33 research outputs found

    Constructing a composite coincident indicator for a post-transition country

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    The aim of this article is to construct a monthly coincident indicator of real economic activity in Croatia. For that purpose, we use a database containing altogether 278 time series, ranging from January 1998 to December 2010. In step one we use correlation analysis, logit and Markov switching (MS) model in order to select time series that closely follow the overall business cycle and its turning points. The following four series have been detected as having the best coincident properties: industrial production, volume of retail sales, VAT revenues and total credit to households. In step two we apply dynamic factor model methodology to the aforementioned coincident series in order to estimate their common component, which is then used to construct a monthly coincident indicator of real economic activity

    Isotopic Grand Unification with the Inclusion of Gravity (revised version)

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    We introduce a dual lifting of unified gauge theories, the first characterized by the isotopies, which are axiom- preserving maps into broader structures with positive-definite generalized units used for the representation of matter under the isotopies of the Poincare' symmetry, and the second characterized by the isodualities, which are anti-isomorphic maps with negative-definite generalized units used for the representation of antimatter under the isodualities of the Poincare' symmetry. We then submit, apparently for the first time, a novel grand unification with the inclusion of gravity for matter embedded in the generalized positive-definite units of unified gauge theories while gravity for antimatter is embedded in the isodual isounit. We then show that the proposed grand unification provides realistic possibilities for a resolution of the axiomatic incompatibilities between gravitation and electroweak interactions due to curvature, antimatter and the fundamental space-time symmetries.Comment: 20 pages, Latex, revised in various details and with added reference

    Biomass and morphology of fine roots in temperate broad-leaved forests differing in tree species diversity: is there evidence of below-ground overyielding?

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    Biodiversity effects on ecosystem functioning in forests have only recently attracted increasing attention. The vast majority of studies in forests have focused on above-ground responses to differences in tree species diversity, while systematic analyses of the effects of biodiversity on root systems are virtually non-existent. By investigating the fine root systems in 12 temperate deciduous forest stands in Central Europe, we tested the hypotheses that (1) stand fine root biomass increases with tree diversity, and (2) ‘below-ground overyielding’ of species-rich stands in terms of fine root biomass is the consequence of spatial niche segregation of the roots of different species. The selected stands represent a gradient in tree species diversity on similar bedrock from almost pure beech forests to medium-diverse forests built by beech, ash, and lime, and highly-diverse stands dominated by beech, ash, lime, maple, and hornbeam. We investigated fine root biomass and necromass at 24 profiles per stand and analyzed species differences in fine root morphology by microscopic analysis. Fine root biomass ranged from 440 to 480 g m−2 in the species-poor to species-rich stands, with 63–77% being concentrated in the upper 20 cm of the soil. In contradiction to our two hypotheses, the differences in tree species diversity affected neither stand fine root biomass nor vertical root distribution patterns. Fine root morphology showed marked distinctions between species, but these root morphological differences did not lead to significant differences in fine root surface area or root tip number on a stand area basis. Moreover, differences in species composition of the stands did not alter fine root morphology of the species. We conclude that ‘below-ground overyielding’ in terms of fine root biomass does not occur in the species-rich stands, which is most likely caused by the absence of significant spatial segregation of the root systems of these late-successional species


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    Roots in boreal forest nutrient cycling

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