963 research outputs found

    Regulation of Murine Airway Surface Liquid Volume by CFTR and Ca2+-activated Cl− Conductances

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    Two Cl− conductances have been described in the apical membrane of both human and murine proximal airway epithelia that are thought to play predominant roles in airway hydration: (1) CFTR, which is cAMP regulated and (2) the Ca2+-activated Cl− conductance (CaCC) whose molecular identity is uncertain. In addition to second messenger regulation, cross talk between these two channels may also exist and, whereas CFTR is absent or defective in cystic fibrosis (CF) airways, CaCC is preserved, and may even be up-regulated. Increased CaCC activity in CF airways is controversial. Hence, we have investigated the effects of CFTR on CaCC activity and have also assessed the relative contributions of these two conductances to airway surface liquid (ASL) height (volume) in murine tracheal epithelia. We find that CaCC is up-regulated in intact murine CF tracheal epithelia, which leads to an increase in UTP-mediated Cl−/volume secretion. This up-regulation is dependent on cell polarity and is lost in nonpolarized epithelia. We find no role for an increased electrical driving force in CaCC up-regulation but do find an increased Ca2+ signal in response to mucosal nucleotides that may contribute to the increased Cl−/volume secretion seen in intact epithelia. CFTR plays a critical role in maintaining ASL height under basal conditions and accordingly, ASL height is reduced in CF epithelia. In contrast, CaCC does not appear to significantly affect basal ASL height, but does appear to be important in regulating ASL height in response to released agonists (e.g., mucosal nucleotides). We conclude that both CaCC and the Ca2+ signal are increased in CF airway epithelia, and that they contribute to acute but not basal regulation of ASL height

    Extended sedimentation profiles in charged colloids: the gravitational length, entropy, and electrostatics

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    We have measured equilibrium sedimentation profiles in a colloidal model system with confocal microscopy. By tuning the interactions, we have determined the gravitational length in the limit of hard-sphere-like interactions, and using the same particles, tested a recent theory [R.van Roij, J. Phys. Cond. Mat. 15, S3569, (2003)], which predicts a significantly extended sedimentation profile in the case of charged colloids with long-ranged repulsions, due to a spontaneously formed macroscopic electric field. For the hard-sphere-like system we find that the gravitational length matches that expected. By tuning the buoyancy of the colloidal particles we have shown that a mean field hydrostatic equilibrium description even appears to hold in the case that the colloid volume fraction changes significantly on the length scale of the particle size. The extended sedimentation profiles of the colloids with long-ranged repulsions are well-described by theory. Surprisingly, the theory even seems to hold at concentrations where interactions between the colloids, which are not modeled explicitly, play a considerable role

    Формування законодавчої і нормативної бази архівної справи в республіці Казахстан

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    Аналізується законодавство Республіки Казахстан, спрямоване на забезпечення збереження документальної спадщини, регулювання діяльності архівної системи в умовах державного суверенітету. Визначаються особливості архівного законодавства кінця 1990-х рр., прослідковуються його зміни та напрями удосконалення в 2000-х рр., процеси формування нормативної бази архівної справи.Анализируется законодательство Республики Казахстан, направленное на обеспечение сохранности документального наследия, регулирование деятельности архивной системы в условиях государственного суверенитета. Определяются особенности архивного законодательства конца 1990-х гг., прослеживаются его изменения и направления усовершенствования в 2000- х гг., процессы формирования нормативной базы архивного дела.The legislation of Republic of Kazakhstan, directed on providing of safety of documentary legacy, adjusting of activity of the archival system in the conditions of the state sovereignty is analysed in the article. The features of the archival legislation the end of 1990-th are determined, its changes and directions of improvement in the 2000-th, the processes of forming of normative base of the archival affairs are traced

    Employing culturally responsive pedagogy to foster literacy learning in schools

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     In recent years it has become increasingly obvious that, to enable students in schools from an increasingly diverse range of cultural backgrounds to acquire literacy to a standard that will support them to achieve academically, it is important to adopt pedagogy that is responsive to, and respectful of, them as culturally situated. What largely has been omitted from the literature, however, is discussion of a relevant model of learning to underpin this approach. For this reason this paper adopts a socio-cultural lens (Vygotsky, 1978) through which to view such pedagogy and refers to a number of seminal texts to justify of its relevance. Use of this lens is seen as having a particular rationale. It forces a focus on the agency of the teacher as a mediator of learning who needs to acknowledge the learner’s cultural situatedness (Kozulin, 2003) if school literacy learning for all students is to be as successful as it might be. It also focuses attention on the predominant value systems and social practices that characterize the school settings in which students’ literacy learning is acquired. The paper discusses implications for policy and practice at whole-school, classroom and individual student levels of culturally-responsive pedagogy that is based on a socio-cultural model of learning. In doing so it draws on illustrations from the work of a number of researchers, including that of the author