67 research outputs found

    Crosslinked agarose encapsulated sorbents resistant to steam sterilization. Preparation and mechanical properties

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    The application of agarose in hemoperfusion is hampered by the lack of a suitable sterilization method. A technique has been developed for the crosslinking of agarose encapsulated sorbents by the reaction with 1,3-dichloro-2-propanol (DCP) under strong alkaline conditions. A twofold molar excess of DCP with respect to agarose and an equimolar amount of sodium hydroxide at a concentration of 0.3 mol/L with a reaction time of 1-4 h at 50°C are found to be the optimal conditions. The compressive strength of crosslinked beads is increased by a factor of 4. Agarose capsules are found to degrade by the influence of Y radiation, but are resistant to steam sterilization at 134°C during at least 30 min when crosslinked

    Nonparametric longitudinal allele-sharing model

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    Basically no methods are available for the analysis of quantitative traits in longitudinal genetic epidemiological studies. We introduce a nonparametric factorial design for longitudinal data on independent sib pairs, modelling the phenotypic quadratic differences as the dependent variable. Factors are the number of alleles shared identically by descent (IBD) and the age categories at which the dependent variable is measured, allowing for dependence due to age. To identify a linked marker a rank statistic tests the influence of IBD group on phenotypic quadratic differences. No assumptions are made on normality or variances of the dependent variable. We apply our method to 71 sib pairs from the Framingham Heart Study data provided at the Genetic Analysis Workshop 13. For all 15 available markers on chromosome 17 we analyzed the influence on systolic blood pressure. In addition, different selection strategies to sample from the whole data are discussed

    Combining Independent, Weighted P-Values: Achieving Computational Stability by a Systematic Expansion with Controllable Accuracy

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    Given the expanding availability of scientific data and tools to analyze them, combining different assessments of the same piece of information has become increasingly important for social, biological, and even physical sciences. This task demands, to begin with, a method-independent standard, such as the -value, that can be used to assess the reliability of a piece of information. Good's formula and Fisher's method combine independent -values with respectively unequal and equal weights. Both approaches may be regarded as limiting instances of a general case of combining -values from groups; -values within each group are weighted equally, while weight varies by group. When some of the weights become nearly degenerate, as cautioned by Good, numeric instability occurs in computation of the combined -values. We deal explicitly with this difficulty by deriving a controlled expansion, in powers of differences in inverse weights, that provides both accurate statistics and stable numerics. We illustrate the utility of this systematic approach with a few examples. In addition, we also provide here an alternative derivation for the probability distribution function of the general case and show how the analytic formula obtained reduces to both Good's and Fisher's methods as special cases. A C++ program, which computes the combined -values with equal numerical stability regardless of whether weights are (nearly) degenerate or not, is available for download at our group website http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/CBBresearch/Yu/downloads/CoinedPValues.html

    Microsoft BizTalk Server 2010 unleashed

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