9 research outputs found

    Supplier base management : the contrast between Germany and the UK

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    Supplier base management is an important aspect of the management of manufacturing operations, as reducing the number of suppliers – the supplier base – is a key approach in many companies including the US and the UK. By having fewer suppliers, manufacturers have more time to work closely with each remaining supplier, for instance, on improving quality and product innovation. However, is this approach being adopted in Germany as fast as it has been in the UK? This paper describes research which addresses this question and which also investigates how German companies are managing contacts with their suppliers. The study was conducted in two stages. Firstly, a survey of manufacturers in Germany and the UK identified the trends in the supplier base of companies in each country. Secondly, a follow-up telephone survey was carried through with purchasing managers at a random sample of 34 German plants to identify, for example, the advantages experienced by manufacturers, which had reduced their supplier base. The findings show that German manufacturers have not reduced their supplier base by as much as companies in the UK. The second part of the research showed that German manufacturers, which have reduced their supplier base, perceive the benefits of this. However, other companies appear to have failed to take the opportunity to gain advantages from a reduced supplier base

    Hidden Chief Technology Officers: the surfacing of a subterranean organizational role

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    Resumen Nuestra investigaciĂłn se centra en el “CTO Oculto,” un ejecutivo que hace las veces de director de tecnologĂ­a sin ostentar ese tĂ­tulo oficialmente (CTO es director de tecnologĂ­a, del inglĂ©s Chief Technology Officer). Este documento presenta un anĂĄlisis de datos recopilados de varios ejecutivos, incluyendo sus actividades funcionales centrales, ĂĄreas de responsabilidad, y cĂłmo su “poder gerencial” dentro y fuera de su organizaciones es determinado en parte por terceros. Este artĂ­culo es parte de un proyecto de investigaciĂłn colaborativa Ă­ntitulado “Uso inteligente de la biomasa a lo largo del Danubio: formaciĂłn de redes de I+D con socios alemanes, hĂșngaros, eslovacos, y rumanos”. Nuestros resultados muestran como las prioridades de los CTO Ocultos no son homogĂ©neas, sino que corresponden a las necesidades especĂ­ficas de los respectivos negocios y sectores tecnolĂłgicos

    Supplier management in German manufacturing companies : An Empirical Investigation

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    A key issue for manufacturers is supplier management, i.e. organising the optimal flow of high quality, value-for-money materials or components from appropriate innovative suppliers. Many companies now recognise the central role that supplier management plays in achieving long-term competitive advantage. This paper presents the results of a study of supplier management practices in Germany, contrasted against those in the UK. It identifies a key difference – German manufacturers have not reduced their supplier base as much as the companies in the UK. However, it appears that German manufacturers will be reducing their supplier base in the near future, although they are likely to follow a policy of multiple sourcing rather than single-sourcing from suppliers. The results of the research have strong implications for German companies as they clearly indicate the potential for performance improvement through the adoption of best practices in the field of supplier management

    Supplier management in german manufacturing companies : an empirical investigation

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    Effective management of suppliers is one of the ways manufacturing companies can improve their performance. Typically, it has been argued in the literature that close relationships with suppliers should be developed, in contrast to the traditional price-driven transactional relationships. However, there has been relatively little empirical research on how supplier management is applied. This paper presents research probing how manufacturers manage their suppliers and takes a sample from Germany - which has a large manufacturing sector. In-depth interviews with purchasing managers were used to understand whether relationships with suppliers were being utilised. The analysis of the data indicates that a significant portion of the companies surveyed had experienced a change in their relationship with suppliers in the last few years. In the main, relationships had become closer and the use of partnerships was in evidence. The research results have implications for German manufacturing companies, as they indicate the potential for improving performance through the greater adoption of best practices in the area of supplier management. The research results indicate the need for German manufacturers to adopt leading-edge practices in the area of supplier management. Although exploratory in nature, the investigation demonstrated the need for researchers to better,understand the range of relationships in a typical manufacturer's supplier bas

    Lieferantenselektion : mit leistungsfĂ€higen gleichgesinnten verbĂŒnden

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    The management of suppliers is becoming the key task in the manufacturing sector, especially the selection of innovative suppliers. Lasting partnerships with peer companies are increasingly valuable

    UK and German supply chain practices : survey results

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    A presentation of survey results on supply chain practices in the UK and German

    Supplier management in manufacturing companies : an empirical investigation in Germany and the UK

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    This paper looks at the outcomes of an empirical investigation of supplier management in manufacturing companies in Germany and the U

    Effective supplier management : lessons from leading German and UK companies

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    Describes effective supplier management practices focusing on the example of leading German and UK companies