428 research outputs found

    Influence of respiratory and inflammatory parameters preceding intubation on survival of patients with COVID-19 ARDS- A single centre retrospective analysis

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    It remains unclear if intubation and ventilation earlier in the disease course confers a survival advantage in acute respiratory distress syndrome. Our objective was to determine whether patients with COVID-19 who died following mechanical ventilation were more advanced in their disease compared to survivors. Forty-seven patients admitted directly to our centre received ventilation, of who 26 (57%) patients died. The rate of fall in SpO2:FiO2 ratio (p = 0.478) and increasing respiratory rate (p = 0.948) prior to IMV were similar between survivors and non-survivors. Our data support a trial of continuous positive airway pressure prior to IMV in patients with moderate-to-severe COVID-19 ARDS

    COVID-19 and non-COVID ARDS patients demonstrate a distinct response to low dose steroids- A retrospective observational study

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    Patients with COVID-19 ARDS have distinct physiological and immunological phenotypes compared to patients with non-COVID ARDS. Patients with COVID-19 ARDS (n = 32) had a significant improvement in PaO2: FiO2 ratio (p = 0.046) following low-dose steroid treatment, unlike patients with non-COVID ARDS (n = 16) (p = 0.529). Patients with COVID-19 ARDS had a greater fall in CRP compared to patients with non-COVID ARDS, albeit not statistically significant (p = 0.07). Our novel findings highlight differences in the underlying physiological and immunological phenotypes between COVID-19 and non-COVID ARDS, with implications for future ARDS studies

    Spectrophotometric properties of dwarf planet Ceres from the VIR spectrometer on board the Dawn mission

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    We study the spectrophotometric properties of dwarf planet Ceres in the VIS-IR spectral range by means of hyper-spectral images acquired by the VIR imaging spectrometer on board the NASA Dawn mission. Disk-resolved observations with a phase angle within the 7<α<1327^{\circ}<\alpha<132^{\circ} interval were used to characterize Ceres' phase curve in the 0.465-4.05 μ\mum spectral range. Hapke's model was applied to perform the photometric correction of the dataset, allowing us to produce albedo and color maps of the surface. The VV-band magnitude phase function of Ceres was fitted with both the classical linear model and H-G formalism. The single-scattering albedo and the asymmetry parameter at 0.55μ\mum are w=0.14±0.02w=0.14\pm0.02 and ξ=0.11±0.08\xi=-0.11\pm0.08, respectively (two-lobe Henyey-Greenstein phase function); the modeled geometric albedo is 0.094±0.0070.094\pm0.007; the roughness parameter is θˉ=29±6\bar{\theta}=29^{\circ}\pm6^{\circ}. Albedo maps indicate small variability on a global scale with an average reflectance of 0.034±0.0030.034 \pm 0.003. Isolated areas such as the Occator bright spots, Haulani, and Oxo show an albedo much higher than average. We measure a significant spectral phase reddening, and the average spectral slope of Ceres' surface after photometric correction is 1.1%kA˚11.1\%k\AA^{-1} and 0.85%kA˚10.85\%k\AA^{-1} at VIS and IR wavelengths, respectively. Broadband color indices are VR=0.38±0.01V-R=0.38\pm0.01 and RI=0.33±0.02R-I=0.33\pm0.02. H-G modeling of the VV-band magnitude phase curve for α<30\alpha<30^{\circ} gives H=3.14±0.04H=3.14\pm0.04 and G=0.10±0.04G=0.10\pm0.04, while the classical linear model provides V(1,1,0)=3.48±0.03V(1,1,0^{\circ})=3.48\pm0.03 and β=0.036±0.002\beta=0.036\pm0.002. The comparison with spectrophotometric properties of other minor bodies indicates that Ceres has a less back-scattering phase function and a slightly higher albedo than comets and C-type objects. However, the latter represents the closest match in the usual asteroid taxonomy.Comment: 14 pages, 20 figures, published online on Astronomy and Astrophysics on 13 February 2017. Revised to reflect minor changes in text and figures made in proofs, updated value of V-R and R-

    Ceres' opposition effect observed by the Dawn framing camera

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    The surface reflectance of planetary regoliths may increase dramatically towards zero phase angle, a phenomenon known as the opposition effect (OE). Two physical processes that are thought to be the dominant contributors to the brightness surge are shadow hiding (SH) and coherent backscatter (CB). The occurrence of shadow hiding in planetary regoliths is self-evident, but it has proved difficult to unambiguously demonstrate CB from remote sensing observations. One prediction of CB theory is the wavelength dependence of the OE angular width. The Dawn spacecraft observed the OE on the surface of dwarf planet Ceres. We characterize the OE over the resolved surface, including the bright Cerealia Facula, and to find evidence for SH and/or CB. We analyze images of the Dawn framing camera by means of photometric modeling of the phase curve. We find that the OE of most of the investigated surface has very similar characteristics, with an enhancement factor of 1.4 and a FWHM of 3{\deg} (broad OE). A notable exception are the fresh ejecta of the Azacca crater, which display a very narrow brightness enhancement that is restricted to phase angles <0.5< 0.5{\deg} (narrow OE); suggestively, this is in the range in which CB is thought to dominate. We do not find a wavelength dependence for the width of the broad OE, and lack the data to investigate the dependence for the narrow OE. The prediction of a wavelength-dependent CB width is rather ambiguous. The zero-phase observations allow us to determine Ceres' visible geometric albedo as pV=0.094±0.005p_V = 0.094 \pm 0.005. A comparison with other asteroids suggests that Ceres' broad OE is typical for an asteroid of its spectral type, with characteristics that are primarily linked to surface albedo. Our analysis suggests that CB may occur on the dark surface of Ceres in a highly localized fashion.Comment: Credit: Schr\"oder et al, A&A in press, 2018, reproduced with permission, \copyright ES

    Cometary dust collected by MIDAS on board Rosetta II. Particle shape descriptors and pristineness evaluation

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    The MIDAS (Micro-Imaging Dust Analysis System) atomic force microscope on board the Rosetta comet orbiter investigated and measured the 3D topography of a few hundred nm to tens of μ\mum sized dust particles of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko with resolutions down to a few nanometers, giving insights into the physical processes of our early Solar System. We analyze the shapes of the cometary dust particles collected by MIDAS on the basis of a recently updated particle catalog with the aim to determine which structural properties remained pristine. We develop a set of shape descriptors and metrics such as aspect ratio, elongation, circularity, convexity, and particle surface/volume distribution, which can be used to describe the distribution of particle shapes. Furthermore, we compare the structure of the MIDAS dust particles and the clusters in which the particles were deposited to those found in previous laboratory experiments and by Rosetta/COSIMA. Finally, we combine our findings to calculate a pristineness score for MIDAS particles and determine the most pristine particles and their properties. We find that the morphological properties of all cometary dust particles at the micrometer scale are surprisingly homogeneous despite originating from diverse cometary environments (e.g., different collection targets that are associated with cometary activities/source regions and collection velocities/periods). We next find that the types of clusters found by MIDAS show good agreement with those defined by previous laboratory experiments, however, there are some differences to those found by Rosetta/COSIMA. Based on our result, we rate 19 out of 1082 MIDAS particles at least moderately pristine, i.e., they are not substantially flattened by impact, not fragmented, and/or not part of a fragmentation cluster.Comment: 40 pages, 31 figures, 1 online tabl

    The contamination of the surface of Vesta by impacts and the delivery of the dark material

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    The Dawn spacecraft observed the presence of dark material, which in turn proved to be associated with OH and H-rich material, on the surface of Vesta. The source of this dark material has been identified with the low albedo asteroids, but it is still a matter of debate whether the delivery of the dark material is associated with a few large impact events, to micrometeorites or to the continuous, secular flux of impactors on Vesta. The continuous flux scenario predicts that a significant fraction of the exogenous material accreted by Vesta should be due to non-dark impactors likely analogous to ordinary chondrites, which instead represent only a minor contaminant in the HED meteorites. We explored the continuous flux scenario and its implications for the composition of the vestan regolith, taking advantage of the data from the Dawn mission and the HED meteorites. We used our model to show that the stochastic events scenario and the micrometeoritic flux scenario are natural consequences of the continuous flux scenario. We then used the model to estimate the amounts of dark and hydroxylate materials delivered on Vesta since the LHB and we showed how our results match well with the values estimated by the Dawn mission. We used our model to assess the amount of Fe and siderophile elements that the continuous flux of impactors would mix in the vestan regolith: concerning the siderophile elements, we focused our attention on the role of Ni. The results are in agreement with the data available on the Fe and Ni content of the HED meteorites and can be used as a reference frame in future studies of the data from the Dawn mission and of the HED meteorites. Our model cannot yet provide an answer to the fate of the missing non-carbonaceous contaminants, but we discuss possible reasons for this discrepancy.Comment: 31 pages, 7 figures, 4 tables. Accepted for publication on the journal ICARUS, "Dark and Bright Materials on Vesta" special issu