273 research outputs found
Food Consumption Pattern among School Going Children in a Rural Area of Kerala
A study was conducted to assess the socioeconomic details and food consumption pattern of school children in a rural community. A total of 100 children in the age group of 10-12 years in Ernakulam district of Kerala was selected using simple random sampling. Interview method with the help of structured and pretested schedule was used to collect the data. The frequency of consumption of different foods was assessed using a food frequency questionnaire. The findings revealed high consumption of rice, milk & milk products, sugar & jaggery, fats & edible oils, medium consumption of vegetables & non vegetarian items, and low consumption of pulses, nuts, oil seeds & fruits. This indicates the poor socioeconomic status prevailing in the area under study.
Adsorption of diclofenac onto different biochar microparticles: Dataset – Characterization and dosage of biochar
Due to its wide occurrence in water resources and toxicity, pharmaceuticals and personal care products are becoming an emerging concern throughout the world. Application of residual/waste materials for water remediation can be a good strategy in waste management as well as in waste valorization. Here in, this dataset provides information on biochar application for the removal of emerging contaminant, diclofenac from water matrices.The data presented here is an extension of there search article explaining the mechanisms of adsorption diclofenac on biochars(Lonappan et al., 2017[1]). This data article provides general information on the surface features of pine wood and pig manure biochar with the help of SEM and FTIR data. This dataset also provides information on XRD profiles of pine wood and pig manure biochars. In addition, different amounts of biochars were used to study the removal of a fixed concentration of diclofenac and the data is provided with this data set
Molekularna identifikacija latentnog nositelja tajlerioze u koza u južnoj Indiji
The rising prevalence of tick borne parasites and their economic impact on livestock production have often demanded better diagnostic tools and timely treatment options. The paper reports the molecular evidence of natural infections of Theileria ovis, T. lestoquardi and T. luwenshuni among goats in Kerala, south India, using PCR and RFLP. Concurrent infection of T. ovis and T. luwenshuni was also identified. Out of 150 samples studied, the PCR protocol was also found to detect a higher prevalence (59.3%) of theileriosis when compared to the detection of piroplasms (30%) in stained blood smears. In this study, the majority of goats were infected with T. ovis (75.28%), followed by those with T. luwenshuni (32.58%) and T. lestoquardi (7.86%). A high proportion of infected goats did not show any clinical signs indicating carrier status of infection. The carrier status of animals also signals the possible risk of disease transmission to healthy stock. However, a high incidence of caprine theileriosis, with significant haematological alterations including macrocytic hypochromic anaemia and thrombocytopenia, poses a potential threat to the goat population in the event of stress. Routine monitoring should be employed in farms for early detection and treatment of carrier animals.Rastuća prevalencija parazita koje prenose krpelji i njihov utjecaj na profitabilnost stočarske proizvodnje često su zahtijevali pouzdanije dijagnostičke alate i pravodobne načine liječenja. U ovom je radu prikazana molekularna identifikacija PCR-om i RFLP-om prirodnih invazija koza oblićima Theileria ovis, T. lestoquardi i T. Luwenshuni u Kerali u južnoj Indiji. Od 150 uzoraka analiziranih PCR-om utvrđena je viša prevalencija tajlerioze (59,3 %) u usporedbi s nalazom babezija (30 %) u obojenim krvnim razmazima. U ovom je istraživanju većina koza bila invadirana vrstom T. ovis (75,28 %), a zatim vrstama T. luwenshuni (32,58 %) i T. lestoquardi (7,86 %). Većina invadiranih koza nije pokazivala kliničke znakove tajlerioze. Također, supklinička invazija uputila je na potencijalni rizik prijenosa parazita na druge jedinke. Osim toga visoka incidencija tajlerioze u koza sa znakovitim promjenama u krvnim pokazateljima, uključujući makrocitnu hipokromnu anemiju i trombocitopeniju, potencijalna je prijetnja zdravlju koza u stresnim stanjima. Na farmama bi trebalo uvesti rutinsko praćenje radi ranog dokazivanja i liječenja latentno invadiranih životinja
Sapropel-based supports as novel macroporous carbon-mineral adsorbents for enzymatic active substances
AbstractThe novel macroporous carbon-mineral Sapropel supports were obtained from lacustrine sapropel silts of freshwater lakes by annealing of semi-coke in the inert atmosphere. The specific surface area of these supports varied from 10 to 100 m2/g, the total pore volume from 0.3 cm3/g till 1.6 cm3/g; macropores of diameters more than 2 µm were predominating. The Sapropel supports were studied for the adsorption/adhesion of enzymatic active substances, such as whole bacterial cells, and invertase-active fully destroyed baker's yeast cells (autolysates), and purified enzyme nitrilase. The heterogeneous biocatalysts with required enzymatic activity were prepared and their properties were studied in the corresponding bioconversion processes. The invertase-active biocatalysts exhibited high activity, 120–135 U/g, and stability; the half-times of their inactivation (t½) were more than 1000 h in the continuous process of sucrose hydrolysis at 50 °C. The nitrilase-active biocatalysts for “green” chemistry of nitriles possessed high activity, 350–500 U/g, and the t½ were estimated to be more than 100 h in the periodic process of hydration of acrylonitrile to acrylic acid at 22 °C
Crystal structure of hydrous wadsleyite with 2.8% H 2 O and compressibility to 60 GPa
ABSTRACT Hydrous wadsleyite (β-Mg 2 SiO 4 ) with 2.8 wt% water content has been synthesized at 15 GPa and 1250 °C in a multi-anvil press. The unit-cell parameters are: a = 5.6686(8), b = 11.569(1), c = 8.2449(9) Å, β = 90.14(1)°, and V = 540.7(1) Å 3 , and the space group is I2/m. The structure was refined in space groups Imma and I2/m. The room-pressure structure differs from that of anhydrous wadsleyite principally in the increased cation distances around O1, the non-silicate oxygen. The compression of a single crystal of this wadsleyite was measured up to 61.3(7) GPa at room temperature in a diamond anvil cell with neon as pressure medium by X-ray diffraction at Sector 13 at the Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Laboratory. The experimental pressure range was far beyond the wadsleyite-ringwoodite phase-transition pressure at 525 km depth (17
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