180 research outputs found

    Radio imaging of core-dominated high redshift quasars

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    VLA imaging at kiloparsec-scale resolution of sixteen core-dominated radio-loud QSOs is presented. Many objects appear to display variable radio emission and their radio morphologies are significantly smaller than those of steep-spectrum quasars, consistent with these objects being observed at sight lines close to their (relativistic, γ≈\gamma \approx 4-7) jet axes. The usefulness of the radio source orientation indicator R_V, being defined as ratio of radio core and rest frame optical V-band luminosity, is confirmed.Comment: 11 pages, 11 postscript figures, uses aa.cls 4.03 for LaTeX2e To appear in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Resolution of the Compact Radio Continuum Sources in Arp220

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    We present 2 cm and 3.6 cm wavelength very long baseline interferometry images of the compact radio continuum sources in the nearby ultra-luminous infrared galaxy Arp220. Based on their radio spectra and variability properties, we confirm these sources to be a mixture of supernovae (SNe) and supernova remnants (SNRs). Of the 17 detected sources we resolve 7 at both wavelengths. The SNe generally only have upper size limits. In contrast all the SNRs are resolved with diameters {\geq} 0.27 pc. This size limit is consistent with them having just entered their Sedov phase while embedded in an interstellar medium (ISM) of density 10^4 cm^{-3} . These objects lie on the diameter-luminosity correlation for SNRs (and so also on the diameter-surface brightness relation) and extend these correlations to very small sources. The data are consistent with the relation L {\propto} D^{-9/4}. Revised equipartition arguments adjusted to a magnetic field to relativistic particle energy density ratio of 1% combined with a reasonable synchrotron-emitting volume filling factor of 10% give estimated magnetic field strengths in the SNR shells of ~ 15-50 mG. The SNR shell magnetic fields are unlikely to come from compression of ambient ISM fields and must instead be internally generated. We set an upper limit of 7 mG for the ISM magnetic field. The estimated energy in relativistic particles, 2%-20% of the explosion kinetic energy, is consistent with estimates from models that fit the IR-radio correlation in compact starburst galaxies.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figure

    Continuum and spectral line observations of the OH Megamaser galaxy Arp 220

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    We present MERLIN observations of the continuum (both 1.6 and 5 GHz) and OH maser emission towards Arp220. the correct spatial configuration of the various componnents of the galaxy is revealed. In the eastern component the masers are shown to be generally coincident with the larger scale continuum emission; in the west, the masers and continuum do not generally arise from the same location. A velocity gradient (0.32+/-0.03km/s/pc) is found in the eastern nuclear region in MERLIN scales; this gradient is three times smaller than seen in OH and implies that the OH gas lies inside the HI. A re-analysis of previously presented global VLBI data (Lonsdale et al. 1998) reveals a very high velocity gradient (18.67+/-0.12km/s/pc) in one component, possibly the site of a heavily obscured AGN.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figures, accepted by MNRA

    Multiwavelength radio observations of the compact starburst in Arp 220

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    We report the first detection at multiple radio wavelengths (13, 6, and 3.6 cm) of 18 compact sources within both nuclei of the Ultra Luminous Infra-Red Galaxy (ULIRG) Arp 220. In just over half of the sources we find that the observed spectra are consistent with the standard model of powerful Type IIn supernovae interacting with their pre-explosion stellar wind. The rate of appearance of new radio sources ascribed to these supernova events suggests that a large fraction of core-collapse supernovae in Arp 220 are highly luminous, possibly implying a radically different stellar initial mass function (IMF) or stellar evolution compared to galactic disks. A second group of sources, consisting of the brightest and longest monitored sources at 18 cm, do not easily fit the radio supernova model. We propose that these are young supernova remnants that have just begun interacting with their surrounding dense ISM

    VLBI Images of 49 Radio Supernovae in Arp 220

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    We have used a Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) array at 18cm wavelength to image the nucleus of the luminous IR galaxy Arp 220 at ~1 pc linear resolution, and with very high sensitivity. The resulting map has an rms of 5.5 microJy/beam, and careful image analysis results in 49 confirmed point sources ranging in flux density from 1.2 mJy down to ~60 microJy. Comparison with high sensitivity data from 12 months earlier reveals at least four new sources. The favored interpretation of these sources is that they are radio supernovae, and if all new supernovae are detectable at this sensitivity, a resulting estimate of the supernova rate in the Arp 220 system is 4 +/- 2 per year. The implied star formation rate is sufficient to power the entire observed far-infrared luminosity of the galaxy. The two nuclei of Arp 220 exhibit striking similarities in their radio properties, though the western nucleus is more compact, and appears to be ~3 times more luminous than the eastern nucleus. There are also some puzzling differences, and differential free-free absorption, synchrotron aging and expansion losses may all be playing a role. Comparison with the nearby starburst galaxy M82 supports the hypothesis that the activity in Arp 220 is essentially a scaled-up version of that in M82.Comment: 24 pages, 3 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication in Ap.

    Using VLBI to Probe the Orion-KL Outflow on AU Scales

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    We present the first contemporaneous 43GHz and 86GHz VLBI images of the v=1 J=2-1 and J=1-0 SiO masers in the Orion-KL nebula. Both maser species exhibit the same general morphology of earlier J=1-0 maser images which appear to trace the edges of a bi-polar conical outflow. Surprisingly, the J=2-1 masers form further from the central protostar than the J=1-0 masers, a fact not readily explained by current SiO maser pumping models. The average magnitude of offsets between corresponding regions of the two masing transitions is approximately 14% of the total radial extent of the SiO maser emission. This offset indicates that each transition must trace different physical conditions.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figure

    Radio Jet Feedback and Star Formation in Heavily Obscured Quasars at Redshifts ~0.3-3, I: ALMA Observations

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    We present ALMA 870 micron (345 GHz) data for 49 high redshift (0.47<z<2.85), luminous (11.7 < log L(bol) (Lsun) < 14.2) radio-powerful AGN, obtained to constrain cool dust emission from starbursts concurrent with highly obscured radiative-mode black hole (BH) accretion in massive galaxies which possess a small radio jet. The sample was selected from WISE with extremely steep (red) mid-infrared (MIR) colors and with compact radio emission from NVSS/FIRST. Twenty-six sources are detected at 870 microns, and we find that the sample has large mid- to far-infrared luminosity ratios consistent with a dominant and highly obscured quasar. The rest-frame 3 GHz radio powers are 24.7 < log P3.0 GHz (W/Hz) < 27.3, and all sources are radio-intermediate or radio-loud. BH mass estimates are 7.7 < log M(BH) (Msun) < 10.2. The rest frame 1-5 um SEDs are very similar to the "Hot DOGs" (Hot Dust Obscured Galaxies), and steeper (redder) than almost any other known extragalactic sources. ISM masses estimated for the ALMA detected sources are 9.9 < log M(ISM) (Msun) < 11.75 assuming a dust temperature of 30K. The cool dust emission is consistent with star formation rates (SFRs) reaching several thousand Msun/yr, depending on the assumed dust temperature, however we cannot rule out the alternative that the AGN powers all the emission in some cases. Our best constrained source has radiative transfer solutions with ~ equal contributions from an obscured AGN and a young (10-15 Myr) compact starburst.Comment: 29 pages, 8 figures. To appear in Astrophysical Journal. Update on Sept 14 to correct the ALMA proposal id. to ADS/JAO.ALMA#2011.0.00397.S and to add a missing acknowledgemen
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