433 research outputs found
Superconductivity and superconducting order parameter phase fluctuations in a weakly doped antiferromagnet
The superconducting properties of a recently proposed phenomenological model
for a weakly doped antiferromagnet are analyzed, taking into account
fluctuations of the phase of the order parameter. In this model, we assume that
the doped charge carriers can't move out of the antiferromagnetic sublattice
they were introduced. This case corresponds to the free carrier spectra with
the maximum at , as it was observed in ARPES
experiments in some of the cuprates in the insulating state [1]. The doping
dependence of the superconducting gap and the temperature-carrier density phase
diagram of the model are studied in the case of the pairing
symmetry and different values of the effective coupling. A possible relevance
of the results to the experiments on high-temperature superconductors is
discussed.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figure
Fluctuating order parameter in doped cuprate superconductors
We discuss static fluctuations of the d-wave superconducting order parameter
in CuO planes, due to quasiparticle scattering by charged dopants.
The analysis of two-particle anomalous Green functions at permits to
estimate the mean-square fluctuation ,
averaged in random dopant configurations, to the lowest order in doping level
. Since is found to saturate with growing doping level while
remains to grow, this can explain the collapse of at overdoping.
Also we consider the spatial correlations for
order parameter in different points of the plane.Comment: RevTex4, 3 pages, to be published in Proceedings of New3SC-4
International Conference, San Diego, California, January 15-21, 200
Spin-polarized Current-induced Instability in Spin-Valve with Antiferromagnetic Layer
In the framework of phenomenological model we consider dynamics of a
compensated collinear antiferromagnet (AFM) in the presence of spin-polarised
current. The model is based on the assumption that AFM spins are localised and
spin torque is transferred to each magnetic sublattice independently. It is
shown that in AFM spin current i) can be a source of the "negative friction";
and ii) modifies spin-wave frequencies. Equilibrium state of AFM can be
destabilized by the current polarized in parallel to AFM vector. Threshold
current at which the loss of stability takes place depends upon the magnetic
anisotropy of AFM.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, submitted to J. Mag. Soc. Japa
On temperature versus doping phase diagram of high critiical temperature superconductors
The attempt to describe the bell-shape dependence of the critical temperature
of high- superconductors on charge carriers density is made. Its linear
increase in the region of small densities (underdoped regime) is proposed to
explain by the role of the order parameter phase 2D fluctuations which become
less at this density growth. The critical temperature suppression in the region
of large carrier densities (overdoped regime) is connected with the appearance
(because of doping) of the essential damping of long-wave bosons which in the
frame of the model proposed define the mechanism of indirect inter-fermion
attraction.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures, EMTE
Shift of close-packed basal planes as an order parameter of transitions between antiferromangetic phases in solid oxygen: II. Temperature/pressure dependence of sound velocities and lattice parameters
In the present paper we generalised a phenomenological model developed in
\cite{gomo:2005} for the description of magnetostructural phase transitions and
related peculiarities of elastic properties in solid oxygen under high pressure
and/or low (below 40 K) temperature. We show that variation of all the lattice
parameters in the vicinity of -phase transition is due to both the
shift of basal closed packed planes and appearance of the long-range magnetic
order. Competition between these two factors from one side and lattice
compression below from another produces non monotonic
temperature dependence of lattice parameter (along monoclinic axis). Steep
decrease of the sound velocities in the vicinity of can be
explained by the softening of the lattice with respect to shift of the
close-packed planes (described by the constant ) prior to phase transition
point. We anticipate an analogous softening of sound velocities in the vicinity
of -phase transition and non monotonic pressure dependence of
sound velocities in -phase.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, to appear in Low Temperature Physics, v.33, N6,
2007, materails presented at the Conference CC-2006, Kharkov, 200
On orientational relief of inter-molecular potential and the structure of domain walls in fullerite C60
A simple planar model for an orientational ordering of threefold molecules on
a triangular lattice modelling a close-packed (111) plane of fullerite is
considered. The system has 3-sublattice ordered ground state which includes 3
different molecular orientations. There exist 6 kinds of orientational domains,
which are related with a permutation or a mirror symmetry. Interdomain walls
are found to be rather narrow.
The model molecules have two-well orientational potential profiles, which are
slightly effected by a presence of a straight domain wall. The reason is a
stronger correlation between neighbour molecules in triangular lattice versus
previously considered square lattice
A considerable reduction (up to one order) of orientational interwell
potential barrier is found in the core regions of essentially two-dimentional
potential defects, such as a three-domain boundary or a kink in the domain
wall. For ultimately uncorrelated nearest neighbours the height of the
interwell barrier can be reduced even by a factor of 100.Comment: 11 pages, 13 figures, LaTeX, to appear in Low Temperature Physic
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