1,540 research outputs found

    2MASS J06164006-6407194: The First Outer Halo L Subdwarf

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    We present the serendipitous discovery of an L subdwarf, 2MASS J06164006-6407194, in a search of the Two Micron All Sky Survey for T dwarfs. Its spectrum exhibits features indicative of both a cool and metal poor atmosphere including a heavily pressured-broadened K I resonant doublet, Cs I and Rb I lines, molecular bands of CaH, TiO, CrH, FeH, and H2O, and enhanced collision induced absorption of H2. We assign 2MASS 0616-6407 a spectral type of sdL5 based on a comparison of its red optical spectrum to that of near solar-metallicity L dwarfs. Its high proper motion (mu =1.405+-0.008 arcsec yr-1), large radial velocity (Vrad = 454+-15 km s-1), estimated uvw velocities (94, -573, 125) km s-1 and Galactic orbit with an apogalacticon at ~29 kpc are indicative of membership in the outer halo making 2MASS 0616-6407 the first ultracool member of this population.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    A model of the secondary radiation belt

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    Products of nuclear reactions between primary radiation belt protons and constituents of the tenuous upper atmosphere form a collocated secondary radiation belt. A calculation of the time-dependent secondary intensity provides a model specification of this environmental component for low- and medium-altitude satellite orbits. It is based on an earlier model of the radiation belt protons, the novel feature being a determination of the secondary source function from nuclear reaction cross sections. All long-lived secondary products are included, isotopes of H and He being dominant while the heavier Li to O isotopes are present at relatively low levels. Secondary protons are shown to be a minor correction to the primary radiation belt

    Update on Radiation Dose From Galactic and Solar Protons at the Moon Using the LRO/CRaTER Microdosimeter

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    The NASA Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) has been exploring the lunar surface and radiation environment since June 2009. In Mazur et al. [2011] we discussed the first 6 months of mission data from a microdosimeter that is housed within the Cosmic Ray Telescope for the Effects of Radiation (CRaTER) instrument onboard LRO. The CRaTER microdosimeter is an early version of what is now a commercially available hybrid that accurately measures total ionizing radiation dose in a silicon target (http://www.teledynemicro.com/product/radiation-dosimeter). This brief report updates the transition from a deep solar minimum radiation environment to the current weak solar maximum as witnessed with the microdosimeter

    New measurements of total ionizing dose in the lunar environment

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    [1] We report new measurements of solar minimum ionizing radiation dose at the Moon onboard the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) from June 2009 through May 2010. The Cosmic Ray Telescope for the Effects of Radiation (CRaTER) instrument on LRO houses a compact and highly precise microdosimeter whose design allows measurements of dose rates below 1 micro-Rad per second in silicon achieved with minimal resources (20 g, ∼250 milliwatts, and ∼3 bits/second). We envision the use of such a small yet accurate dosimeter in many future spaceflight applications where volume, mass, and power are highly constrained. As this was the first operation of the microdosimeter in a space environment, the goal of this study is to verify its response by using simultaneous measurements of the galactic cosmic ray ionizing environment at LRO, at L1, and with other concurrent dosimeter measurements and model predictions. The microdosimeter measured the same short timescale modulations in the galactic cosmic rays as the other independent measurements, thus verifying its response to a known source of minimum-ionizing particles. The total dose for the LRO mission over the first 333 days was only 12.2 Rads behind ∼130 mils of aluminum because of the delayed rise of solar activity in solar cycle 24 and the corresponding lack of intense solar energetic particle events. The dose rate in a 50 km lunar orbit was about 30 percent lower than the interplanetary rate, as one would expect from lunar obstruction of the visible sky

    Discovery of a High Proper Motion L Dwarf Binary: 2MASS J15200224-4422419AB

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    We report the discovery of the wide L1.5+L4.5 binary 2MASS J15200224-4422419AB, identified during spectroscopic followup of high proper motion sources selected from the Two Micron All Sky Survey. This source was independently identified by Kendall et al. in the SuperCOSMOS Sky Survey. Resolved JHK photometry and low resolution near-infrared spectroscopy demonstrate that this system is composed of two well-separated (1"174+/-0"016) L dwarfs. Component classifications are derived using both spectral ratios and comparison to near-infrared spectra of previously classified field L dwarfs. Physical association for the pair is deduced from the large (mu = 0"73+/-0"03 /yr) common proper motion of the components and their similar spectrophotometric distances (19+/-2 pc). The projected separation of the binary, 22+/-2 AU, is consistent with maximum separation/total system mass trends for very low mass binaries. The 2MASS J1520-4422 system exhibits both large tangential (66+/-7 km/s) and radial velocities (-70+/-18 km/s), and its motion in the local standard of rest suggests that it is an old member of the Galactic disk population. This system joins a growing list of well-separated (>0"5), very low mass binaries, and is an excellent target for resolved optical spectroscopy to constrain its age as well as trace activity/rotation trends near the hydrogen-burning limit.Comment: 35 pages, 8 figures; accepted for publication to ApJ; see also Kendall et al. astro-ph/060939

    Radiation risks from large solar energetic particle events

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    Solar energetic particles (SEPs) constitute a radiation hazard to both humans and hardware in space. Over the past few years there have been significant advances in our knowledge of the composition and energy spectra of SEP events, leading to new insights into the conditions that contribute to the largest events. This paper summarizes the energy spectra and frequency of large SEP events, and discusses the interplanetary conditions that affect the intensity of the largest events

    Modulation of Jovian electrons at 1 AU during solar cycles 22-23

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    We report here, on the observation of Jovian electrons during the time period 1992 to 2002, using instruments on board SAMPEX and IMP8 at 1 AU. The Jovian electron flux diminished greatly from early 1996 to the end of 1997 and recovered subsequently and was observed till the end of 2001. The decrease in the Jovian flux was seen in three distinct instruments lasting for about two Jovian synodic periods. Such a dramatic and persistent decrease has not been observed before. The observed decrease could be due to changes at the source or variations in interplanetary conditions affecting transport of these particles. The latter may be solar cycle dependent as in the heliospheric modulation of cosmic rays. Long-term measurements from IMP8 suggest that solar cycle related propagation effects may not be responsible for the observed decrease. We suggest that either a change in the Jovian source strength or a softening of the Jovian electron energy spectrum produced the observed attenuation

    Jovian, Solar, and other Possible Sources of Radiation Belt Particles

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    It is well known that electrons, protons, and heavier ions can be accelerated to high energies (≳1 MeV) throughout the solar system by a variety of mechanisms. We review several of the sources of energetic ions and electrons that can produce enhanced fluxes of particles near the Earth's orbit. Solar energetic particles and particles accelerated at interplanetary shock waves are considered. We also review the properties and potential terrestrial influence of Jovian electrons. Recent measurements from the SAMPEX spacecraft in low-Earth orbit are examined to look for extraterrestrial sources of electrons and ions. We find clear evidence of both solar and Jovian electrons at high latitudes and at high altitudes around the Earth, but the durably trapped outer zone electron population seems best and most completely explained by an internal acceleration mechanism

    The radiation environment near the lunar surface: CRaTER observations and Geant4 simulations

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    [1] At the start of the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter mission in 2009, its Cosmic Ray Telescope for the Effects of Radiation instrument measured the radiation environment near the Moon during the recent deep solar minimum, when galactic cosmic rays (GCRs) were at the highest level observed during the space age. We present observations that show the combined effects of GCR primaries, secondary particles (“albedo”) created by the interaction of GCRs with the lunar surface, and the interactions of these particles in the shielding material overlying the silicon solid-state detectors of the Cosmic Ray Telescope for the Effects of Radiation. We use Geant4 to model the energy and angular distribution of the albedo particles, and to model the response of the sensor to the various particle species reaching the 50 kilometer altitude of the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter. Using simulations to gain insight into the observations, we are able to present preliminary energy-deposit spectra for evaluation of the radiation environment\u27s effects on other sensitive materials, whether biological or electronic, that would be exposed to a similar near-lunar environment