong-field experiments (800800 nm and longer), our DFT-based WFAT treatment can be used to rapidly screen for the ionization properties of a large number of molecules as a function of alignment or orientation between the molecule and the strong field

    Tracking Charge Migration with Frequency-Matched Strobo-Spectroscopy

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    We present frequency-matched strobo-spectroscopy (FMSS) of charge migration (CM) in bromodiacetylene, simulated with time-dependent density-functional theory. CM+FMSS is a pump-probe scheme that uses a frequency-matched HHG-driving laser as an independent probe step following the creation of a localized hole on the bromine atom that induces CM dynamics. We show that the delay-dependent harmonic yield tracks the phase of the CM dynamics through its sensitivity to the amount of electron density on the bromine end of the molecule. FMSS takes advantage of the intrinsic attosecond time resolution of the HHG process, in which different harmonics are emitted at different times and thus probe different locations of the electron hole. Finally, we show that the CM-induced modulation of the HHG signal is dominated by the recombination step of the HHG process, with negligible contribution from the ionization step

    Capturing Plasmon-Molecule Dynamics in Dye Monolayers on Metal Nanoparticles Using Classical Electrodynamics with Quantum Embedding

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    A multiscale hybrid quantum/classical approach using classical electrodynamics and a collection of discrete three-level quantum systems is used to simulate the coupled dynamics and spectra of a malachite green monolayer adsorbed to the surface of a spherical gold nanoparticle (NP). This method utilizes finite difference time domain (FDTD) to describe the plasmonic response of the NP within the main FDTD framework and a three-level quantum description for the molecule via a Maxwell/Liouville framework. To avoid spurious self-excitation, each quantum molecule has its own auxiliary FDTD subregion embedded within the main FDTD grid. The molecular parameters are determined by fitting the experimental extinction spectrum to Lorentzians, yielding the energies, transition dipole moments, and the dephasing lifetimes. This approach can be potentially applied to modeling thousands of molecules on the surface of a plasmonic NP. In this paper, however, we first present results for two molecules with scaled oscillator strengths to reflect the optical response of a full monolayer. There is good agreement with experimental extinction measurements, predicting the plasmon and molecule depletions. Additionally, this model captures the polariton peaks overlapped with a Fano-type resonance profile observed in the experimental extinction measurements. This technique can be generalized to any nanostructure/multichromophore system, where the molecules can be treated with essentially any quantum method

    Attosecond Charge Migration with TDDFT: Accurate Dynamics from a Well Defined Initial State

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    We investigate the ability of time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT) to capture attosecond valence electron dynamics resulting from sudden X-ray ionization of a core electron. In this special case the initial state can be constructed unambiguously, allowing for a simple test of the accuracy of the dynamics. The response following nitrogen K-edge ionization in nitrosobenzene shows excellent agreement with fourth order algebraic diagrammatic construction (ADC(4)) results, suggesting that a properly chosen initial state allows TDDFT to adequately capture attosecond charge migration. Visualizing hole motion using an electron localization picture (ELF), we provide an intuitive chemical interpretation of the charge migration as a time-dependent superposition of Lewis-dot resonance structures. Coupled with the initial state solution to obtain such dynamics with TDDFT, this chemical picture facilitates interpretation of electron .Non UBCUnreviewedAuthor affiliation: Louisiana State UniversityFacult
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