19 research outputs found

    Socio-pedagogical approach to multicultural education at preschool

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    This paper deals with the problem of multicultural education at preschool. It focuses on socio-pedagogical approach as methodological foundation for multicultural education. Special attention is paid to the development of preschool educational potential, children's inclusion into socially significant activity, interaction with social institutions within the process of multicultural education. The author analyzes preschool and family partnership from the perspective of its contribution to children's social inclusion and the development of multicultural competence of all interaction participants. (C) 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd

    Socio-pedagogical approach to multicultural education at preschool

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    This paper deals with the problem of multicultural education at preschool. It focuses on socio-pedagogical approach as methodological foundation for multicultural education. Special attention is paid to the development of preschool educational potential, children's inclusion into socially significant activity, interaction with social institutions within the process of multicultural education. The author analyzes preschool and family partnership from the perspective of its contribution to children's social inclusion and the development of multicultural competence of all interaction participants. (C) 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd


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    The article deals with a problem of relationship between the concepts of multicultural and ethno-cultural education. Scientific interest to this theme is caused by the need to address the challenges of educating the younger generation in culturally diverse environment and globalized world. The authors substantiate the importance of multicultural and ethno-cultural education development, taking into account the current trends in state educational policy. The article presents the results of the comparative analysis of education concepts of “ethno-cultural” and “multicultural”. The problem of their interaction and correlation is revealed. The authors focus on the tasks and contents of ethno-cultural and multicultural education. The key questions and the framework of ethno-and multicultural education are defined.Научный интерес к проблеме обусловлен необходимостью решения задач обучения и воспитания подрастающего поколения в условиях культурного разнообразия и усиления глобализационных процессов. Авторы обосновывают актуальность развития концепций поликультурного и этнокультурного образования с учетом современных тенденций государственной образовательной политики. В статье представлены результаты сравнительного анализа понятий «этнокультурное» и «поликультурное» образование, выявлена проблема их взаимодействия и соотношения. На основе анализа отечественных и зарубежных исследований охарактеризованы специфические для каждой из концепций цели и содержание, определено «проблемное поле» этно- и поликультурного образования


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    The article deals with the problem of students' ethnic tolerance development. The authors analyze theoretical and practical aspects of the problem discussed. They prove the importance of volunteering potential in the process of students' ethnic tolerance development.Статья посвящена проблеме развития этнической толерантности студентов международно-ориентированного вуза. Раскрывается воспитательный потенциал волонтерской деятельности, анализируется роль программ наставничества в развитии этнической толерантности российских и иностранных студентов

    Extracurricular activities at modern Russian university: Student and faculty views

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    This article deals with the problem of arranging extracurricular activities for students at a modern Russian university. Research interest in this issue stems from the fact that extracurricular activities are of great concern in the development of modern students’ professionally important qualities and their professional competence. There is a critical need to change the approaches to the organization of extracurricular activities at a university in the light of modern tendencies of higher education development and the opinion of faculty and student community. The authors focus on students’ and faculty members’ views and expectations of extracurricular activity. The research identified priority tasks of extracurricular activities. The recommendations on the organization of extracurricular activities at the level of the chair (department) were developed. The necessity of searching for a flexible, adaptive model of extracurricular activities at the university level is substantiated considering the specifics of the educational environment of a particular university; promising directions for further research are determined. © Authors

    Pre-service teacher multicultural education in Russia: Problems and responses

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    Background/Objectives: This paper deals with the problem of pre-service teacher multicultural education in Russia. It focuses on the goals, content and real practice of multicultural education in teachers' training institutions. Methods/Statistical Analysis: Theoretical research was supported with empirical procedure. The survey sample consisted of 200 pre-service teachers. The authors used both quantitative and qualitative methods: Structured questionnaires to identify pre-service teachers' level of general, ethnic, social tolerance, and focused interviews with 8 respondents to investigate pre-service teachers' knowledge, views and attitudes. Findings: Analyzing in comparative perspective modern standards of university education, teacher training programs and curriculum, we found out that multicultural education in Russia is defined in the context of ethnic, language and religious diversity. Multicultural dimension is implemented primarily within the framework of additive approach. The authors argue that under current reforms extra-curricular activities are the main resource of effective pre-service teacher multicultural education. The empirical research highlights the need for a revision of pre-service teacher multicultural education. The results indicate lack of practical training, such as skills development courses, master classes, case study. Almost 1/3 of pre-service teachers, participating in the research, demonstrate lack of relevant skills and confidence in their ability to work in culturally diverse classroom. Application/Improvements: The results are of pedagogical interest, it can help university staffto comprehend the problems of multicultural education faced in Russia and to activate necessary changes


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    The article deals with the key areas of comparative research carried out as a part of the master’s pedagogical programs in Shanghai Cooperation Organization University. The authors highlight such urgent problem as the investigation of national specific features and general trends in the development of education in the partner countries. Main attention is focused on the analyses of binary comparative research devoted to the problems of international communication, multicultural education, tolerance and patriotism development within the context of internationalization of higher education.В статье представлен анализ основных направлений сравнительно-педагогических исследований, проводимых в рамках магистратуры Университета Шанхайской организации сотрудничества. Обосновывается актуальность изучения национальной специфики и общих тенденций развития образования в странах-партнерах, а также своевременность выявления эффективных способов решения проблем, связанных с развитием процесса интернационализации высшего образования и формированием поликультурного образовательного пространства современного вуза. Показаны особенности бинарных компаративных исследований, посвященных вопросам формирования культуры межнационального общения, воспитания таких важных качеств у российских и казахских студентов, как толерантность и патриотизм

    Pre-service teacher multicultural education in Russia: Problems and responses

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    Background/Objectives: This paper deals with the problem of pre-service teacher multicultural education in Russia. It focuses on the goals, content and real practice of multicultural education in teachers' training institutions. Methods/Statistical Analysis: Theoretical research was supported with empirical procedure. The survey sample consisted of 200 pre-service teachers. The authors used both quantitative and qualitative methods: Structured questionnaires to identify pre-service teachers' level of general, ethnic, social tolerance, and focused interviews with 8 respondents to investigate pre-service teachers' knowledge, views and attitudes. Findings: Analyzing in comparative perspective modern standards of university education, teacher training programs and curriculum, we found out that multicultural education in Russia is defined in the context of ethnic, language and religious diversity. Multicultural dimension is implemented primarily within the framework of additive approach. The authors argue that under current reforms extra-curricular activities are the main resource of effective pre-service teacher multicultural education. The empirical research highlights the need for a revision of pre-service teacher multicultural education. The results indicate lack of practical training, such as skills development courses, master classes, case study. Almost 1/3 of pre-service teachers, participating in the research, demonstrate lack of relevant skills and confidence in their ability to work in culturally diverse classroom. Application/Improvements: The results are of pedagogical interest, it can help university staffto comprehend the problems of multicultural education faced in Russia and to activate necessary changes


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    The article deals with the problem of students' ethnic tolerance development. The authors analyze theoretical and practical aspects of the problem discussed. They prove the importance of volunteering potential in the process of students' ethnic tolerance development.Статья посвящена проблеме развития этнической толерантности студентов международно-ориентированного вуза. Раскрывается воспитательный потенциал волонтерской деятельности, анализируется роль программ наставничества в развитии этнической толерантности российских и иностранных студентов


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    The article deals with a problem of relationship between the concepts of multicultural and ethno-cultural education. Scientific interest to this theme is caused by the need to address the challenges of educating the younger generation in culturally diverse environment and globalized world. The authors substantiate the importance of multicultural and ethno-cultural education development, taking into account the current trends in state educational policy. The article presents the results of the comparative analysis of education concepts of “ethno-cultural” and “multicultural”. The problem of their interaction and correlation is revealed. The authors focus on the tasks and contents of ethno-cultural and multicultural education. The key questions and the framework of ethno-and multicultural education are defined.Научный интерес к проблеме обусловлен необходимостью решения задач обучения и воспитания подрастающего поколения в условиях культурного разнообразия и усиления глобализационных процессов. Авторы обосновывают актуальность развития концепций поликультурного и этнокультурного образования с учетом современных тенденций государственной образовательной политики. В статье представлены результаты сравнительного анализа понятий «этнокультурное» и «поликультурное» образование, выявлена проблема их взаимодействия и соотношения. На основе анализа отечественных и зарубежных исследований охарактеризованы специфические для каждой из концепций цели и содержание, определено «проблемное поле» этно- и поликультурного образования