427 research outputs found

    Musical and vocal interventions to improve neurodevelopmental outcomes for preterm infants

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    This is a protocol for a Cochrane Review (Intervention). The objectives are as follows: We will assess the overall efficacy of auditory stimulation for physiological and neurodevelopmental outcomes in preterm infants (< 37 weeks' gestation), compared to standard care. In addition, we will determine specific effects of various musical and vocal interventions for physiological, anthropometrical, social‐emotional, neurodevelopmental short‐ and long‐term outcomes in preterm infants, parental well‐being, and bonding

    Deforming baryons into confining strings

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    We find explicit probe D3-brane solutions in the infrared of the Maldacena-Nunez background. The solutions describe deformed baryon vertices: q external quarks are separated in spacetime from the remaining N-q. As the separation is taken to infinity we recover known solutions describing infinite confining strings in N=1{\mathcal{N}}=1 gauge theory. We present results for the mass of finite confining strings as a function of length. We also find probe D2-brane solutions in a confining type IIA geometry, the reduction of a G_2 holonomy M theory background. The relation between these deformed baryons and confining strings is not as straightforward.Comment: 1+13 pages. LaTeX. 3 Figures. Factor of 2N fixed to N for the IIA background. Minor changes to tex

    String Tensions and Three Dimensional Confining Gauge Theories

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    In the context of gauge/gravity duality, we try to understand better the proposed duality between the fractional D2-brane supergravity solutions of (Nucl. Phys. B 606 (2001) 18, hep-th/0101096) and a confining 2+1 dimensional gauge theory. Based on the similarities between this fractional D2-brane solution and D3-brane supergravity solutions with more firmly established gauge theory duals, we conjecture that a confining q-string in the 2+1 dimensional gauge theory is dual to a wrapped D4-brane. In particular, the D4-brane looks like a string in the gauge theory directions but wraps a S**3 in S**4 in the transverse geometry. For one of the supergravity solutions, we find a near quadratic scaling law for the tension: T∌q(N−q)T \sim q (N-q). Based on the tension, we conjecture that the gauge theory dual is SU(N) far in the infrared. We also conjecture that a quadratic or near quadratic scaling is a generic feature of confining 2+1 dimensional SU(N) gauge theories.Comment: 23 pages, 2 figure

    Four Lectures On The Gauge/Gravity Correspondence

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    We review in a pedagogical manner some of the efforts aiming to extend the gauge/gravity correspondence to non-conformal supersymmetric gauge theories in four dimensions. After giving a general overview, we discuss in detail two specific examples: fractional D-branes on orbifolds and D-branes wrapped on supersymmetric cycles of Calabi-Yau spaces. We explore in particular which gauge theory information can be extracted from the corresponding supergravity solutions, and what the remaining open problems are. We also briefly explain the connection between these and other approaches, such as fractional branes on conifolds, branes suspended between branes, M5-branes on Riemann surfaces and M-theory on G2-holonomy manifolds, and discuss the role played by geometric transitions in all that.Comment: LaTeX, 85 pages, 7 figures. Lectures given at SISSA/ISAS - Trieste, December 17-20 200

    Finite-Temperature Fractional D2-Branes and the Deconfinement Transition in 2+1 Dimensions

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    The supergravity dual to N regular and M fractional D2-branes on the cone over \mathbb{CP}^3 has a naked singularity in the infrared. One can resolve this singularity and obtain a regular fractional D2-brane solution dual to a confining 2+1 dimensional N = 1 supersymmetric field theory. The confining vacuum of this theory is described by the solution of Cvetic, Gibbons, Lu and Pope. In this paper, we explore the alternative possibility for resolving the singularity - the creation of a regular horizon. The black-hole solution we find corresponds to the deconfined phase of this dual gauge theory in three dimensions. This solution is derived in perturbation theory in the number of fractional branes. We argue that there is a first-order deconfinement transition. Connections to Chern--Simons matter theories, the ABJM proposal and fractional M2-branes are presented.Comment: v3: analytic solutions are expose

    Confining strings in SU(N) gauge theories

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    We calculate the string tensions of kk-strings in SU(NN) gauge theories in both 3 and 4 dimensions. In D=3+1, we find that the ratio of the k=2k=2 string tension to the k=1k = 1 fundamental string tension is consistent, at the 2σ2 \sigma level, with both the M(-theory)QCD-inspired conjecture and with `Casimir scaling'. In D=2+1 we see a definite deviation from the MQCD formula, as well as a much smaller but still significant deviation from Casimir scaling. We find that in both D=2+1 and D=3+1 the high temperature spatial kk-string tensions also satisfy approximate Casimir scaling. We point out that approximate Casimir scaling arises naturally if the cross-section of the flux tube is nearly independent of the flux carried, and that this will occur in an effective dual superconducting description, if we are in the deep-London limit. We estimate, numerically, the intrinsic width of kk-strings in D=2+1 and indeed find little variation with kk. In addition to the stable kk-strings we investigate some ofthe unstable strings, finding in D=2+1 that they satisfy (approximate) Casimir scaling. We also investigate the basic assumption that confining flux tubes are described by an effective string theory at large distances. We estimate the coefficient of the universal L\"uscher correction from periodic strings that are longer than 1 fermi, and find cL=0.98(4)c_L=0.98(4) in D=3+1 and cL=0.558(19)c_L=0.558(19) in D=2+1. These values are within 2σ2 \sigma of the simple bosonic string values and are inconsistent with other simple effective string theories.Comment: 57 pages, 11 figures. Errors on fits reduced by altering the analysis to a standard one. Conclusions unchanged; note addedchanged. Some typos correcte

    Non-singlet Baryons in Less Supersymmetric Backgrounds

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    We analyze the holographic description of non-singlet baryons in various backgrounds with reduced supersymmetries and/or confinement. We show that they exist in all AdS_5xY_5 backgrounds with Y_5 an Einstein manifold bearing five form flux, for a number of quarks 5N/8< k< N, independently on the supersymmetries preserved. This result still holds for gamma_i deformations. In the confining Maldacena-Nunez background non-singlet baryons also exist, although in this case the interval for the number of quarks is reduced as compared to the conformal case. We generalize these configurations to include a non-vanishing magnetic flux such that a complementary microscopical description can be given in terms of lower dimensional branes expanding into fuzzy baryons. This description is a first step towards exploring the finite 't Hooft coupling region.Comment: 36 Pages, 1 figure, Latex, v2: few minor changes, JHEP versio

    The chiral anomaly from M theory

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    We argue that the chiral anomaly of \Ncal = 1 super Yang-Mills theory admits a dual description as spontaneous symmetry breaking in M theory on G2G_2 holonomy manifolds. We identify an angle of the G2G_2 background dual to the anomalous U(1)RU(1)_R current in field theory. This angle is not an isometry of the metric and we therefore develop a theory of ``massive isometry'' to describe fluctuations about such angles. Another example of a massive isometry occurs in the Atiyah-Hitchin metric.Comment: 1 + 44 pages. LaTe

    RG flows from Spin(7), CY 4-fold and HK manifolds to AdS, Penrose limits and pp waves

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    We obtain explicit realizations of holographic renormalization group (RG) flows from M-theory, from E^{2,1} \times Spin(7) at UV to AdS_4 \times \tilde{S^7} (squashed S^7) at IR, from E^{2,1} \times CY4 at UV to AdS_4 \times Q^{1,1,1} at IR, and from E^{2,1} \times HK (hyperKahler) at UV to AdS_4 \times N^{0,1,0} at IR. The dual type IIA string theory configurations correspond to D2-D6 brane systems where D6 branes wrap supersymmetric four-cycles. We also study the Penrose limits and obtain the pp-wave backgrounds for the above configurations. Besides, we study some examples of non-supersymmetric and supersymmetric flows in five-dimensional gauge theories.Comment: 42 pages, 6 eps figures, typos and misprints correcte

    Brane Resolution and Gravitational Chern-Simons terms

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    We show that gravitational Chern-Simons corrections, associated with the sigma-model anomaly on the M5-brane world-volume, can resolve the singularity of the M2-brane solution with Ricci-flat, special holonomy transverse space. We explicitly find smooth solutions in the cases when the transverse space is a manifold of Spin(7) holonomy and SU(4) holonomy. We comment on the consequences of these results for the holographically related three-dimensional theories living on the world volume of a stack of such resolved M2-branes.Comment: 22 page
