5,052 research outputs found

    Fast Characterization of Dispersion and Dispersion Slope of Optical Fiber Links using Spectral Interferometry with Frequency Combs

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    We demonstrate fast characterization (~1.4 microseconds) of both the dispersion and dispersion slope of long optical fiber links (~25 km) using dual quadrature spectral interferometry with an optical frequency comb. Compared to previous spectral interferometry experiments limited to fiber lengths of meters, the long coherence length and the periodic delay properties of frequency combs, coupled with fast data acquisition, enable spectral interferometric characterization of fibers longer by several orders of magnitude. We expect that our method will be useful to recently proposed lightwave techniques like coherent WDM and to coherent modulation formats by providing a real time monitoring capability for the link dispersion. Another area of application would be in stabilization of systems which perform frequency and timing distribution over long fiber links using stabilized optical frequency combs.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures, Minor changes to tex

    BSE versus StarTrack: implementations of new wind, remnant-formation, and natal-kick schemes in NBODY7 and their astrophysical consequences

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    The masses of stellar-remnant black holes (BH), as a result of their formation via massive single- and binary-stellar evolution, is of high interest in this era of gravitational-wave detection from binary black hole (BBH) and binary neutron star (BNS) mergers. Here we present new developments in the N-body evolution program NBODY7 in regards to its stellar-remnant formation and related schemes. We demonstrate that the newly-implemented stellar-wind and remnant-formation schemes in the NBODY7 code's BSE sector, such as the 'rapid' and the 'delayed' supernova (SN) schemes along with an implementation of pulsational-pair-instability and pair-instability supernova (PPSN/PSN), now produces neutron star (NS) and BH masses that agree nearly perfectly, over large ranges of zero-age-main sequence (ZAMS) mass and metallicity, with those from the StarTrack population-synthesis program. We also demonstrate the new implementations of various natal-kick mechanisms on NSs and BHs such as the 'convection-asymmetry-driven', 'collapse-asymmetry-driven', and 'neutrino-emission-driven' kicks, in addition to a fully consistent implementation of the standard, fallback-dependent, momentum-conserving natal kick. We find that the SN material fallback causes the convection-asymmetry kick to effectively retain similar number and mass of BHs in clusters as for the standard, momentum-conserving kick. The collapse-asymmetry kick would cause nearly all BHs to retain in clusters irrespective of remnant formation model and metallicity, whereas the inference of a large number of BHs in GCs would potentially rule out the neutrino-driven kick mechanism. Pre-SN mergers of massive primordial binaries would cause BH masses to deviate from the single-star ZAMS mass-remnant mass relation. Such mergers, at low metallicities, can produce low-spinning BHs within the PSN mass gap that can be retained in a stellar cluster.Comment: 27 pages, 15 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Gaussian-shaped Optical Frequency Comb Generation for Microwave Photonic Filtering

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    Using only electro-optic modulators, we generate a 41-line 10-GHz Gaussian-shaped optical frequency comb. We use this comb to demonstrate apodized microwave photonic filters with greater than 43-dB sidelobe suppression without the need for a pulse shaper.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figure

    Dynamic-ADAPT-QAOA: An algorithm with shallow and noise-resilient circuits

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    The quantum approximate optimization algorithm (QAOA) is an appealing proposal to solve NP problems on noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) hardware. Making NISQ implementations of the QAOA resilient to noise requires short ansatz circuits with as few CNOT gates as possible. Here, we present Dynamic-ADAPT-QAOA. Our algorithm significantly reduces the circuit depth and the CNOT count of standard ADAPT-QAOA, a leading proposal for near-term implementations of the QAOA. Throughout our algorithm, the decision to apply CNOT-intensive operations is made dynamically, based on algorithmic benefits. Using density-matrix simulations, we benchmark the noise resilience of ADAPT-QAOA and Dynamic-ADAPT-QAOA. We compute the gate-error probability pgate⋆p_\text{gate}^\star below which these algorithms provide, on average, more accurate solutions than the classical, polynomial-time approximation algorithm by Goemans and Williamson. For small systems with 6−106-10 qubits, we show that pgate⋆>10−3p_{\text{gate}}^\star>10^{-3} for Dynamic-ADAPT-QAOA. Compared to standard ADAPT-QAOA, this constitutes an order-of-magnitude improvement in noise resilience. This improvement should make Dynamic-ADAPT-QAOA viable for implementations on superconducting NISQ hardware, even in the absence of error mitigation.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figure
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