2 research outputs found

    Dise帽o de un filtro anaerobio de flujo ascendente para el tratamiento de aguas residuales

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    The Anaerobic Upflow Filter (FAFA) is a fixed biofilm wastewater treatment system for the removal of organic matter under anaerobic conditions, originating the filtration of wastewater in Salford, England in 1893, where the wastewater is debugged when using gravity runoff filters, however, it was not started experimenting with anaerobic filters until 1940. This work aims to generate a bibliographic review document, which can contribute information to future research with emphasis on factors that affect the anaerobic digestion process and which must be taken into account when designing a FAFA. The study carried out in this research shows that FAFA has biochemical aspects for the degradation of organic matter, as well as factors that affect the performance of the system which are similar to RAFA. Keywords: anaerobic digestion, filter design, anaerobic upflow filter, FAFA, wastewater treatment.El filtro anaerobio de flujo ascendente (FAFA) es un sistema de tratamiento de aguas residuales con biopel铆cula fija para la remoci贸n de materia org谩nica en condiciones anaerobias, teniendo origen la filtraci贸n de las aguas residuales en Salford, Inglaterra en 1893, donde las aguas residuales se depuraban al emplear filtros de escurrimiento por gravedad, sin embargo, no se comenz贸 a experimentar con filtros anaerobios hasta 1940. Este trabajo tiene como finalidad el generar un documento de revisi贸n bibliogr谩fica, el cual pueda aportar informaci贸n a futuras investigaciones con 茅nfasis en factores que afecten el proceso de la digesti贸n anaerobia y el cual se deben tener en cuenta al momento de realizar el dise帽o de un FAFA. EL estudio realizado en esta investigaci贸n demuestra que el FAFA posee aspectos bioqu铆micos para la degradaci贸n de la materia org谩nica, as铆 como factores que afectan en el desempe帽o del sistema los cuales son similares al RAFA. Palabras clave: digesti贸n anaerobia, dise帽o de filtro, filtro anaerobio de flujo ascendente, FAFA, tratamiento de aguas residuales. Abstract The Anaerobic Upflow Filter (FAFA) is a fixed biofilm wastewater treatment system for the removal of organic matter under anaerobic conditions, originating the filtration of wastewater in Salford, England in 1893, where the wastewater is debugged when using gravity runoff filters, however, it was not started experimenting with anaerobic filters until 1940. This work aims to generate a bibliographic review document, which can contribute information to future research with emphasis on factors that affect the anaerobic digestion process and which must be taken into account when designing a FAFA. The study carried out in this research shows that FAFA has biochemical aspects for the degradation of organic matter, as well as factors that affect the performance of the system which are similar to RAFA. Keywords: anaerobic digestion, filter design, anaerobic upflow filter, FAFA, wastewater treatment. Informaci贸n del manuscrito:Fecha de recepci贸n: 15 de septiembre de 2022.Fecha de aceptaci贸n: 07 de noviembre de 2022.Fecha de publicaci贸n: 23 de noviembre de 2022