7 research outputs found
Analisis Tingkat Kepuasan Konsumen terhadap Produk Kopi dan Pelayanan di Rumah Kopi Billy Cabang Megamas Manado
This research aims to measure the level of consumer satisfaction toward coffee products and services in the House Coffee Billy Branches Megamas Manado. The Data used in this research is the primary data. The primary data obtained using the technique of the interview directly to respondents, in this case the consumer products coffee in the coffee House Billy Branches Megamas Manado, using a list of questions (questionnaire) as the tool in data collection. The method used in the sampling is sampling accindental. Analysis of the data that is used is a qualitative descriptive analysis is analyzed using the measurement scale Likert attitude scale installation design and presented using the list of the table and numbers. The results of this research shows that the measurement of the level of consumer satisfaction in the house of coffee Billy Branches Megamas Manado in terms of coffee products and services achieve total score loading data of 2.090 that shows the number of the index measuring consumer satisfaction of 83.6% and is considered very satisfied. This shows that consumers are very satisfied with the coffee products offered and the services provided by the employees in the House Coffee Billy Branches Megamas Manado and to increase consumer satisfaction in terms of product and services, Coffee House party Billy Branches Megamas Manado must pay attention to the quality of coffee products and quality of service offered. This is very important in order to maintain the customers and get more customers and increase sale
Organoleptic Test and Chemical Characteristics of Klappertaart Products of Manado During Storage
Klappertaart cakes are easily to deteriorate, therefore, it is necessary to do a research to analyze the composition of the products related to food safety. The purposes of this study were : 1) to determine the level of consumer preferences to several products of klappertaart in Manado, 2) to analyze the proximate and total microbial content of the most preferable stored klappertaart from organoleptic test results, and 3) to analyze the contents of fatty acids and amino acids of the stored klappertaart. A descriptive method was used in this research. Klappertaart samples were obtained from four leading manufacturers in the city of Manado, and the organoleptic test was done based on the level of preference of 1 - 5 interval, ranging from dislike to very like on taste, flavor/aroma, texture and color. The most preferred products were analyzed the proximate and total microbes in the laboratory of Baristand Manado and profile analysis of amino acids and fatty acids were done at the Integrated Chemical Laboratory of IPB, daily for 3 day storage at the room temperature. The results of the organoleptic test of the 4 klapertaart samples from Manado City indicated that the most preferred sample was A3 with a score of 3.69. The water content of klapertaart from day 1 to day 3 were 63.72% bb, 63.18% bb, and 62.56% bb, respectively. The protein content from day 1 to day 3 were 5.09%, 4.88%, and 4.97%. Fat content of Klappertaart from day 1 to day 3 were 3.00%, 4.08%, and 1.62%. The ash content from day 1 to day 3 were 0.70%, 0.75%, and 0.71%. Carbohydrates calculation using the method by difference from day 1 to day 3 were 27.49, 27.11, and 30.11, respectively. Total microbes in klappertaart of day 1 to day 3 were 1 x 10 3; 3 x 10 3; and 139 x 10 6., respectively. The results of the fatty acid profile test, it obtained 17 fatty acid components and the highest were oleic acid (23.52%, 27.13%, 25.29%), palmitic acid (21.62%, 23.05%, 23.28% ) and lauric acid (9.49%, 10.63%, 10.04%). The results of amino acid test on samples, it was found 15 amino acid components, with the glutamic acid with the highest value of 0.40%, 0.58%, and 0.52%, from day 1 to day 3. This study concluded that the most preferred sample was A3 because of the good tase, not too sweet, not too soft texture and not too sharp flavor, and a high nutritional content during two day storage at the room temperature. It was suggested to carry out further research to determine the mineral contents, and other components as useful nutrition information for consumers. Klappertaart manufacturers in Manado implement a quality assurance system in the development of klappertaart processed products for consumption safety. The Manado City Government should give more attention in terms of training, supervising and support in order for klappertaarts become industrial products that can improve the economy of people of Manado
Analisis Kinerja Industri Tepung Kelapa PT. Royal Coconut Kelurahan Sarongsong Satu Kecamatan Airmadidi Kabupaten Minahasa Utara
This study aims to determine the Performance of Coconut Flour Industry in Kelurahan Sarongsong Satu, Kecamatan Airmadidi, Minahasa Utara Regency reviewed from Balanced Scorecard is a financial perspective, customer perspective, internal business process perspective and learning and growth perspective. This research was conducted at PT. Royal Coconut located in Kelurahan Sarongsong Satu Kecamatan Airmadidi Minahasa Utara Regency. This research will be conducted for 3 months from preparation until preparation of report, that is from February until month Mey 2017. Sources of data taken in this research are primary data and secondary data. Primary data is data that comes from the observation (observation) and interview (interview) with the leadership and a number of company employees. Secondary data is data obtained in the form of reports from other information sourced from literature and other information related to this writing. The method of analysis used in this research is Balanced Scorecard method that is financial perspective, customer perspective, internal business process perspective and learning and growth perspective. This research found that performance of Coconut Flour Industry PT. Royal Coconut Kelurahan Sarongsong One District Airmadidi Minahasa Utara Regency reviewed from Balanced Scorecad that financial perspective can be measured well and perfect for getting a profit every month
Strategi Pengembangan Kawasan Wisata Alam Pulisan Kabupaten Minahasa Utara
This study aimed to describe the potential and opportunities of Tourism Region Pulisan, identify any weaknesses and threats, and define management strategies of Pulisan Coastal Region. This research used descriptive method to interpret the data. This research was conducted at the Village of Pulisan, East Likupang Sub-district, North Minahasa Regency, North Sulawesi Province which began in March to August 2016. The sampling technique used purposive sampling and used Theory of Tourism System. Respondents in this study is the government of North Minahasa Regency. The data used in this study are primary data and secondary data. This study uses a model of SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) factors predefined both from the view of experts as well as existing regulation. Then analyze the internal and external factors that are arranged in a matrix of IFAs (Internal Factor Analysis) and EFAS (External Factor Analysis). Research using SWOT analysis weights and scores are determined based on the analysis of data obtained from the respondents. The results showed that the tourism area is Pulisan Tourism Regions with high natural potential and much in demand by tourists. Although the location is not too wide but has many interesting attractions Tourism Region of Pulisan natural appeal to different types of travelers with different motivations. Development undertaken by the community with the coaching is done by the Department of Tourism and Culture of North Minahasa provide a change of design in terms of tourist facilities. Rearrangement taking into account the priority needs of tourists in the tourism area, this will greatly affect its development, so that tourists and travelers can feel the value of Marine Tourism Region at an affordable price. Growth strategies that are used to provide benefits for local residents. High tourist visits every weekend is expected to give local residents the ability to develop, it need guidance from relevant agencies to provide more targeted development
Analisis Nilai Tambah Pisang “Goroho” (Musa Acuminafe, SP) (Studi Kasus: Sabuah Ungu Pantai Malalayang Kota Manado)
This study aims to find out how much added value goroho bananas. This research was carried out for 3 months in Sabuah Purple Malalayang Beach at Manado City. This research uses primary data with direct interview technique to the manager. The results showed that from the four forms of processed banana goroho goroho banana flour sticks, regular sticks, chips, and split four; The most value added in the form of processed banana goroho flour sticks with a value of IDR 2816.78 compared with other processed forms such as common sticks IDR 1567,97, chips IDR 1091,78, and split four IDR 1176,78