26 research outputs found

    Compendium of Chemical Carcinogens by Target Organ: Results of Chronic Bioassays in Rats, Mice, Hamsters, Dogs, and Monkeys

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    Acompendiumof carcinogenesi s bioassay results organized by target organ is presented for 738 chemicals that are carcinogenic in chronic-exposure , long-term bioassays in at least 1 species. This compendium is based primarily on experiments in rats or mice; results in hamsters, monkeys, and dogs are also reported. The compendium can be used to identify chemicals that induce tumors at particular sites and to determine whether target sites are the same for chemicals positive in more than 1 species. The source of information is the Carcinogeni c Potency Database (CPDB), which includes results of 6073 experiments on 1458 chemicals (positive or negative for carcinogenicity) that have been reported in Technical Reports of the National Cancer Institute/National Toxicology Program or in papers in the general published literature. The published CPDB includes detailed analyses of each test and citations. The CPDB is publicly available in several formats (http://potency.berkeley.edu). Chemical carcinogens are reported for 35 different target organs in rats or mice. Target organs in humans are also summarized for 82 agents that have been evaluated as human carcinogens at a particular target site by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). Comparisons are provided of target organs for mutagens versus nonmutagens and rats versus mice

    Statistical Analysis of Salmonella Test Data and Comparison of Results of Animal Cancer Tests

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    A quantitative framework for the analysis of results of the Salmonella (Ames) test is presented, and the relationship between mutagenesis and carcinogenesis is examined. Color graphics are used for the Salmonella data to describe variability, and trends across multiple chemicals and test conditions. Positivity in the Salmonella test, using statistical criteria to classify results, is compared to positivity in carcinogenesis bioassays for 48 chemicals tested in NCI/NTP-sponsored programs. Sensitivity of the Salmonella test across 5 tester strains was 91% (21/23), while specificity was only 36% (9/25). Results were most concordant for TA100 Aroclor-induced rat S9: sensitivity was 87%, specificity 64%. The correlation of mutagenic potency and carcinogenic potency was 0.41 (p less than 0.001) for 80 chemicals, using results from both the general published literature and the NCI/NTP-sponsored programs. After removal of 3 extreme values, the correlation was 0.24 (p = 0.04)