16 research outputs found
Rules of Distribution and the Concept of “Egalitarianism” in Felix Oppenheim. Towards Understanding Distribution
The political philosopher Felix Oppenheim reconstructs a descriptive concept of “egalitarianism” on the basis of rules of distribution. The present paper reverses Oppenheim’s perspective by analyzing the role of distributives rules and of “egalitarianism” towards understanding distribution. In what measure does the concept of “egalitarianism” help us to understand distribution? Is it possible to understand a distribution only on the basis of descriptive concepts
Social acts in digital environments
Adolf Reinach's theory of social acts and Czesław Znamierowski theory of the environment can show a new perspective of analysis in the felds of computer science and digital communication. This paper will begin analysing the performance of social acts in two categories of digital environments: (i) fctional digital environment and (ii) real digital environment. The analysis will be supported by examples from the history of computer science. In both kinds of digital environments, organigrams play a signifcant role and depend on the users' digital power to perform a real or fctional social act. Finally, the paper will analyse one of the possible roles that AI plays in performing social acts in digital environments. It will show how AI could affect the perception of social acts of social acts
Écosystèmes normatifs et gestion des catastrophes naturelles
We argue in this paper that in order to enact legislation on disaster management, the legislator must take into account the fact that individuals act nomotrophically, or “in function of” norms. This is particularly the case in situations of legal pluralism, where customary institutions compete with State regulations. We provide a nomotropic analysis of these cases of pluralism, relying on the existing literature on the issues caused by the fact that some legislations on disaster management disregard customary institutions. We show that this perspective is compatible with the economic analysis of norms and that it encourages States to rely on individual tendencies to nomotropism instead of trying to overcome it
The Background of Normative Pictures
Normative pictures are in use in various fields of legal practice (e.g. urban planning, contract design, and legal communication addressed to foreigners). A background knowledge enables the understanding of this sort of pictures and affects both the morphology of the normative picture and its practical use. This paper is divided into two parts. The first part will focus on the morphology of the normative picture. The second part of the paper focuses on the different uses of normative pictures. Normative pictures with the same morphology can play very different roles because their relationship with the rules can vary
Are all informal normative facts custom? The ideological dimensions of company customs
The main goal of this chapter is to highlight the indeterminacy of the concept of “company customs”. As it is used by jurists, this concept makes it possible to view an informal long-lasting practice which is advantageous for the employees and adopted by an employer within a company context as a pattern of legally binding behaviour. The present chapter will show that any pro-employee informal practice could derive from different managerial strategies (that could be binding, but not necessarily). Also, jurists interpret said informal practices in the light of different kinds of non-formalised normative facts (that could be custom, but not necessarily are such). Therefore, the reconstruction of these normative facts can be influenced by an ideological notion of what the normative system of a company is in the mind of jurists. This chapter will thus investigate the theoretical and ideological background of company custom and the possible contrast between the adoption of this legal concept and the rule of law
Disaster management e migrazioni. Evoluzione e limiti dei nuovi strumenti giuridici adottati nelle Filippine, in Bangladesh e in Nepal
Disaster Management and Migration: Evolution and shortcomings of the new legal instruments adopted in the Philippines, Bangladesh, and Nepal.** This article is a critical reconstruction of the new legal instruments on disaster management and migration provided by the Philippines, Bangladesh and Nepal (three countries that are particularly vulnerable to extreme weather events). In the last ten years Philippines, Bangladesh and Nepal endorsed the main international agreements on disaster management and adopted new national Disas-ter Management Acts. Despite several legal improvements, sets of shortcomings still un-dermine the effectiveness of the new legislative measures, namely: lacks in the protection of (especially non-national) disaster displaced people, international and regional isolation, lack of co-ordination between the different levels of governance, abuse of non-binding instru-ments; uncertainty; social and cultural dynamics. The national legislators should take into account the problems deriving from the internal dynamics of the local social groups, in order to achieve the objectives outlined by international legislation
Manifestare gli atti sociali. Canali della giuridicitĂ dopo Reinach
Un documento negoziale (cartaceo o virtuale), una stretta di mano che sigla l'accordo tra due contraenti, le parole espresse verbalmente da un venditore nel proporre l'acquisto di un particolare bene a un potenziale acquirente sono tutte possibili forme di manifestazione di atti giuridici volti a coinvolgere altri soggetti nel loro compimento. Adolf Reinach chiama questi atti "atti sociali".
Attraverso l'analisi fenomenologica degli atti sociali, Reinach offre un contributo fondamentale alla ricostruzione del complesso passaggio dalla percezione sensoriale all'esperienza sociale e giuridica. Gli atti sociali non si esprimono necessariamente mediante parole. Il requisito della verbalizzazione è per essi solo accidentale. Tuttavia, gli atti sociali devono essere manifestati. Essi non sono meramente atti interiori. Il loro sostrato, che può essere percepito attraverso i sensi, è un canale che consente ai loro destinatari di esperirne la natura. La manifestazione dell'atto sociale presenta, da un lato, una morfologia esterna mutevole e, dall'altro lato, un télos fondamentale immutabile che deriva da un carattere essenziale dell'atto manifestato: la necessità di essere percepito e pienamente compreso dal destinatario. L'analisi della manifestazione degli atti sociali rappresenta un'occasione di confronto tra giuristi e filosofi per indagare, sotto nuova luce, la forma dell'atto giuridico
Credentials as regulatory tools in the COVID era
Credentials are the documents we are required to have in our possession to achieve certain ends—for instance, driving licenses, identity cards, passports, and credit cards. Credentials play an important role in COVID regulations. This paper aims to reconstruct and analyse their role during the pandemic. In particular, the paper will stress how credentials may act as an innovative non-prescriptive tool of social control