57 research outputs found

    Global Journalist: Japan's new trade relations with Africa

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    In this October 2, 2003 Global Journalist program, guests discuss Japan effort to make new trade partners in Africa. How could this shift the world trading order and relations? The group also discusses Japan's billion-dollar aid pledge to Africa. Host: Stuart Loory. Guests: Eric Due, Shaowen Lin, Tommy Ngidi (?). Directors: Pat Akers. Producers: Sara Andrea Fajardo, Un Teck Han (?). Web Master: Radha Ravi (?)

    Global Journalist: The Unsettled Clash Between Palestine and Israel

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    On this March 28, 2002 program, journalists discuss how a bombing in Netanya, Israel is connected the growing concerns of religious extremism in the Middle East

    Global Journalist: Reconstruction after the Iraq War

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    This is a Global Journalist conversation from April 17, 2003 between Stuart Loory and journalists on what to expect for the reconstruction process following the end of the war in Iraq. They examine past reconstruction in Afghanistan and Bosnia and determine what should and should not be repeated in Iraq. Host: Stuart Loory. Guests: John Lichfield (Paris), Senad Slatina (Bosnia), Razia Sultana (Pakistan). Producers: Sara Andrea Fajardo, Augustine Pang. Director: Mary Furness

    Global Journalist: Global perception of U.S.'s stance on Iraq War build-up

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    In this February 20, 2003 conversation on the Global Journalist, Stuart Loory interviews several journalists on the relations between the U.S. and Australia, the Netherlands, Japan, and Venezuela concerning the build-up toward the Iraq War. They discuss whether each country supports or opposes the U.S.'s position on the war, as well as internal controversaries occurring in the countries, such as Middle Eastern oil exports. Host: Stuart Loory. Guests: Ben English (Australia), Wendy Bronker (?) (Netherlands), Eric Due (Japan), Andrés Izarra (Venezuela). Producers: Sara Andrea Fajardo. Director: Pat Akers

    Global Journalist: President George W. Bush Addresses U.N. on Iraqi Sanctions

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    On this September 12, 2002 show, host Stuart Loory discusses the one-year anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attack by al-Quaida and then- President George W. Bush's address to the United Nations on bringing sanctions against Iraq and its ruler, Saddam Hussein. Four journalists discuss how the U.N. should deal with Bush's request for sanctions against Iraq. Host: Stuart Loory ; Guests: Semih Idiz, Simon Tisdall, Martin Schram, Bruce Crumley ; Producers: Sarah Fajardo ; Directors: Pat Akers

    Global Journalist: Expectations for 2003 : war on terrorism, nuclear weapons, trade

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    In this conversation from January 2, 2003, Stuart Loory asks several journalists what they expect to be the big stories in 2003. Among their predictions: the war on terrorism, the North Korean nuclear weapons program, politics in Latin America, famine in Africa, and free trade for Latin America and the U.S. Host: Stuart Loory. Guests: Raymond Louw (South Africa), Chon Shi-yong (South Korea), Dan Kirshock (Argentina). Producers: Colleen Stretchura. Director: Pat Akers

    Global Journalist: Mugabe's press crackdown during re-election: President Bush's Asia trip

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    On this February 21, 2002 Global Journalist program, host Stuart Loory speaks with four journalists about the controversial campaign of Zimbabwe's incumbent candidate for president, Robert Mugabe. They also talk about the status of relations between North Korea, South Korea, Japan and the United States following a trip from U.S. President George W. Bush to the Demilitarized Zone on the North-South Korea Border. Host: Stuart Loory. Guests: Michael Zielenziger, Woosuk (Ken) Choi, Basildon Peta, Kurt Shillinger. Director: Mary Furness. Producer: Sarah Andrea Fajardo

    Global Journalist: Iraqi elections

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    In this January 27, 2005 program of the Global Journalist, host Stuart Loory talks to three journalists, Dahr Jamil in Baghdad, Maggy Zanger in Tucson, and Marty Schram in Washington about whether the upcoming elections in war-torn Iraq will lead the country to develop a democracy

    Global Journalist: Unrest in Israel

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    In this October 28, 2004 program, host Stuart Loory discusses the implications of the Israeli Knesset's approval of a plan to withdraw from the Gaza Strip, and the reportedly serious illness of Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat on peace talks in the region

    Global Journalist: Prospects for George Bush’s second term and Middle East peace

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    In this November 4, 2004 episode of Global Journalist, Stuart Loory and political correspondents from around the world discuss foreign attitudes regarding the re-election of President George Bush. Also, Loory speaks with journalists in Japan and London about troop involvement in the Middle East
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