1,419 research outputs found

    A novel method for measuring the bending rigidity of model lipid membranes by simulating tethers

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    The tensile force along a cylindrical lipid bilayer tube is proportional to the membrane's bending modulus and inversely proportional to the tube radius. We show that this relation, which is experimentally exploited to measure bending rigidities, can be applied with even greater ease in computer simulations. Using a coarse-grained bilayer model we efficiently obtain bending rigidities that compare very well with complementary measurements based on an analysis of thermal undulation modes. We furthermore illustrate that no deviations from simple quadratic continuum theory occur up to a radius of curvature comparable to the bilayer thickness.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl

    Polymer Translocation Dynamics in the Quasi-Static Limit

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    Monte Carlo (MC) simulations are used to study the dynamics of polymer translocation through a nanopore in the limit where the translocation rate is sufficiently slow that the polymer maintains a state of conformational quasi-equilibrium. The system is modeled as a flexible hard-sphere chain that translocates through a cylindrical hole in a hard flat wall. In some calculations, the nanopore is connected at one end to a spherical cavity. Translocation times are measured directly using MC dynamics simulations. For sufficiently narrow pores, translocation is sufficiently slow that the mean translocation time scales with polymer length N according to \propto (N-N_p)^2, where N_p is the average number of monomers in the nanopore; this scaling is an indication of a quasi-static regime in which polymer-nanopore friction dominates. We use a multiple-histogram method to calculate the variation of the free energy with Q, a coordinate used to quantify the degree of translocation. The free energy functions are used with the Fokker-Planck formalism to calculate translocation time distributions in the quasi-static regime. These calculations also require a friction coefficient, characterized by a quantity N_{eff}, the effective number of monomers whose dynamics are affected by the confinement of the nanopore. This was determined by fixing the mean of the theoretical distribution to that of the distribution obtained from MC dynamics simulations. The theoretical distributions are in excellent quantitative agreement with the distributions obtained directly by the MC dynamics simulations for physically meaningful values of N_{eff}. The free energy functions for narrow-pore systems exhibit oscillations with an amplitude that is sensitive to the nanopore length. Generally, larger oscillation amplitudes correspond to longer translocation times.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figure

    Transport of Molecular Motor Dimers in Burnt-Bridge Models

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    Dynamics of molecular motor dimers, consisting of rigidly bound particles that move along two parallel lattices and interact with underlying molecular tracks, is investigated theoretically by analyzing discrete-state stochastic continuous-time burnt-bridge models. In these models the motion of molecular motors is viewed as a random walk along the lattices with periodically distributed weak links (bridges). When the particle crosses the weak link it can be destroyed with a probability pp, driving the molecular motor motion in one direction. Dynamic properties and effective generated forces of dimer molecular motors are calculated exactly as a function of a concentration of bridges cc and burning probability pp and compared with properties of the monomer motors. It is found that the ratio of the velocities of the dimer and the monomer can never exceed 2, while the dispersions of the dimer and the monomer are not very different. The relative effective generated force of the dimer (as compared to the monomer) also cannot be larger than 2 for most sets of parameters. However, a very large force can be produced by the dimer in the special case of c=1/2c=1/2 for non-zero shift between the lattices. Our calculations do not show the significant increase in the force generated by collagenase motor proteins in real biological systems as predicted by previous computational studies. The observed behavior of dimer molecular motors is discussed by considering in detail the particle dynamics near burnt bridges.Comment: 21 pages and 11 figure

    Evaluating the Applicability of the Fokker-Planck Equation in Polymer Translocation: A Brownian Dynamics Study

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    Brownian dynamics (BD) simulations are used to study the translocation dynamics of a coarse-grained polymer through a cylindrical nanopore. We consider the case of short polymers, with a polymer length, N, in the range N=21-61. The rate of translocation is controlled by a tunable friction coefficient, gamma_{0p}, for monomers inside the nanopore. In the case of unforced translocation, the mean translocation time scales with polymer length N as ~ (N-N_p)^alpha, where N_p is the average number of monomers in the nanopore. The exponent approaches the value alpha=2 when the pore friction is sufficiently high, in accord with the prediction for the case of the quasi-static regime where pore friction dominates. In the case of forced translocation, the polymer chain is stretched and compressed on the cis and trans sides, respectively, for low gamma_{0p}. However, the chain approaches conformational quasi-equilibrium for sufficiently large gamma_{0p}. In this limit the observed scaling of with driving force and chain length supports the FP prediction that is proportional to N/f_d for sufficiently strong driving force. Monte Carlo simulations are used to calculate translocation free energy functions for the system. The free energies are used with the Fokker-Planck equation to calculate translocation time distributions. At sufficiently high gamma_{0p}, the predicted distributions are in excellent agreement with those calculated from the BD simulations. Thus, the FP equation provides a valid description of translocation dynamics for sufficiently high pore friction for the range of polymer lengths considered here. Increasing N will require a corresponding increase in pore friction to maintain the validity of the FP approach. Outside the regime of low N and high pore friction, the polymer is out of equilibrium, and the FP approach is not valid.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figure

    When Do Higher Prices Increase Demand? The Dual Role of Price in Consumers\u27 Value Judgments

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    Drawing on literature on judgment and decision-making, we examine the proposition that price serves two distinct roles in consumers\u27 value judgments. First, as a product attribtute, price affects the perceived similarity of the target product to the mental prototype of a higher or lower quality product. However, price is not the only attribute used to make similarity based quality judgments. Other relevant and available product attributes moderate the effect of price on quality judgments. Second, as a measure of sacrifice, price serves as the benchmark for comparing utility gains from superior product quality. However, this comparison process is dynamic because the relative importance of money and product quality changes across consumption occasions. We present a signal detection model of consumer\u27s price-value judgment to explain how high prices simultaneously increase as well as decrease purchase intentions. We describe how managers can use this model of value judgment to identify situations when higher price may increase demand

    Polymer Translocation in Crowded Environments

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    We study the effect of the crowded nature of the cellular cytoplasm on the translocation of a polymer through a pore in a membrane. By systematically treating the entropic penalty due to crowding, we show that the translocation dynamics are significantly altered, leading to novel scaling behaviors of the translocation time in terms of chain length. We also observe new and qualitatively different translocation regimes depending upon the extent of crowding, transmembrane chemical potential asymmetry, and polymer length.Comment: 4 figure

    Statistical mechanics of a colloidal suspension in contact with a fluctuating membrane

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    Surface effects are generally prevailing in confined colloidal systems. Here we report on dispersed nanoparticles close to a fluid membrane. Exact results regarding the static organization are derived for a dilute solution of non-adhesive colloids. It is shown that thermal fluctuations of the membrane broaden the density profile, but on average colloids are neither accumulated nor depleted near the surface. The radial correlation function is also evaluated, from which we obtain the effective pair-potential between colloids. This entropically-driven interaction shares many similarities with the familiar depletion interaction. It is shown to be always attractive with range controlled by the membrane correlation length. The depth of the potential well is comparable to the thermal energy, but depends only indirectly upon membrane rigidity. Consequenses for stability of the suspension are also discussed

    Chiral sedimentation of extended objects in viscous media

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    We study theoretically the chirality of a generic rigid object's sedimentation in a fluid under gravity in the low Reynolds number regime. We represent the object as a collection of small Stokes spheres or stokeslets, and the gravitational force as a constant point force applied at an arbitrary point of the object. For a generic configuration of stokeslets and forcing point, the motion takes a simple form in the nearly free draining limit where the stokeslet radius is arbitrarily small. In this case, the internal hydrodynamic interactions between stokeslets are weak, and the object follows a helical path while rotating at a constant angular velocity ω\omega about a fixed axis. This ω\omega is independent of initial orientation, and thus constitutes a chiral response for the object. Even though there can be no such chiral response in the absence of hydrodynamic interactions between the stokeslets, the angular velocity obtains a fixed, nonzero limit as the stokeslet radius approaches zero. We characterize empirically how ω\omega depends on the placement of the stokeslets, concentrating on three-stokeslet objects with the external force applied far from the stokeslets. Objects with the largest ω\omega are aligned along the forcing direction. In this case, the limiting ω\omega varies as the inverse square of the minimum distance between stokeslets. We illustrate the prevalence of this robust chiral motion with experiments on small macroscopic objects of arbitrary shape.Comment: 35 pages, 10 figures; Section VII.A redone and other edits made for clarity. Accepted by Phys. Rev.

    Epigenetic Chromatin Silencing: Bistability and Front Propagation

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    The role of post-translational modification of histones in eukaryotic gene regulation is well recognized. Epigenetic silencing of genes via heritable chromatin modifications plays a major role in cell fate specification in higher organisms. We formulate a coarse-grained model of chromatin silencing in yeast and study the conditions under which the system becomes bistable, allowing for different epigenetic states. We also study the dynamics of the boundary between the two locally stable states of chromatin: silenced and unsilenced. The model could be of use in guiding the discussion on chromatin silencing in general. In the context of silencing in budding yeast, it helps us understand the phenotype of various mutants, some of which may be non-trivial to see without the help of a mathematical model. One such example is a mutation that reduces the rate of background acetylation of particular histone side-chains that competes with the deacetylation by Sir2p. The resulting negative feedback due to a Sir protein depletion effect gives rise to interesting counter-intuitive consequences. Our mathematical analysis brings forth the different dynamical behaviors possible within the same molecular model and guides the formulation of more refined hypotheses that could be addressed experimentally.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figure

    Branching, Capping, and Severing in Dynamic Actin Structures

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    Branched actin networks at the leading edge of a crawling cell evolve via protein-regulated processes such as polymerization, depolymerization, capping, branching, and severing. A formulation of these processes is presented and analyzed to study steady-state network morphology. In bulk, we identify several scaling regimes in severing and branching protein concentrations and find that the coupling between severing and branching is optimally exploited for conditions {\it in vivo}. Near the leading edge, we find qualitative agreement with the {\it in vivo} morphology.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure