638 research outputs found

    The QED(0+1) model and a possible dynamical solution of the strong CP problem

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    The QED(0+1) model describing a quantum mechanical particle on a circle with minimal electromagnetic interaction and with a potential -M cos(phi - theta_M), which mimics the massive Schwinger model, is discussed as a prototype of mechanisms and infrared structures of gauge quantum field theories in positive gauges. The functional integral representation displays a complex measure, with a crucial role of the boundary conditions, and the decomposition into theta sectors takes place already in finite volume. In the infinite volume limit, the standard results are reproduced for M=0 (massless fermions), but one meets substantial differences for M not = 0: for generic boundary conditions, independently of the lagrangean angle of the topological term, the infinite volume limit selects the sector with theta = theta_M, and provides a natural "dynamical" solution of the strong CP problem. In comparison with previous approaches, the strategy discussed here allows to exploit the consequences of the theta-dependence of the free energy density, with a unique minimum at theta = theta_M.Comment: 21 pages, Plain Te

    A comparative Study of the Oxygen Dissociation Curves of Deer Mouse (\u3ci\u3ePeromyscus leucopus\u3c/i\u3e) and Meadow Vole (\u3ci\u3eMicrotus pennsylvanicus\u3c/i\u3e) Hemoglobin

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    Oxygen equilibrium curves of dilute hemoglobin solutions from deer mice (Peromyscus leucopus) and meadow voles (Microtus pennsylvanicus) were determined by optical tonometry at pH 6.8 and pH 7.4. For deer mouse hemoglobin, P50 6.8 = 4.54 KPa, n7.4 (cooperativity index at pH 7.4) = 1.13, n6.8 = 1.60 and Bohr shift = 1.91. For meadow vole hemoglobin P50 7.4 = 2.74 KPa, P50 6.8 = 6.16 KPa, n7.4 = 1.11, n6.8 = 1.63, and Bohr shift = 2.35. The method was evaluated for use in the undergraduate laboratory

    Street Gangs: A Modeling Approach to Evaluation At Risk Youth

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    Street gangs have plagued the United States for decades. One focus of current gang prevention efforts strives to reduce the number of new recruits to local street gangs. This research proposes the uses of modeling and decision analysis to aid in identifying potentially “at risk” children likely to join a street gang in Montgomery County, Ohio. A stronger means of identification of “at risk” children can lead to a more efficient placement of resources to reduce the number of street gang recruits. The approach also aids in differentiating between neighborhoods to help focus efforts. Information obtained from value-focused thinking (VFT) analysis is used to determine an allocation of six hypothetical gang prevention programs for an Ohio county. A notional knapsack analysis is performed to illustrate the potential notional percentage reduction of “at risk” children using the six hypothetical gang prevention programs within the seventeen cities in the county. Different notional scenarios are discussed and a notional scenario is recommended to demonstrate a potential use of the proposed model and operations research in general in the public sector areas

    Neural Extensions to Robust Parameter Design

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    Robust parameter design (RPD) is implemented in systems in which a user wants to minimize the variance of a system response caused by uncontrollable factors while obtaining a consistent and reliable system response over time. We propose the use of artificial neural networks to compensate for highly non-linear problems that quadratic regression fails to accurately model. RPD is conducted under the assumption that the relationship between system response and controllable and uncontrollable variables does not change over time. We propose a methodology to find a new set of settings that will be robust to moderate system degradation while remaining robust to noise variables within the system RPD has been well developed on single response problems. Sparse literature exists on dealing with multiple responses in RPD and most methods utilize a subjective weighting scheme. To account for multiple responses, we examine the use of factor analysis on the response data. All the proposed techniques are applied to textbook applications to demonstrate their utility. An Air Force application problem is examined to demonstrate the new technique’s potential on a real-world problem that is highly non-linear. The application is a detector developed to detect anomalies within hyper-spectral imagery

    Advances in Diagnosis of Respiratory Virus Infections

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    The diagnosis of respiratory virus infections has evolved substantially in recent years, with the emergence of new pathogens and the development of novel detection methods. While recent advances have improved the sensitivity and turn-around time of diagnostic tests for respiratory viruses, they have also raised important issues such as cost, and the clinical significance of detecting multiple viruses in a single specimen by molecular methods. This article reviews recent advances in specimen collection and detection methods for diagnosis of respiratory virus infections, and discusses the performance characteristics and limitations of these methods

    Beschäftigung von Ausländern : Chance zur Erschließung von Personal- und Qualifikationsreserven (Employment of foreigners : a chance to tap workforce and qualification reserves)

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    "On the basis of broad empirical data, the paper examines the longer-term development and the level of integration into the labour market of resident foreigners, and, as a preliminary stage of this integration, the participation of their children and grandchildren, most of whom were born here, in the education and training system. Discrepancies to the levels and structures of the German workforce and young Germans, are regarded as integration deficits and as 'reserves' that could be used in future - among other options - to better meet the economic and demographic requirements, without aiming at the immigrants' assimilation. This is especially true from a sectoral viewpoint and with regard to the necessary structural change in the employment of foreigners. Speeding up this process could result in a reduction of unemployment among foreigners living in Germany, and with it a drop in these expenses of the 'non-integration' of immigrants, as could an increased participation of young foreigners in the education and training system. The latter has indeed increased considerably over the past two decades and has come closer to their German counterparts' participation in education, however it still lags far behind. This catching-up process has to be promoted further. In future, 'modern' concepts of an immigration policy need to be pursued which control immigration in accordance with labour market demands and recruit qualified immigrants. However, international competition for 'the best and the brightest' is getting tougher. This is why it is necessary to focus more on making full use of local potentials." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))Ausländer, berufliche Integration, Arbeitsmarktchancen, Qualifikationsstruktur, Qualifikationsdefizit, Bildungsbeteiligung, Erwerbsbeteiligung, Arbeitslosigkeit, sektorale Verteilung

    Nachgelagerte Besteuerung von Renten: Stellungnahme zum Entwurf eines Alterseinkünftegesetzes

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    Der Entwurf nimmt mit der zunehmenden Besteuerung von Renten und der steuerlichen Freistellung von Rentenversicherungsbeiträgen einen ökonomisch plausiblen Verfahrenswechsel vor. Dabei folgen die im Einzelnen vorgesehene nachgelagerte Besteuerung zukünftiger Renten und die geplanten Übergangsregelungen vor allem dem Postulat der Gleichmäßigkeit der Besteuerung der Altersvorsorge. Das Risiko der sog. Zweifachbesteuerung von Einkommen sowohl in der Erwerbs- wie auch in der Ruhestandsphase dürfte i.A. gering sein. Die geplante Neuregelung ist als steuersystematisch und -politisch sachgerecht zu beurteilen. Gleichwohl wird damit kein Beitrag zur Steuervereinfachung geleistet. Im Gegenteil: die notwendigen Übergangsregelungen verkomplizieren das Einkommensteuergesetz und vermindern seine Transparenz für die Steuerbürger und für die Administration - mit entsprechend zusätzlichen Kosten der Besteuerung. Unter Vereinfachungs- und Transparenzaspekten sollte der zukünftig voll abzugsfähige Beitrag explizit neben der Vorsorgepauschale ausgewiesen werden. Damit könnten die tax compliance-Kosten für die Steuerpflichtigen und für die Verwaltung reduziert werden. Überhaupt sollte die anstehende Reform genutzt werden, um die überaus komplizierten Regelungen des § 10 EStG zu vereinfachen. Während heute die Besteuerung bei Rentner-Ehepaaren i.d.R. erst bei einem Renteneinkommen von jährlich mehr als 35 000 Euro (3,5 % der Rentnerhaushalte) einsetzt, wird dies bei diesen Rentnern 2005 schon bei 30 000 Euro und 2020 schon bei 18 000 Euro der Fall sein. Der jährliche Steuerzahlbetrag beläuft sich 2020 nach dem 2005 gültigen Tarif im Durchschnitt auf bis zu etwa 2 000 Euro p.a. bzw. auf bis zu 15 % der Rente. Dem stehen bis dahin indes bei diesen Rentnern Entlastungen in der Erwerbsphase gegenüber

    Was bringt die Steuerreform?

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