55 research outputs found

    Modificirana shema cijepljenja stada mliječnih goveda polivalentnim cjepivom protiv virusnog proljeva goveda - terensko istraživanje

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    In order to reduce the cost of vaccination, three herds were vaccinated with polyvalent bovine viral diarrhea virus inactivated vaccine according to a modified schedule, and the specific antibody response was evaluated. In each herd only the cows and heifers were vaccinated with one dose of vaccine. Two herds (A and B) were vaccinated annually for three consecutive years. The third herd (C) was vaccinated twice with a two year interval. At the beginning of the study the herds consisted of 38, 22 and 15 animals respectively. Antibody response was evaluated three and nine months after vaccination with indirect ELISA, blocking ELISA and a virus neutralization test. Within herds A and B the percentage of seropositive animals increased with each subsequent vaccination. Three months after the third vaccination more than 96% of animals in herds A and B were seropositive. Nine months after the third vaccination more than 56% of animals in herds A and B were seropositive. Three and nine months after the second vaccination the numbers of positive animals in herd C was 66% and 38% respectively. The obtained results show that the percentage of seropositive animals within the herds increased with each vaccination and the best detection of specific antibodies after vaccination can be achieved if a virus neutralization test is used. Also, the results show that seroprotection of cows within the herds vaccinated yearly was significantly higher (56.52-58.82%) compared to the herd vaccinated with a two year interval (38.88%).Da bi se procijenila mogućnost smanjenja troškova cijepljenja, tri su stada goveda cijepljena protiv virusnog proljeva goveda polivalentnim cjepivom prema modificiranoj shemi. U dva stada (38 i 22 goveda) sve krave i junice cijepljene su jednom godišnje tri godine uzastopce. U trećem stadu (15 goveda) cijepljene su sve krave i junice prve i treće godine. Uspješnost cijepljenja provjeravala se imunoenzimnim testom i virus-neutralizacijskim testom određujući specifična protutijela u uzorcima krvnih seruma. Tri mjeseca nakon trećeg cijepljenja unutar prva dva stada postotak serološki pozitivnih goveda bio je veći od 96%. Devet mjeseci nakon trećeg cijepljenja unutar prva dva stada postotak serološki pozitivnih goveda bio je veći od 56%. U trećem stadu postotak serološki pozitivnih goveda tri i devet mjeseci nakon trećeg cijepljenja bio je 66% i 38%. Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da se postotak serološki pozitivnih grla unutar svakog stada svakim sljedećim cijepljenjem povećao te da se procjena uspješnosti cijepljenja najbolje može odrediti virus-neutralizacijskim testom

    Rabies in Carnivora and bats in the Republic of Croatia

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    Bjesnoća je zoonoza s najvišom stopom smrtnosti od svih trenutno poznatih zaraznih bolesti prouzročena virusom iz porodice Rhabdoviridae, roda Lyssavirus. Rezervoari virusa bjesnoće su životinje iz redova šišmiša i zvijeri. U Republici Hrvatskoj glavni rezervoar virusa bjesnoće je crvena lisica. Početkom oralnog cijepljena lisica broj pozitivnih slučajeva je opadao, a posljednji pozitivni slučaj potvrđen je u veljači 2014. godine. Za razliku od lisica, populacija šišmiša u Republici Hrvatskoj nikada nije bila sustavno pretraživana na prisutnost virusa bjesnoće ili drugih zoonotski potencijalno opasnih virusa. S ciljem utvrđivanja prisutnosti i proširenosti virusa u populaciji šišmiša započet je nacionalni projekt „Aktivni nadzor bjesnoće u šišmiša - bitan faktor za procjenu buduće prijetnje“ (BatsRabTrack) financiran od Hrvatske zaklade za znanost.Rabies is an ancient, major zoonosis with the highest mortality of any known infectious agent that continues to cause considerable human illness and death. The animal species in which these viruses are maintained are restricted to the order Chiroptera (bats) and Carnivora. In Croatia, the virus was maintained in a population of red fox. After starting the oral vaccination of foxes (2011), the last rabies positive case was confirmed in February 2014. Unlike in red fox, the data on rabies (and other viruses) in bats is very limited. During 2016, a national project financed by Croatian Science Foundation was started. The main goal of the project is to establish the presence of rabies and other zoonotic viruses in bats by applying virological, serological and molecular methods

    Mesenchymal stem cells in veterinary medicine

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    Ubrzani razvoj regenerativne veterinarske medicine, usmjerene na iskorištavanje sposobnosti adultnih matičnih stanica i organizma za obnavljanjem oštećenih stanica, tkiva i organa, zahtijeva pouzdan izvor matičnih stanica. Masno tkivo predstavlja obilat, pristupačan i bogat izvor adultnih matičnih stanica koje pružaju brojne mogućnosti za aplikaciju u regenerativnoj veterinarskoj medicini. Mezenhimske matične stanice izdvojene iz masnog tkiva (adipose derived mesenchymal stem cells -AD-MSCs) adheriraju na plastiku, sposobne su se diferencirati u različite stanične linije (adipocite, osteoblaste, hondrocite, miocite, neuralne stanice), a detaljno se karakteriziraju ekspresijom specifičnih površinskih staničnih biljega. Zahvaljujući svojim osobinama i masnom tkivu kao zahvalnom izvoru, zanimanje za AD-MSCs raste u istraživačkim i kliničkim krugovima.Regenerative veterinary medicine exploits the ability of adult stem cells and the organism to regenerate damaged cells, tissues and organs, requires a reliable source of stem cells. Adipose tissue is a rich, accessible and abundant source of adult stem cells, providing many opportunities for applications in regenerative veterinary medicine. Adipose derived mesenchymal stem cells (AD-MSCs) adhere to plastic, differentiate into different cell lines (adipocytes, osteoblasts, chondrocytes, myocytes, neuronal cells), and are characterized by the expression of specific cell surface markers. AD-MSCs continue to raise interest within the scientific and clinical community

    Mesenchymal stem cells in veterinary medicine

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    Ubrzani razvoj regenerativne veterinarske medicine, usmjerene na iskorištavanje sposobnosti adultnih matičnih stanica i organizma za obnavljanjem oštećenih stanica, tkiva i organa, zahtijeva pouzdan izvor matičnih stanica. Masno tkivo predstavlja obilat, pristupačan i bogat izvor adultnih matičnih stanica koje pružaju brojne mogućnosti za aplikaciju u regenerativnoj veterinarskoj medicini. Mezenhimske matične stanice izdvojene iz masnog tkiva (adipose derived mesenchymal stem cells -AD-MSCs) adheriraju na plastiku, sposobne su se diferencirati u različite stanične linije (adipocite, osteoblaste, hondrocite, miocite, neuralne stanice), a detaljno se karakteriziraju ekspresijom specifičnih površinskih staničnih biljega. Zahvaljujući svojim osobinama i masnom tkivu kao zahvalnom izvoru, zanimanje za AD-MSCs raste u istraživačkim i kliničkim krugovima.Regenerative veterinary medicine exploits the ability of adult stem cells and the organism to regenerate damaged cells, tissues and organs, requires a reliable source of stem cells. Adipose tissue is a rich, accessible and abundant source of adult stem cells, providing many opportunities for applications in regenerative veterinary medicine. Adipose derived mesenchymal stem cells (AD-MSCs) adhere to plastic, differentiate into different cell lines (adipocytes, osteoblasts, chondrocytes, myocytes, neuronal cells), and are characterized by the expression of specific cell surface markers. AD-MSCs continue to raise interest within the scientific and clinical community

    Peste des petit ruminants – a new threat to the farm industry?

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    Kuga malih preživača (KMP) je virusna zarazna bolest prvenstveno ovaca i koza koja zahvaća dišni i probavni te imunosni sustav. Bolest je desetljećima prisutna u Africi gdje je prvotno i prepoznata, a odatle se proširila u Aziju i Europu. Odnedavno je KMP po prvi put utvrđena i u Europskoj uniji. Bolest nije zoonoza, ali je prijetnja međunarodnoj trgovini životinjama i njihovim proizvodima i uzrokuje ekonomske gubitke. Za sprečavanje bolesti dostupno je atenuirano cjepivo koje nije registrirano na hrvatskom tržištu.Peste des petits ruminants (PPR) is a viral disease that primarily affects goats and sheep. The disease affects the respiratory, digestive and immune systems. It has been present for decades in Africa, and has since spread to Asia and Europe. Recently, PPR was confirmed in the European Union for the first time. PPR is not a zoonotic disease; however, it presents a threat to the international trade of animals and their products and causes economic losses. An attenuated vaccine for prevention is available, though this vaccine is currently not registered on the Croatian market

    Eliminacija klasične bjesnoće U Hrvatskoj - povijesni pregled

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    Rabies is an ancient disease, known worldwide for a thousand years. Nowadays, vast areas of Western and Central Europe have been freed from rabies. To mark the expectation that Croatia will be offi- cially declared free of classical terrestrial rabies by 2020, this paper was written to present a historical overview of the epidemiological characteristics of rabies in Croatia, based on literature data. Rabies in humans and animals was described in the 19th century on the Croatian territory as a significant public health problem. It caused considerable human and animal death. One of the oldest report of rabies in Croatia is dated in 1783, when two people from the city of Šibenik were bitten by a rabid cat and a rabid dog. Epidemics of rabies that were spread by packs of stray dogs prompted the state authorities in the second half of the 19th century to control the movements of these dogs. The first announce- ment of taxes on dogs in Croatia was recorded in 1857. However, it was introduced as early as January 1st, 1867. The first campaign of preventive dog vaccination by a phenol vaccine prepared from virus fixé, was performed in 1933. Dog vaccination and strict control measures resulted in the reduction of dog-mediated rabies cases to zero in the whole of Croatia in 1967. Ten years later, the first cases of sylvatic rabies in Croatia were detected in three foxes. By the end of 1986 rabies was found in the whole territory of Croatia apart from Dubrovnik and the islands. Introduction of oral vaccination of foxes throughout the whole Croatian territory in 2011, resulted in the rapid decrease of rabies cases in animals to zero in 2014. Recent studies have been focused on rabies in bats. Neutralizing antibodies against the European bat lyssavirus-1 were detected in bats which proves that the bat population in Croatia was in contact with the virus.Bjesnoća je od davnina poznata i proširena diljem svijeta. U novije doba zemlje zapadne i središnje Europe slobodne su od bjesnoće. Očekuje se da će 2020. godine i Hrvatska biti proglašena slobodnom od klasične (zemaljske) bjesnoće pa je taj događaj bio poticaj za pisanje ovog preglednog članka, koji je napisan sa svrhom da se pruži opširan prikaz zapisa, znanstvenih i stručnih članaka objavljenih o bjesnoći u Hrvatskoj. Bjesnoća je u 19. stoljeću predstavljala značajan javnozdravstveni problem. Bila je čest uzrok neizbježne smrti čovjeka i uginuća životinja. Jedan od najstarijih opisa bjesnoće u ljudi ugriženih od bijesnog psa i bijesne mačke na području grada Šibenika objavljen je 1783. Epizootije bjesnoće među psima lutalicama prinudile su državne vlasti u drugoj polovici 19. stoljeća da donesu kontrolne mjere o kretanju takvih pasa. Godine 1857. najavljeno je uvođenje poreza na pse. Uz odredbe o nošenju pasjih markica taj je porez uveden tek 1867. Prvo opširno cijepljenje pasa fenolnim cjepivom pripravljenim od “virusa fixe” provedeno je 1933. godine. Cijepljenje i stroge kontrolne mjere dovele su postupno da smanjenja broja bijesnih pasa i do iskorjenjivanja urbane bjesnoće 1967. godine. Deset godina kasnije u Hrvatskoj su se u lisica pojavili prvi slučajevi silvatične bjesnoće. Do 1986. silvatična bjesnoća zahvatila je sve krajeve Hrvatske osim dubrovačkog područja i otoka. Sus- tavno oralno cijepljenje lisica protiv bjesnoće započelo je 2011. godine, a posljednji slučaj bjesnoće u lisica zabilježen je 2014. godine. Nova istraživanja usredotočena su na bjesnoću u šišmiša, a publikacija iz 2018. godine iznosi da su neutralizacijska protutijela dokazana u šišmiša iz hrvatskih špilja

    Biochemical and molecular characterization of three serologically different Vibrio harveyi strains isolated from farmed Dicentrarchus labrax from the Adriatic Sea

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    Vibrio harveyi is recognized as one of the major causes of vibriosis, a disease that threatens the long-term sustainability of aquaculture. Current research shows that the Mediterranean strains of V. harveyi are serologically heterogeneous, though research comparing the traits of different strains is scarce. This study aims to describe the biochemical, physiological and genetic characteristics of three serologically different strains of V. harveyi isolated from farmed European Sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) from the Adriatic Sea. A total of 32 morphological and biochemical markers were examined and, the susceptibility to 13 antimicrobials tested, and then compared the results of high-throughput sequencing and in silico analyses. This study also presents the first whole genome sequences of V. harveyi isolated from European sea bass. A large number of nonsynonymous variations were detected among sequences of the three strains. The prediction analysis of resistance genes did not correspond with the in vitro antimicrobial susceptibility tests. Six virulence genes previously unrelated to virulence of vibrios were detected in all three studied strains. The results show that differences were detected at every level of comparison among the three studied strains isolated from the same fish species originating from a small geographic area

    In the shadow of COVID-19: Towards declaring a rabies-free Croatia

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    Jedan od strateških ciljeva Europske unije (EU) u području zdravlja životinja proglašenje je cjelokupnog prostora EU slobodnim od klasične tzv. „zemaljske“ bjesnoće do 2020. godine. Zahvaljujući uspješnosti oralnog cijepljenja, koje se u Europi provodi još od 1978., većina zemalja zapadne i srednje Europe slobodna je od bjesnoće još od prijelaza u 21. stoljeće. Zadnji slučaj bjesnoće u Hrvatskoj zabilježen je u proljeće 2014., nakon samo tri godine od početka provedbe nacionalnog programa oralnog cijepljenja protiv bjesnoće. Ono što nam slijedi je dobivanje službenog statusa zemlje slobodne od bjesnoće, a posljedično tome i prijelaz na novu politiku kontrole bjesnoće u zemlji. Međutim, shvaćajući bjesnoću kao globalnu prijetnju zdravlju, a posebice obzirom na prisutnost virusa u šišmiša potreban je njen stalni nadzor.One of the strategic goals of the European Union (EU) in the field of animal health is to declare the entire EU territory free of classical terrestrial rabies (caused by the classic rabies virus) by 2020. Thanks to the success of oral vaccination, implemented in Europe since 1978, most countries in Western and Central Europe have been free of rabies since the beginning of the 21st century. The last case of rabies in Croatia was recorded in the spring of 2014, just three years after the start of implementation of the national oral rabies vaccination programme. The logical next step is obtaining the official status of a rabies-free country, and consequently transitioning to a new rabies control policy in the country. However, understanding rabies as a global threat to health, especially given the presence of the virus in bats, constant monitoring is still needed

    Filogenetska analiza hrvatskih izolata virusa virusnog proljeva goveda.

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    Between 2007 and 2011, a total of 1937 sera samples and five spleen samples from nine Croatian dairy herds were tested for the bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) using virus isolation and the immunoperoxidase test. BVDV was detected in 13 persistently infected (PI) cattle with a non-cytopathogenic biotype, while in five animals with fatal mucosal disease, isolates from spleen samples were of the cytopathogenic biotype. To reveal the genetic typing of Croatian BVDV isolates, viral RNA was extracted from infected cell cultures and amplified by RT-PCR, with primers targeting the 5’-UTR and the Npro gene, followed by direct sequencing of purified PCR products. Sequence and phylogenetic analysis of the 5’-UTR genome region determined that all Croatian isolates belonged to BVDV genotype 1; 11 isolates were grouped with BVDV-1b and 7 with BVDV- 1f viruses. The phylogenetic tree inferred by the Bayesian approach, using combined 5’-UTR/Npro, supported clustering of Croatian isolates in two subgroups. The deduced aminoacid sequence of the Npro region revealed 5 sites unique for four domestic BVDV-1f isolates.Od 2007. do 2011. godine na virus virusnog proljeva goveda (VPG) pretraženi su uzorci pet slezena i 1937 uzoraka seruma podrijetlom iz 9 stada mliječnih goveda. Imunoperoksidaznim testom (IP) u 13 je uzoraka dokazan necitopatogeni biotip virusa VPG te je potvrđena perzistentna zaraza. Iz svih pet uzoraka slezena izdvojen je citopatogeni virus VPG. U svrhu genotipizacije vlastitih izolata virusa VPG, iz nadtaloga inficiranih staničnih kultura izdvojena je virusna RNK i umnožena lančanom reakcijom polimerazom uz prethodnu reverznu transkripciju (RT-PCR). Umnoženi odsječci 5’-UTR i gena Npro su potom sekvencirani. Filogenetska analiza hrvatskih izolata virusa VPG pokazala je da svi pretraženi izolati pripadaju genotipu 1; 11 izolata svrstano je u podtip 1b, a 7 u 1f. Filogenetska analiza na temelju spojene 5’-UTR/Npro genske sekvencije potvrdila je rezultate genotipizacije pretraženih izolata. Na Npro dijelu genoma utvrđeno je pet aminokiselinskih promjena osebujnih za hrvatske izolate iz podtipa 1f

    Virusni proljev goveda: perzistentna infekcija dokazana u sedam godina stare krave - prikaz slučaja.

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    In this report a persistently infected cow was under surveillance for three years. In that period the level of antibodies and level of viremia were determined. Persistent infection was confirmed in blood serum samples taken at 3 week intervals and tested on the virus antigen by antigen enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and by inoculation in cell culture, which after incubation was stained by an imunoperoxidase technique. In order to determine the changes in antibody level and virus titer levels, blood samples were collected and tested each six months. Also, data on milk production were collected. The level of viremia was 104.5 throughout the period of the study, and antibodies were not detected by VNT. Milk production was above-average at all times. Average daily milk production over 305 days of lactation in 2009 and 2010 was 25 and 21 litres per day respectively. In the first five months of 2011 daily milk production was 15 litres per day. The cow was taken out of herd at the age of seven years.U ovom radu praćene su promjene u razini protutijela i promjene u titru virusa tijekom tri godine u perzistentno zaražene krave. Perzistentna zaraza je dokazana imunoenzimnim testom i izdvajanjem virusa u uzorcima krvnog seruma uzorkovanima dvaput u razmaku od 3 tjedna. Radi dokazivanja promjene u razini protutijela i titru virusa krv je od spomenute krave uzorkovana svakih šest mjeseci. Također su prikupljeni i praćeni podaci o mliječnosti krave. Titar virusa bio je 104,5 tijekom cijelog istraživanja pri čemu nije zabilježena pojava specifičnih protutijela. Mliječnost je bila iznad prosjeka tijekom cijeloga istraživanja. Prosječna dnevna proizvodnja mlijeka tijekom 305 dana laktacije 2009. i 2010. godine iznosila je 21 odnosno 25 L, a tijekom prvih 5 mjeseci 2011. godine 15 L. Krava je izlučena iz stada u dobi od sedam godina