4 research outputs found

    Modelo de gestión para la mejora de los documentos tipo, para licitaciones de obras públicas de infraestructura de transporte, bajo la comparación del documento tipo versión I y II

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    El presente documento establece un diseño de un modelo de gestión por procesos que busca identificar y resolver diferentes problemáticas encontradas en el análisis de los documentos tipo y su implementación en las licitaciones de infraestructura de transporte. Este diseño incluye una investigación de que son y cuál es su función en la contratación estatal; se realiza un comparativo de las dos versiones publicadas y aplicadas, así como el estudio de dos licitaciones que se encuentran en estado adjudicado y celebrado, que fueron seleccionadas de los procesos publicados por las alcaldías locales de Bogotá en la plataforma del SECOP II. Gracias a esta implementación se busca un mejor control y manejo de la información establecida dentro del documento mencionado anteriormente y que promueva a la selección objetiva de los proponentes que se presenten a las licitaciones públicas en el sector transporte.This document founds a management process design of a model, that looking for the identification and resolve different problems found in the analysis of the type documents and their implementation in transport infrastructure tenders. This design includes and investigation about what it is and what their role is in public contracts; A comparison is exposed between the two versions published and applied, as well the study of two tenders, that are on awarded and conclude status, which were selected from the processes published by the local mayoralties of Bogotá on the SECOP II platform. Thanks to this implementation, Thanks to this implementation, a better control and management of the established information is sought, and that the objective selection of the proposer who submit to public tender in the transportation sector is promoted

    I Olimpiada de Ingeniería Civil de la Región de Murcia 2019

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    Video explicativo de la I Olimpiada Científica de Ingeniería Civil. La Olimpiada consiste en la construcción de una maqueta de la red de drenaje de un tramo de calle

    ¿Por qué si el agua es transparente uno ve el mar azul? Lo que se preguntan los niños sobre ciencias contestado en breves relatos de expertos

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    Este libro, cuyo título es precisamente una de las preguntas de los niños, una de aquellas que quizás nos hicimos cuando teníamos esas edades, nos mostró lo cerca que está la ciencia de cada uno, todas las inquietudes que se tienen sobre la misma y la oportunidad que tenemos si enriquecemos la escuela con espacios que permitan aprovechar dichas preguntas para enseñarles a pensar a nuestros niños, a despertar su curiosidad y a seguir teniendo ideas maravillosas

    Delayed colorectal cancer care during covid-19 pandemic (decor-19). Global perspective from an international survey

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    Background The widespread nature of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has been unprecedented. We sought to analyze its global impact with a survey on colorectal cancer (CRC) care during the pandemic. Methods The impact of COVID-19 on preoperative assessment, elective surgery, and postoperative management of CRC patients was explored by a 35-item survey, which was distributed worldwide to members of surgical societies with an interest in CRC care. Respondents were divided into two comparator groups: 1) ‘delay’ group: CRC care affected by the pandemic; 2) ‘no delay’ group: unaltered CRC practice. Results A total of 1,051 respondents from 84 countries completed the survey. No substantial differences in demographics were found between the ‘delay’ (745, 70.9%) and ‘no delay’ (306, 29.1%) groups. Suspension of multidisciplinary team meetings, staff members quarantined or relocated to COVID-19 units, units fully dedicated to COVID-19 care, personal protective equipment not readily available were factors significantly associated to delays in endoscopy, radiology, surgery, histopathology and prolonged chemoradiation therapy-to-surgery intervals. In the ‘delay’ group, 48.9% of respondents reported a change in the initial surgical plan and 26.3% reported a shift from elective to urgent operations. Recovery of CRC care was associated with the status of the outbreak. Practicing in COVID-free units, no change in operative slots and staff members not relocated to COVID-19 units were statistically associated with unaltered CRC care in the ‘no delay’ group, while the geographical distribution was not. Conclusions Global changes in diagnostic and therapeutic CRC practices were evident. Changes were associated with differences in health-care delivery systems, hospital’s preparedness, resources availability, and local COVID-19 prevalence rather than geographical factors. Strategic planning is required to optimize CRC care