114 research outputs found

    Effect of Selection for Reduced Residual Feed Intake on Pork Carcass Composition and Fresh Pork Quality

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    Selection for reduced residual feed intake (RFI) resulted in leaner carcasses and less intramuscular lipid in the pork loin. However, the selection approach did not result in differences in water holding capacity and color of fresh pork loin chops. Selection for reduced RFI has the potential to improve carcass composition with few detrimental effects on meat quality

    Effects of selection for decreased residual feed intake on composition and quality of fresh pork

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    The objectives of this study were to determine the extent to which selection for decreased residual feed intake (RFI) affects pork composition and quality. Pigs from the fifth generation of selection for decreased RFI (select) and a randomly selected line (control) were utilized. Two experiments were conducted. In Exp. 1, barrows (22.6 ± 3.9 kg) from select and control lines were paired based on age and BW. The test was conducted in 8 replicates of pairs for the test period of 6 wk. Calpastatin activity and myosin isoforms profile were determined on samples from the LM. Control barrows were heavier (59.1 vs. 55.0 kg; P \u3c 0.01) at the end of the test period. Calpastatin activity was greater (P \u3c 0.01) in LM of select barrows than control barrows. In Exp. 2, composition and quality of gilts (114 kg) from control and select lines were determined. The model included fixed effects of line, slaughter date, melanocortin-4 receptor (MC4R) genotype, barn group, line × slaughter date, genotype × line interactions, a covariate of off-test BW, and sire, pen, and litter fitted as random effects. The select line (n = 80) had 0.043 kg less (P \u3c 0.05) RFI per day than the control line (n = 89). Loin quality and composition were determined at 2 d postmortem. Desmin degradation was measured at 2 and 7 d postmortem. Purge, cook loss, sensory traits, and star probe texture were measured at 7 to 10 d postmortem on cooked chops. Residual correlations between RFI and composition and quality traits were calculated. Compared with the control line, carcasses from the select line tended to have less (P = 0.09) backfat, greater (P \u3c 0.05) loin depth, and greater (P \u3c 0.05) fat free lean. Loin chops from the select line had less (P\u3c 0.01) intramuscular lipid content than loin chops from control line. Significant residual correlations between RFI and both tenderness (r = 0.24, P \u3c 0.01) and star probe (r = −0.26, P \u3c 0.01) were identified. Selection for decreased RFI has the potential to improve carcass composition with few effects on pH and water-holding capacity. However, decreased RFI could negatively affect tenderness and texture because of decreased lipid content and decreased postmortem protein degradation

    Changes in the Protein Profile of Porcine Liver in Response to Immune System Stimulation

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    Immune system function has a direct influence on swine growth. Using lipopolysaccharide (LPS) to stimulate the immune system of pigs provides insight on how they handle immunological stress. Several proteins were shown to be part of the liver’s response to LPS. These proteins included heat shock protein (HSP) 60, HSP70, and peroxiredoxin-2. Changes in the abundance of these proteins indicate the extent to which an animal can respond to this immune system stimulation (ISS). Proteins responsible for cellular rescue were found to be increased in abundance in pigs with stimulated immune systems

    Divergent Selection for Residual Feed Intake Impacts Carcass Composition of Pigs on High or Low Energy Diets

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    Animals divergently selected for low and high residual feed intake (RFI) were fed either a high energy, low fiber (HELF) or low energy, high fiber (LEHF) diet. Regardless of line, pigs fed the LEHF diet had carcasses with reduced fat depth, loin depth, and greater percent lean. Line had no significant effect on carcass composition traits possibly due to line by sex interactions. Within the low RFI line, barrows had heavier carcasses with greater fat depth, while gilts had carcasses with a greater percent lean. Diet was the largest factor in final carcass composition of pigs in this study

    Diets Differing in Energy and Fiber Content Affected Adipose Tissue Quality of Carcasses from Pigs Divergently Selected for Residual Feed Intake

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    The goal of this experiment was to determine the impact of high and low energy diets on adipose tissue quality of animals selected for divergent residual feed intake (RFI). Pigs of a low RFI (efficient) line and high RFI (less efficient) line were placed on either a high energy, low fiber (HELF) diet or a low energy, high fiber (LEHF) diet. Line had no impact on adipose tissue color or iodine value. Regardless of line, feeding a diet low in energy resulted in adipose tissue with a darker colored and increased iodine value, when compared to adipose tissue from animals fed a high energy diet

    Evidence of decreased muscle protein turnover in gilts selected for low residual feed intake

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the contribution of muscle protein turnover (synthesis and degradation) to the biological basis for genetic differences in finisher pigs selected for residual feed intake (RFI). Residual feed intake is defined as the difference between expected feed intake (based on the achieved rate of BW gain and backfat depth of individual pigs) and the observed feed intake of the individual pig. We hypothesized that protein turnover would be reduced in pigs selected for low RFI. Twelve gilts from a line selected for 7 generations for low RFI and 12 from a contemporary line selected for 2 generations for high RFI were paired by age and BW and fed a standard corn–soybean diet for 6 wk. Pigs were euthanized, muscle and liver samples were collected, and insulin signaling, protein synthesis, and protein degradation proteins were analyzed for expression and activities. Muscle from low RFI pigs tended to have less μ- and m-calpain activities (P = 0.10 and 0.09, respectively) and had significantly greater calpastatin activity and a decreased μ-calpain:calpastatin activity ratio (P \u3c 0.05). Muscle from low RFI pigs had less 20S proteasome activity compared with their high RFI counterparts (P\u3c 0.05). No differences in insulin signaling intermediates and translation initiation signaling proteins [mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) pathway] were observed (P \u3e 0.05). Postmortem proteolysis was determined in the LM from the eighth generation of the low RFI pigs versus their high RFI counterparts (n = 9 per line). Autolysis of μ-calpain was decreased in the low RFI pigs and less troponin-T degradation product was observed at 3 d postmortem (P \u3c 0.05), indicating slowed postmortem proteolysis during aging in the low RFI pigs. These data provide significant evidence that less protein degradation occurs in pigs selected for reduced RFI, and this may account for a significant portion of the increased efficiency observed in these animals

    New alleles in calpastatin gene are associated with meat quality traits in pigs

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    Suggestive QTL affecting raw firmness scores and average Instron force, tenderness, juiciness, and chewiness on cooked meat were mapped to pig chromosome 2 using a three-generation intercross between Berkshire and Yorkshire pigs. Based on its function and location, the calpastatin (CAST) gene was considered to be a good candidate for the observed effects. Several missense and silent mutations were identified in CAST and haplotypes covering most of the coding region were constructed and used for association analyses with meat quality traits. Results demonstrated that one CAST haplotype was significantly associated with lower Instron force and cooking loss and higher juiciness and, therefore, this haplotype is associated with higher eating quality. Some of the sequence variation identified may be associated with differences in phosphorylation of CAST by adenosine cyclic 3′, 5′-monophosphate- dependent protein kinase and may in turn explain the meat quality phenotypic differences. The beneficial haplotype was present in all the commercial breeds tested and may provide significant improvements for the pig industry and consumers because it can be used in marker-assisted selection to produce naturally tender and juicy pork without additional processing steps
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