7,550 research outputs found

    Uncertainties on αS in the MMHT2014 global PDF analysis and implications for SM predictions

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    We investigate the uncertainty in the strong coupling αS(MZ2) when allowing it to be a free parameter in the recent MMHT global analyses of deep-inelastic and related hard scattering data that was undertaken to determine the parton distribution functions (PDFs) of the proton. The analysis uses the standard framework of leading twist fixed-order collinear factorisation in the MS¯ scheme. We study the constraints on αS(MZ2) coming from individual data sets by repeating the NNLO and NLO fits spanning the range 0.108 to 0.128 in units of 0.001, making all PDFs sets available. The inclusion of the cross section for inclusive tt¯ production allows us to explore the correlation between the mass mt of the top quark and αS(MZ2) . We find that the best-fit values are αS(MZ2)=0.1201±0.0015 and 0.1172±0.0013 at NLO and NNLO, respectively, with the central values changing to αS(MZ2)=0.1195 and 0.1178 when the world average of αS(MZ2) is used as a data point. We investigate the interplay between the uncertainties on αS(MZ2) and on the PDFs. In particular we calculate the cross sections for key processes at the LHC and show how the uncertainties from the PDFs and from αS(MZ2) can be provided independently and be combined

    Boosted Higgs →bb¯ in vector-boson associated production at 14 TeV

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    The production of the Standard Model Higgs boson in association with a vector boson, followed by the dominant decay to H→bb¯ , is a strong prospect for confirming and measuring the coupling to b -quarks in pp collisions at s=14  TeV. We present an updated study of the prospects for this analysis, focussing on the most sensitive highly Lorentz-boosted region. The evolution of the efficiency and composition of the signal and main background processes as a function of the transverse momentum of the vector boson are studied covering the region 200–1000 GeV, comparing both a conventional dijet and jet substructure selection. The lower transverse momentum region (200–400 GeV) is identified as the most sensitive region for the Standard Model search, with higher transverse momentum regions not improving the statistical sensitivity. For much of the studied region (200–600 GeV), a conventional dijet selection performs as well as the substructure approach, while for the highest transverse momentum regions ( > 600 GeV), which are particularly interesting for Beyond the Standard Model and high luminosity measurements, the jet substructure techniques are essential

    Parton distributions in the LHC era: MMHT 2014 PDFs

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    We present LO, NLO and NNLO sets of parton distribution functions (PDFs) of the proton determined from global analyses of the available hard scattering data. These MMHT2014 PDFs supersede the ‘MSTW2008’ parton sets, but they are obtained within the same basic framework. We include a variety of new data sets, from the LHC, updated Tevatron data and the HERA combined H1 and ZEUS data on the total and charm structure functions. We also improve the theoretical framework of the previous analysis. These new PDFs are compared to the ‘MSTW2008’ parton sets. In most cases the PDFs, and the predictions, are within one standard deviation of those of MSTW2008. The major changes are the u-d valence quark difference at small x due to an improved parameterisation and, to a lesser extent, the strange quark PDF due to the effect of certain LHC data and a better treatment of the D→Ό branching ratio. We compare our MMHT PDF sets with those of other collaborations; in particular with the NNPDF3.0 sets, which are contemporary with the present analysis

    Lower bounds for ballistic current and noise in non-equilibrium quantum steady states

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    Let an infinite, homogeneous, many-body quantum system be unitarily evolved for a long time from a state where two halves are independently thermalized. One says that a non-equilibrium steady state emerges if there are nonzero steady currents in the central region. In particular, their presence is a signature of ballistic transport. We analyze the consequences of the current observable being a conserved density; near equilibrium this is known to give rise to linear wave propagation and a nonzero Drude peak. Using the Lieb–Robinson bound, we derive, under a certain regularity condition, a lower bound for the non-equilibrium steady-state current determined by equilibrium averages. This shows and quantifies the presence of ballistic transport far from equilibrium. The inequality suggests the definition of “nonlinear sound velocities”, which specialize to the sound velocity near equilibrium in non-integrable models, and “generalized sound velocities”, which encode generalized Gibbs thermalization in integrable models. These are bounded by the Lieb–Robinson velocity. The inequality also gives rise to a bound on the energy current noise in the case of pure energy transport. We show that the inequality is satisfied in many models where exact results are available, and that it is saturated at one-dimensional criticality

    The effect of LHC jet data on MSTW PDFs

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    We consider the effect on LHC jet cross sections on partons distribution functions (PDFs), in particular the MSTW2008 set of PDFs. We first compare the published inclusive jet data to the predictions using MSTW2008, finding a very good description. We also use the parton distribution reweighting procedure to estimate the impact of these new data on the PDFs, finding that the combined ATLAS 2.76 and 7 TeV data, and CMS 7 TeV data have some significant impact. We then also investigate the impact of ATLAS, CMS and DØ dijet data using the same techniques. In this case we investigate the effect of using different scale choices for the NLO cross section calculation. We find that the dijet data is generally not completely compatible with the corresponding inclusive jet data, often tending to pull PDFs, particularly the gluon distribution, away from the default values. However, the effect depends on the dijet dataset used as well as the scale choice. We also note that conclusions may be affected by limiting the pull on the data luminosity chosen by the best fit, which is sometimes a number of standard deviations. Finally we include the inclusive jet data in a new PDF fit explicitly. This enables us to check the consistency of the exact result with that obtained from the reweighting procedure. There is generally good, but not full quantitative agreement. Hence, the conclusion remains that MSTW2008 PDFs already fit the published jet data well, but the central values and uncertainties are altered and improved, respectively, to a significant, but not dramatic extent by inclusion of these data

    Supersymmetry for gauged double field theory and generalised Scherk–Schwarz reductions

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    Previous constructions of supersymmetry for double field theory have relied on the so-called strong constraint. In this paper, the strong constraint is relaxed and the theory is shown to possess supersymmetry once the generalised Scherk–Schwarz reduction is imposed. The equivalence between the generalised Scherk–Schwarz reduced theory and the gauged double field theory is then examined in detail for the supersymmetric theory. As a biproduct we write the generalised Killing spinor equations for the supersymmetric double field theory

    Heterotic M2-branes

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    We construct the action for N M2-branes on S1/Z2 . The resulting theory has a gauge anomaly but this can be cancelled if the two fixed point planes each support 8 chiral Fermions in the fundamental of U(N) . Taking the low energy limit leads to the worldsheet theory of N free heterotic strings whose quantization induces an E8 spacetime gauge symmetry on each fixed point plane. Thus this paper presents a non-abelian worldvolume analogue of the classic Hoƙava–Witten analysis

    The effect on PDFs and αS(MZ2) due to changes in flavour scheme and higher twist contributions

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    I consider the effect on MSTW partons distribution functions (PDFs) due to changes in the choices of theoretical procedure used in the fit. I first consider using the 3-flavour fixed flavour number scheme instead of the standard general mass variable flavour number scheme used in the MSTW analysis. This results in the light quarks increasing at all relatively small x values, the gluon distribution becoming smaller at high values of x and larger at small x , the preferred value of the coupling constant αS(MZ2) falling, particularly at NNLO, and the fit quality deteriorates. I also consider lowering the kinematic cut on W2 for DIS data and simultaneously introducing higher twist terms which are fit to data. This results in much smaller effects on both PDFs and αS(MZ2) than the scheme change, except for quarks at very high x . I show that the structure function one obtains from a fixed input set of PDFs using the fixed flavour scheme and variable flavour scheme differ significantly for x∌0.01 at high Q2 , and that this is due to the fact that in the fixed flavour scheme there is a slow convergence of large logarithmic terms of the form (αSln(Q2/mc2))n relevant for this regime. I conclude that some of the most significant differences in PDF sets are largely due to the choice of flavour scheme used

    Covariant action for a string in doubled yet gauged spacetime

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    The section condition in double field theory has been shown to imply that a physical point should be one-to-one identified with a gauge orbit in the doubled coordinate space. Here we show the converse is also true, and continue to explore the idea of spacetime being doubled yet gauged . Introducing an appropriate gauge connection, we construct a string action, with an arbitrary generalized metric, which is completely covariant with respect to the coordinate gauge symmetry, generalized diffeomorphisms, world-sheet diffeomorphisms, world-sheet Weyl symmetry and <math altimg="si1.gif" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"><mi mathvariant="bold">O</mi><mo stretchy="false">(</mo><mi>D</mi><mo>,</mo><mi>D</mi><mo stretchy="false">)</mo></math> T-duality. A topological term previously proposed in the literature naturally arises and a self-duality condition follows from the equations of motion. Further, the action may couple to a T-dual background where the Riemannian metric becomes everywhere singular

    Is F-term hybrid inflation natural within minimal supersymmetric SO(10)?

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    We examine whether F-term supersymmetric hybrid inflation can in a natural way be embedded within the minimal SO(10) model. We show that none of the singlets of the Standard Model symmetries in the minimal set of SO(10) representations can satisfy the conditions which are necessary for a scalar field to play the rĂŽle of the inflaton. As a consequence, one has to introduce an extra scalar field, which, however, may spoil the naturalness of inflation within the context of SO(10). Nevertheless, if we add an extra scalar field, we are then able to construct a model that can accommodate flat directions, while it preserves the stability of the inflationary valley
