9 research outputs found

    Internal Marketing and Schools: The Slovenian Case Study

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    Schools in Slovenia are expected to address and respond to the changing environment. Breaking through the rigidity of traditions is a complex process. Internal marketing can be used for doing this. It is a process that focuses on teachers and students in order to increase effectiveness and efficiency of schools and also the level of satisfaction of ‘school customers’. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the elements of internal marketing which are essential for teacher and customer satisfaction and to indicate opportunities for the implementation of internal marketing philosophy and related strategies in Slovenian schools. The paper provides a theoretical framework, an analysis of the Slovenian legal framework and the results of the case study conducted in a grammar school. Data were collected through a group interview, a questionnaire and individual in-depth interviews. The findings show that although the concept of internal marketing is unknown to the participants in the study, its philosophy and focus are present in the school.education, marketization, marketing, internal marketing, human resource management

    Internal marketing and schools

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    Šolska reforma skozi dnevni časopis

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    Marketinška kultura v vzgojno-izobraževalnih organizacijah

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    Over the last decades, national education systems worldwide have been developing strategies and tools with a view to making schools responsive and proactive in rapidly changing and unstable environments. One of the motivation toolsare the mechanisms that steer schools toward market behavior. For this reason, schools should develop a different, marketing culture. The question, however, is whether said schools have developed the marketing culture and how we can asses it. The purpose of this paper is primarily to present the features of the marketing culture in general, secondly, to consider the indicators of the marketing culture and, thirdly, to discuss the findings of the quantitativet study that we conducted in the period from January to May 2006.Snovalci šolskih politik v svetu in tudi v Sloveniji so v zadnjih desetletjih razvijali strategije in orodja z namenom spodbuditi večjo odzivnost in proaktivnost šol v hitro spreminjajočih se in nestabilnih okoljih kot je v preteklosti obstajala. Eden od načinov spodbujanja je tudi vpeljevanje 'mehanizmov', ki šole spodbujajo k tržnemu obnašanju. Šole naj bi zato razvile tudi drugačno, marketinško, kulturo.Vprašanje, ki se ob tem zastavlja, je, ali so šole razvile marketinško kulturo in kako lahko to kulturo ovrednotimo. Namen tega prispevka je, prvič, predstaviti značilnosti marketinške kulture na splošno, drugič, preučiti kazalnike marketinške kulture in, tretjič, obravnavati izsledke kvantitativne študije, ki smo jo izvedli v obdobju od januarja do maja 2006