10,925 research outputs found

    Jaynes Cummings Photonic Superlattices

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    A classical realization of the Jaynes-Cummings (JC) model, describing the interaction of a two-level atom with a quantized cavity mode, is proposed based on light transport in engineered waveguide superlattices. The optical setting enables to visualize in Fock space dynamical regimes not yet accessible in quantum systems, providing new physical insights into the deep strong coupling regime of the JC model. In particular, bouncing of photon number wave packets in Hilbert space and revivals of populations are explained as generalized Bloch oscillations in an inhomogeneous tight-binding lattice.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Dynamical trapping of light in modulated waveguide lattices

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    A discrete analogue of the dynamical (Kapitza) trapping effect, known for classical and quantum particles in rapidly oscillating potentials, is proposed for light waves in modulated graded-index waveguide lattices. As in the non-modulated waveguide lattice a graded-index potential can confine light at either normal or Bragg angle incidence, periodic modulation of the potential in the longitudinal direction enables to trap optical beams at both normal and Bragg incidence angles.Comment: to be published in Optics Letter

    Effective magnetic fields for photons in waveguide and coupled resonator lattices

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    A method to realize effective magnetic fields for photons in square lattices of coupled optical waveguides or resonators is suggested, which is inspired by an optical analogue of photon-assisted tunneling of atom optics. It is shown that an artificial magnetic field can be achieved by application of an index gradient and periodic lumped phase shifts or modulation of the propagation constants/resonances, without the need to modulate the coupling strength.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Zak phase of photons in optical waveguide lattices

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    Zak phase, i.e. the Berry phase acquired during an adiabatic motion of a Bloch particle across the Brillouin zone, provides a measure of the topological invariant of Bloch bands in one-dimensional crystalline potentials. Here a photonic structure, based on engineered lattices of evanescently-coupled optical waveguides, is proposed to detect Zak phase difference of photons undergoing Bloch oscillations in topologically distinct Bloch bands of dimerized superlattices.Comment: 4 figure

    Bloch oscillations in non-Hermitian lattices with trajectories in complex plane

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    Bloch oscillations (BOs), i.e. the oscillatory motion of a quantum particle in a periodic potential, are one of the most striking effects of coherent quantum transport in the matter. In the semiclassical picture, it is well known that BOs can be explained owing to the periodic band structure of the crystal and the so-called 'acceleration' theorem: since in the momentum space the particle wave packet drifts with a constant speed without being distorted, in real space the probability distribution of the particle undergoes a periodic motion following a trajectory which exactly reproduces the shape of the lattice band. In non-Hermitian lattices with a complex (i.e. not real) energy band, extension of the semiclassical model is not intuitive. Here we show that the acceleration theorem holds for non-Hermitian lattices with a complex energy band only {\it on average}, and that the periodic wave packet motion of the particle in the real space is described by a trajectory in {\it complex} plane, i.e. it generally corresponds to reshaping and breathing of the wave packet in addition to a transverse oscillatory motion. The concept of BOs involving complex trajectories is exemplified by considering two examples of non-Hermitian lattices with a complex band dispersion relation, including the Hatano-Nelson tight-binding Hamiltonian describing the hopping motion of a quantum particle on a linear lattice with an imaginary vector potential and a tight-binding lattice with imaginary hopping rates.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Exceptional points and photonic catastrophe

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    Exceptional points (EPs) with a global collapse of pairs of eigenfunctions are shown to arise in two locally-coupled and spatially-extended optical structures with balanced gain and loss. Global collapse at the EP deeply changes light propagation, which becomes very sensitive to small changes of initial conditions or system parameters, similarly to what happens in models of classical or quantum catastrophes. The implications of global collapse for light behavior are illustrated by considering discrete beam diffraction and Bloch oscillation catastrophe in coupled waveguide lattices.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Convective and absolute PT symmetry breaking in tight-binding lattices

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    We investigate the onset of parity-time (PT\mathcal{PT}) symmetry breaking in non-Hermitian tight-binding lattices with spatially-extended loss/gain regions in presence of an advective term. Similarly to the instability properties of hydrodynamic open flows, it is shown that PT\mathcal{PT} symmetry breaking can be either absolute or convective. In the former case, an initially-localized wave packet shows a secular growth with time at any given spatial position, whereas in the latter case the growth is observed in a reference frame moving at some drift velocity while decay occurs at any fixed spatial position. In the convective unstable regime, PT\mathcal{PT} symmetry is restored when the spatial region of gain/loss in the lattice is limited (rather than extended). We consider specifically a non-Hermitian extension of the Rice-Mele tight binding lattice model, and show the existence of a transition from absolute to convective symmetry breaking when the advective term is large enough. An extension of the analysis to ac-dc-driven lattices is also presented, and an optical implementation of the non-Hermitian Rice-Mele model is suggested, which is based on light transport in an array of evanescently-coupled optical waveguides with a periodically-bent axis and alternating regions of optical gain and loss.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures (to appear in Phys. Rev. A

    Synthetic gauge fields for light beams in optical resonators

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    A method to realize artificial magnetic fields for light waves trapped in passive optical cavities with anamorphic optical elements is theoretically proposed. In particular, when a homogeneous magnetic field is realized, a highly-degenerate Landau level structure for the frequency spectrum of the transverse resonator modes is obtained, corresponding to a cyclotron motion of the optical cavity field. This can be probed by transient excitation of the passive optical resonator.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Supersymmetric transparent optical intersections

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    Supersymmetric (SUSY) optical structures provide a versatile platform to manipulate the scattering and localization properties of light, with potential applications to mode conversion, spatial multiplexing and invisible devices. Here we show that SUSY can be exploited to realize broadband transparent intersections between guiding structures in optical networks for both continuous and discretized light. These include transparent crossing of high-contrast-index waveguides and directional couplers, as well as crossing of guiding channels in coupled resonator lattices.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, revised version to appear in Optics Letter

    Non-Hermitian gauged topological laser arrays

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    Stable and phase-locked emission in an extended topological supermode of coupled laser arrays, based on concepts of non-Hermitian and topological photonics, is theoretically suggested. We consider a non-Hermitian Su-Schrieffer-Heeger chain of coupled microring resonators and show that application of a synthetic imaginary gauge field via auxiliary passive microrings leads to all supermodes of the chain, except one, to become edge states. The only extended supermode, that retains some topological protection, can stably oscillate suppressing all other non-topological edge supermodes. Numerical simulations based on a rate equation model of semiconductor laser arrays confirm stable anti-phase laser emission in the extended topological supermode and the role of the synthetic gauge field to enhance laser stability.Comment: 5 figure
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