88 research outputs found


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    The chemical thinning of \u27Summerred\u27/M.9 was investigated on three years old apple trees. The application of ethephon 200 ppm was done at the start of flowering time, 6-benzyladenine (BA) 100 ppm and 1- naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) 10 ppm was applied at 10 mm fruitlet diameter and the combination spraying of these thinners was done as a multiple (ethephon + BA, ethephon + NAA) or tank mix (BA + NAA) application. The alone application of ethephon or NAA reduced the final fruit number but did not enhance the mean fruit weight, similar as the consecutive (multiple) application of ethephon and NAA. On the contrary, when BA was applied (alone or in combination with ethephon) a nice fruit growth happened after the thinning of fruitlets. The tank mix spraying of BA + NAA reduced the fruit number adequately and the fruit growth was enhanced. The strongest thinning (overthinning) occurred when ethephon spraying was followed by the mixture of BA and NAA three weeks later. Significantly better return bloom was observed in the case of BA and NAA alone application, ethephon + BA, BA + NAA and ethephon + BA + NAA treatments


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    The chemical thinning of 'Summerred'/M.9 was investigated on three years old apple trees. The application of ethephon 200 ppm was done at the start of flowering time, 6-benzyladenine (BA) 100 ppm and 1- naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) 10 ppm was applied at 10 mm fruitlet diameter and the combination spraying of these thinners was done as a multiple (ethephon + BA, ethephon + NAA) or tank mix (BA + NAA) application. The alone application of ethephon or NAA reduced the final fruit number but did not enhance the mean fruit weight, similar as the consecutive (multiple) application of ethephon and NAA. On the contrary, when BA was applied (alone or in combination with ethephon) a nice fruit growth happened after the thinning of fruitlets. The tank mix spraying of BA + NAA reduced the fruit number adequately and the fruit growth was enhanced. The strongest thinning (overthinning) occurred when ethephon spraying was followed by the mixture of BA and NAA three weeks later. Significantly better return bloom was observed in the case of BA and NAA alone application, ethephon + BA, BA + NAA and ethephon + BA + NAA treatments

    From waste/residual marine biomass to active biopolymer-based packaging film materials for food industry applications- A review

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    Waste/residual marine biomass represents a vast and potentially underexplored source of biopolymers chitin/- chitosan and alginate. Their isolation and potential application in the development and production of bio-based food packaging are gaining in attractiveness due to a recent increment in plastic pollution awareness. Accordingly, a review of the latest research work was given to cover the pathway from biomass sources to biopolymers isolation and application in the development of active (antimicrobial/antioxidant) film materials intended for food packaging. Screening of the novel eco-friendly isolation processes was followed by an extensive overview of the most recent publications covering the chitosan- and alginate-based films with incorporated active agents

    Alpine ethnobotany in Italy: traditional knowledge of gastronomic and medicinal plants among the Occitans of the upper Varaita valley, Piedmont

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    A gastronomic and medical ethnobotanical study was conducted among the Occitan communities living in Blins/Bellino and Chianale, in the upper Val Varaita, in the Piedmontese Alps, North-Western Italy, and the traditional uses of 88 botanical taxa were recorded. Comparisons with and analysis of other ethnobotanical studies previously carried out in other Piemontese and surrounding areas, show that approximately one fourth of the botanical taxa quoted in this survey are also known in other surrounding Occitan valleys. It is also evident that traditional knowledge in the Varaita valley has been heavily eroded. This study also examined the local legal framework for the gathering of botanical taxa, and the potential utilization of the most quoted medicinal and food wild herbs in the local market, and suggests that the continuing widespread local collection from the wild of the aerial parts of Alpine wormwood for preparing liqueurs (Artemisia genipi, A. glacialis, and A. umbelliformis) should be seriously reconsidered in terms of sustainability, given the limited availability of these species, even though their collection is culturally salient in the entire study area
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