32 research outputs found

    A retrospective pooled analysis of response patterns and risk factors in recurrent malignant glioma patients receiving a nitrosourea-based chemotherapy

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    Abstract Background At recurrence the use of nitrosoureas is widely-used as a therapeutic option for glioblastoma (GBM) patients. The efficacy of fotemustine (FTM) has been demonstrated in phase II clinical trials; however, these papers report a wide range of progression-free-survival (PFS-6 m) rates, ranging from 21% to 52%. We investigated whether FTM could have a different response pattern in respect to time to adjuvant temozolomide failure, or whether specific independent risk factors could be responsible for the wide range of response rates observed. Methods Recurrent GBM patients have been treated with fotemustine 75-100 mg/sqm at day 1, 8, 15 and after 4/5 weeks of rest with 100 mg/sqm every 21 days. Patients were stratified in 4 groups according to time to temozolomide failure: before starting (B0), during the first 6 months (B1), after more than 6 months of therapy (B2), and after a treatment-free interval (B3). Primary endpoint was PFS-6 m. A multivariable analysis was performed to identify whether gender, time after radiotherapy, second surgery and number of TMZ cycles could be independent predictors of the clinical benefit to FTM treatment. Results 163 recurrent GBM patients were included in the analysis. PFS-6 m rates for the B0, B1, B2 and B3 groups were 25%, 28%, 31.1% and 43.8%, respectively. The probability of disease control was higher in patients with a longer time after radiotherapy (p = 0.0161) and in those who had undergone a second surgery (p = 0.0306). Conclusions FTM is confirmed as a valuable therapeutic option for patients with recurrent GBM and was active in all study patient groups. Time after the completion of radiotherapy and second surgery are independent treatment-related risk factors that were predictive of clinical benefit.</p

    Long lasting octreotide LAR therapy in non functioning pancreatic neuroendocrine carcinoma

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    Non functioning endocrine pancreatic tumors (NF-PETs) have absent or low hormone secretion without symptoms and constitue ~60% of PETs. At diagnosis more than 50% of patients have liver metastases and almost 40% are not candidates for radical surgery because of either locally advanced disease or unresectable metastases. We described the case of a 47-year-old woman with a pancreatic carcinoma with secondarism in the liver not suitable for radical surgery. Histological test of liver metastases showed positivity for endocrine well-differentiated non functioning carcinoma expressing receptors for somatostatin with very low proliferation index (Ki67 < 2%). After this diagnosis she started a specific treatment with octreotide analogues which achieved durable stabilization of the disease

    A ruptured gastrointestinal stromal tumour of the small intestine: a case report

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    The management of Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumours (GISTs) has evolved rapidly since imatinib was introduced. Surgery remains the first-line treatment for localised, primary GIST, but the risk for local or metastatic relapse of disease is very high. Prognostic assessment is a critical part of developing a treatment strategy. Perforation or rupture of a GIST to the abdominal cavity has a very high risk for recurrence. We described the case of a 51-year-old man with a haemoperitoneum caused by a ruptured primary GIST of the small intestine. After complete surgical resection, imatinib given for two years as adjuvant therapy achieved no disease progression after prolonged follow-up

    Identification and Somatic Characterization of the Germline PTEN Promoter Variant rs34149102 in a Family with Gastrointestinal and Breast Tumors

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    Genetic variants located in non-coding regions can affect processes that regulate protein expression, functionally contributing to human disease. Germline heterozygous mutations in the non-coding region of the PTEN gene have been previously identified in patients with PTEN hamartoma tumor syndrome (PHTS) diagnosed with breast, thyroid, and/or endometrial cancer. In this study, we report a PTEN promoter variant (rs34149102 A allele) that was identified by direct sequencing in an Italian family with a history of gastroesophageal junction (GEJ) adenocarcinoma and breast cancer. In order to investigate the putative functional role of the rs34149102 A allele variant, we evaluated the status of PTEN alterations at the somatic level. We found that PTEN protein expression was absent in the GEJ adenocarcinoma tissue of the index case. Moreover, we detected the occurrence of copy number loss involving the PTEN rs34149102 major C allele in tumor tissue, revealing that the second allele was somatically inactivated. This variant is located within an active regulatory region of the PTEN core promoter, and in silico analysis suggests that it may affect the binding of the nuclear transcription factor MAZ and hence PTEN expression. Overall, these results reveal the functional role of the PTEN promoter rs34149102 A allele variant in the modulation of PTEN protein expression and highlight its contribution to hereditary cancer risk

    Characterization of a rare variant (c.2635-2A>G) of the MSH2 gene in a family with Lynch syndrome

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    Abstract Introduction: Lynch syndrome is caused by germline mutations in one of the mismatch repair genes (MLH1, MSH2, MSH6, and PMS2) or in the EPCAM gene. Lynch syndrome is defined on the basis of clinical, pathological, and genetic findings. Accordingly, the identification of predisposing genes allows for accurate risk assessment and tailored screening protocols. Case Description: Here, we report a family case with three family members manifesting the Lynch syndrome phenotype, all of which harbor the rare variant c.2635-2A&gt;G affecting the splice site consensus sequence of intron 15 of the MSH2 gene. This mutation was previously described only in one family with Lynch syndrome, in which mismatch repair protein expression in tumor tissues was not assessed. In this study, we report for the first time the molecular characterization of the MSH2 c.2635-2A&gt;G variant through in silico prediction analysis, microsatellite instability, and mismatch repair protein expression experiments on tumor tissues of Lynch syndrome patients. The potential effect of the splice site variant was revealed by three splicing prediction bioinformatics tools, which suggested the generation of a new cryptic splicing site. The potential pathogenic role of this variant was also revealed by the presence of microsatellite instability and the absence of MSH2/MSH6 heterodimer protein expression in the tumor cells of cancer tissues of the affected family members. Conclusions: We provide compelling evidence in favor of the pathogenic role of the MSH2 variant c.2635-2A&gt;G, which could induce an alteration of the canonical splice site and consequently an aberrant form of the protein product (MSH2)

    Quality of life, compliance, safety and effectiveness in fit older metastatic colorectal patients with cancer treated in first-line with chemotherapy plus cetuximab: A restrospective analysis from the ObservEr study

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    Abstract Objectives The influence of age ( KRAS wild type (WT) metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC). Methods 225 patients of the Observed study (PS 0-1) were retrieved based on age ( Results The two patient groups (141  p  = 0.002), which is likely due to higher proportions of metastatic resection (27.0% vs 8.3%; p  = 0.001) and utilization of second-line therapy in younger group (58.9% vs 42.9%; p  = 0.028). Conclusion The current data suggest that fit older patients with mCRC can be safely treated with a cetuximab-based therapy, as QoL and safety profile do not seem to be affected by age. In addition, age did not impact the choice of chemotherapy to be associated to cetuximab and treatment compliance

    Endothelium-derived stromal cells contribute to hematopoietic bone marrow niche formation

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    Bone marrow stromal cells (BMSCs) play pivotal roles in tissue maintenance and regeneration. Their origins, however, remain incompletely understood. Here we identify rare LNGFR+ cells in human fetal and regenerative bone marrow that co-express endothelial and stromal markers. This endothelial subpopulation displays transcriptional reprogramming consistent with endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EndoMT) and can generate multipotent stromal cells that reconstitute the bone marrow (BM) niche upon transplantation. Single-cell transcriptomics and lineage tracing in mice confirm robust and sustained contributions of EndoMT to bone precursor and hematopoietic niche pools. Interleukin-33 (IL-33) is overexpressed in subsets of EndoMT cells and drives this conversion process through ST2 receptor signaling. These data reveal generation of tissue-forming BMSCs from mouse and human endothelial cells and may be instructive for approaches to human tissue regeneration

    A Novel Smad7 Genetic Variant Mapping on the Genomic Region Targeted by Mongersen Is Associated with Crohn's Disease

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    Down-regulation of Smad7 with a specific Smad7 antisense (AS) oligonucleotide-containing oral drug (Mongersen) was effective in pre-clinical studies and initial clinical trials in Crohn's disease (CD) patients. A recent phase 3 trial was discontinued due to an apparent inefficacy of the drug, but factors contributing to the failure of this study remain unknown. Here, we analysed the frequency in CD of rs144204026 C/T single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), which maps on the corresponding region targeted by the Smad7 AS contained in the Mongersen formulation and examined whether such a variant allele affects the ability of Smad7 AS to knockdown Smad7