5 research outputs found

    Manajemen Laba dalam Persepsi Etis Akuntan di Jawa Timur

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    The result of this research shows that the perception among accountants of all groups considering the earnings management ct don't have any significant difference. Only two of that s*factor was had any influence to the perception of the accountants considering the manajemen laba act. Consistency to GAAP and materiality is the only factors that shows some significant influence

    Memorizing Bible Verses with the Association Method of Quantum Learning in Sunday School

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    In the world of teaching, it takes a variety of creativity, so that students benefit from the learning process. The same thing happened in the Sunday School class held by the church. The core material is certainly from the Bible. This includes memorizing Bible verses from certain parts. Students are required to memorize the verses. Many face failure in the memorization process. They have difficulty remembering the verses. However, there is still an interesting method to make it easier for children to memorize Bible verses, namely by association methods found in quantum learning. The problem is whether the Sunday school teachers understood this association method? With descriptive research methods have found a solution that in the process of memorizing with this association method, can increase the number of verses memorized. This can be shown from the results of evaluations that have been carried out, there is an increase in the number of memorized verses that can be memorized by Sunday school students, which increases to 20 words or about 4%

    Enganging Secularization with Expository Preaching

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            This research trying to see the phenomenon of secularization that is dominating the world. Some people argue that secularization is  dangerous for the Christian faith while some say that it is just the opposite that secularization is necessary. What is developing now is that secularization becomes a movement in personal thought. Some experts distinguish between secularization and secularism. Secularism is a kind of ideology that remove everything supernatural defining ones life. Secularism refers to the fact that religion has lost influence on the societal, the institutional and the individual levels.  Preaching is a main part of church to educate the congregation about God, what His will and also supernatural being. Expository preaching is the method of teaching scripture. There are many other ways to preach a sermon that are beneficial to a congregation. However, that these other forms of preaching should never replace expository preaching in the life of the church. Solid expository preaching brings scripture to life. It connects the meaning of the passage to the life of the hearer, helping them to apply what they've heard to their specific life situations. This is the way to maintain people from leaving God and supernatural being in modern human life

    Does Pancasila Support Religious Pluralism in Indonesia in Postmodern Era

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    Since Indonesia is also one of the most diverse societies in the world such as there are over three hundred different ethnic groups in Indonesia, each with its own cultural identity, and more than two hundred and fifty distinct languages are spoken, then Pancasila is created as philosophic fundamentals of the state to supports the diversity in Indonesia. Pancasila (from a Sankrit word: panca: five and sila: principle) consists of five principles that are interrelated and inseparable to generate unity in diversity (bhinnekatunggalika). In this paper, I will argue that Pancasila promotesand facilitates religious diversity although religious culture in Indonesia does not promote religious pluralism