83 research outputs found

    Stereoselectivity of the membrane potential-generating citrate and malate transporters of lactic acid bacteria

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    The citrate transporter of Leuconostoc mesenteroides (CitP) and the malate transporter of Lactococcus lactis (MleP) are homologous proteins that catalyze citrate-lactate and malate-lactate exchange, respectively. Both transporters transport a range of substrates that contain the 2-hydroxycarboxylate motif, HO-CR2-COO- [Bandell, M., et al. (1997) J. Biol. Chem. 272, 18140-18146]. In this study, we have analyzed binding and translocation properties of CitP and MleP for a wide variety of substrates and substrate analogues. Modification of the OH or the COO- groups of the 2-hydroxycarboxylate motif drastically reduced the affinity of the transporters for the substrates, indicating their relevance in substrate recognition. Both CitP and MleP were strictly stereoselective when the R group contained a second carboxylate group; the S-enantiomers were efficiently bound and translocated, while the transporters had no affinity for the R-enantiomers. The affinity of the S-enantiomers, and of citrate, was at least 1 order of magnitude higher than for lactate and other substrates with uncharged R groups, indicating a specific interaction between the second carboxylate group and the protein that is responsible for high-affinity binding. MleP was not stereoselective in binding when the R groups are hydrophobic and as large as a benzyl group. However, only the S-enantiomers were translocated by MleP. CitP had a strong preference for binding and translocating the R-enantiomers of substrates with large hydrophobic R groups. These differences between CitP and MleP explain why citrate is a substrate of CitP and not of MleP. The results are discussed in the context of a model for the interaction between sites on the protein and functional groups on the substrates in the binding pockets of the two proteins.</p

    Transmembrane segment (TMS) VIII of the Na+/citrate transporter CitS requires downstream TMS IX for insertion in the Escherichia coli membrane

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    The amino acid sequence of the sodium ion-dependent citrate transporter CitS of IL pneumoniae contains 12 hydrophobic stretches that could form membrane-spanning segments. A previous analysis of the membrane topology in Escherichia coli using the PhoA gene fusion technique indicated that only nine of these hydrophobic segments span the membrane, while three segments, Vb, VIII and IX were predicted to have a periplasmic location (Van Geest, IM., and Lolkema, J. S. (1996) J. Biol. Chem. 271, 25582-25589), A topology study of C-terminally truncated CitS molecules in dog pancreas microsomes revealed that the protein traverses the endoplasmic reticulum membrane 11 times. In agreement with the PhoA fusion data, segment Vb was predicted to have a periplasmic location, but, in contrast, segments VIII and IX were found to be membrane-spanning (Van Geest, M., Nilsson, I., von Heijne, G., and Lolkema, J, S, (1999) J. Biol, Chem. 274, 2816-2823),In the present study, using site-directed Cys labeling, the topology of segments VIII and IX in the fall-length CitS protein was determined in the E. coli membrane, Engineered cysteine residues in the loop between the two segments were accessible to a membrane-impermeable thiol reagent exclusively from the cytoplasmic side of the membrane, demonstrating that transmembrane segments (TMSs) VIII and M are both membrane-spanning. It follows that the folding of CitS in the E. cold and endoplasmic reticulum membrane is the same. Cysteine accessibility studies of CitS-PhoA fusion molecules dem; onstrated that in the E. coli membrane segment VIII is exported to the periplasm in the absence of the C-terminal CitS sequences, thus explaining why the PhoA fusions do not correctly predict the topology. An engineered cysteine residue downstream of TMS VIII moved from a periplasmic to a cytoplasmic location when the fusion protein containing TMSs I-VIII was extended with segment IX, Thus, downstream segment M is both essential and sufficient for the insertion of segment VIII of CitS in the E. coli membrane.</p

    Structural and mechanistic diversity of secondary transporters

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    Recent reports on the three-dimensional structure of secondary transporters have dramatically increased our knowledge of the translocation mechanism of ions and solutes. The structures of five transporters at atomic resolution have yielded four different folds and as many different translocation mechanisms. The structure of the glutamate transporter homologue Glt(Ph) confirmed the role of pore-loop structures as essential parts of the translocation mechanism in one family of secondary transporters. Biochemical evidence for pore-loop structures in several other families suggest that they might be common in secondary transporters, adding to the structural and mechanistic diversity of secondary transporters

    A Crh-specific function in carbon catabolite repression in Bacillus subtilis

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    Carbon catabolite repression in Bacillus subtilis is mediated by phosphorylation of the phosphoenolpyruvate: carbohydrate phosphotransferase system intermediate HPr at a serine residue catalyzed by HPr kinase. The orthologous protein Crh functions in a similar way, but, unlike HPr, it is not functional in carbohydrate uptake. A specific function for Crh is not known. The role of HPr and Crh in repressing the citM gene encoding the Mg2+-citrate transporter was investigated during growth of B. subtilis on different carbon sources. In glucose minimal medium, full repression was supported by both HPr and Crh. Strains deficient in Crh or the regulatory function of HPr revealed the same repression as the wild-type strain. In contrast, in a medium containing succinate and glutamate, repression was specifically mediated via Crh. Repression was relieved in the Crh-deficient strain, but still present in the HPr mutant strain. The data are the first demonstration of a Crh-specific function in B. subtilis and suggest a role for Crh in regulation of expression during growth on substrates other than carbohydrates. (C) 2003 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. on behalf of the Federation of European Microbiological Societies

    Accessibility of cysteine residues in a cytoplasmic loop of CitS of Klebsiella pneumoniae is controlled by the catalytic state of the transporter

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    The citrate transporter CAS of Klebsiella pneumoniae is a secondary transporter that transports citrate in symport with two sodium ions and one proton. Treatment of CAS with the alkylating, agent N-ethylmaleimide resulted in a complete loss of transport activity. Treatment of mutant proteins in which the five endogenous cysteine residues were mutated into serines in different combinations revealed that two cysteine residues located in the C-terminal cytoplasmic loop, Cys-398 and Cys-414, were responsible for the inactivation. Labeling with the membrane impermeable methanethiosulfonate derivatives MTSET and MTSES in right-side-out membrane vesicles showed that the cytoplasmic loop was accessible from the periplasmic side of the membrane. The membrane impermeable but more bulky maleimide AmdiS did not inactivate the transporter in right-side-out membrane vesicles. Inactivation by N-ethylmaleimide, MTSES, and MTSET was prevented by the presence of the co-ion Na+. Protection was obtained upon binding 2 Na+, which equals the transport stoichiometry. In the absence of Na+, the substrate citrate had no effect on the inactivation by permeable or impermeable thiol reagents. In contrast, when subsaturating concentrations of Na+ were present, citrate significantly reduced inactivation suggesting ordered binding of the substrate and co-ion; citrate is bound after Na+. In the presence of the proton motive force, the reactivity of the Cys residues was increased significantly for the membrane permeable N-ethylmaleimide, while no difference was observed for the membrane impermeable thiol reagents. The results are discussed in the context of a model for the opening and closing of the translocation pore during turnover of the transporter

    Loop VIII/IX of the Na+-citrate transporter CitS of Klebsiella pneumoniae folds into an amphipathic surface helix

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    The sodium ion-dependent citrate transporter CitS of Klebsiella pneumoniae is a member of, the 2-hydroxycarboxylate transporter (2HCT) family whose members transport divalent citrate in symport with two sodium ions. Profiles of the hydrophobic moment suggested the presence of an amphipathic helical structure in the cytoplasmic loop between transmembrane segments (TMSs) VIII and IX (the AH loop) in all members of the family. Cysteine-scanning mutagenesis was used to study the secondary structure of the AH loop. We have mutated 20 successive residues into cysteine residues, characterized each of the mutants for its transport activity, and determined the accessibility of the residues. Three of the mutants, G324C, F331C, and F332C, had very low citrate transport activity, and two others, I321C and S333C, exhibited significantly decreased activity after treatment of right-side-out membranes with membrane permeable thiol reagent N-ethylmaleimide (NEM), but not with membrane impermeable 4-acetamido-4 '-maleimidylstilbene-2,2 '-disulfonic acid (AmdiS) and [2-(trimethylammonium)ethyl]methanethiosulfonate (MTSET). No protection against NEM was observed with citrate or sodium ions. Labeling of the cysteine residues in the 20 mutants with the fluorescent probe fluorescein 5-maleimide, in membrane vesicles with an inverted orientation, resulted in a clear periodicity in the accessibility of the residues. Residues expected to be at the hydrophobic face of the putative alpha-helix were not accessible for the label, whereas those at the hydrophilic face were easily accessed and labeled. Pretreatment of whole cells and inside-out membranes expressing the mutants with the membrane impermeable reagent AmdiS confirmed the cytoplasmic localization of the AH region. It is concluded that the loop between TMSs VIII and IX folds into an amphipathic surface helix

    Secondary transporters of the 2HCT family contain two homologous domains with inverted membrane topology and trans re-entrant loops

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    The 2-hydroxycarboxylate transporter (2HCT) family of secondary transporters belongs to a much larger structural class of secondary transporters termed ST3 which contains about 2000 transporters in 32 families. The transporters of the 2HCT family are among the best studied in the class. Here we detect weak sequence similarity between the N- and C-terminal halves of the proteins using a sensitive method which uses a database containing the N- and C-terminal halves of all the sequences in ST3 and involves BLAST searches of each sequence in the database against the whole database. Unrelated families of secondary transporters of the same length and composition were used as controls. The sequence similarity involved major parts of the N- and C-terminal halves and not just a small stretch. The membrane topology of the homologous N- and C-terminal domains was deduced from the experimentally determined topology of the members of the 2HCT family. The domains consist of five transmembrane segments each and have opposite orientations in the membrane. The N terminus of the N-terminal domain is extracellular, while the N terminus of the C-terminal domain is cytoplasmic. The loops between the fourth and fifth transmembrane segment in each domain are well conserved throughout the class and contain a high fraction of residues with small side chains, Gly, Ala and Ser. Experimental work on the citrate transporter CitS in the 2HCT family indicates that the loops are re-entrant or pore loops. The re-entrant loops in the N- and C-terminal domains enter the membrane from opposite sides (trans-re-entrant loops). The combination of inverted membrane topology and trans-re-entrant loops represents a new fold for secondary transporters and resembles the structure of aquaporins and models proposed for Na+/Ca2+ exchangers
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