19 research outputs found

    B2 receptor blockage prevents Aβ-induced cognitive impairment by neuroinflammation inhibition

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    Background and purpose: Aβ-induced neuronal toxicity and memory loss is thought to be dependent on neuroinflammation, an important event in Alzheimer's disease (AD). Previously, we demonstrated that the blockage of the kinin B receptor (BR) protects against the memory deficits induced by amyloid β (Aβ) peptide in mice. In this study, we aimed to investigate the role of BR on Aβ-induced neuroinflammation in mice and the beneficial effects of BR blockage in synapses alterations. Experimental approach: The selective kinin BR antagonist HOE 140 (50pmol/site) was given by intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) route to male Swiss mice 2h prior the i.c.v. injection of Aβ (400pmol/site) peptide. Animals were sacrificed, at specific time points after Aβ injection (6h, 1 day or 8 days), and the brain was collected in order to perform immunohistochemical analysis. Different groups of animals were submitted to behavioral cognition tests on day 14 after Aβ administration. Key results: In this study, we report that the pre-treatment with the selective kinin BR antagonist HOE 140 significantly inhibited Aβ-induced neuroinflammation in mice. BR antagonism reduced microglial activation and the levels of pro-inflammatory proteins, including COX-2, iNOS and nNOS. Notably, these phenomena were accompanied by an inhibition of MAPKs (JNK and p38) and transcription factors (c-Jun and p65/NF-κB) activation. Finally, the anti-inflammatory effects of BR antagonism provided significant protection against Aβ-induced synaptic loss and cognitive impairment in mice. Conclusions and implications: Collectively, these results suggest that BR activation may play a critical role in Aβ-induced neuroinflammation, one of the most important contributors to AD progression, and its blockage can provide synapses protection

    Percepção de agentes comunitários de saúde sobre os riscos à saúde fonoaudiológica Perception of community health workers regarding risks for hearing and communication disorders

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    OBJETIVO: Investigar a percepção dos agentes comunitários sobre os aspectos relacionados à saúde fonoaudiológica da população usuária de um programa de saúde da família. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de estudo observacional transversal com aplicação de questionário a 85 agentes comunitários. Foram investigadas 20 situações hipotéticas abordando os temas fonoaudiológicos na rotina de trabalho dos agentes. As variáveis analisadas foram: idade, tempo de atuação, escolaridade, percepção dos riscos à saúde da população nas áreas de voz, motricidade orofacial, linguagem e audiologia. RESULTADOS: A média de idade dos agentes foi de 38 anos (±9,1), e o tempo de médio de atuação no programa 5,0 anos (±2,9). Observou-se que 80 profissionais (94%) possuíam pelo menos o Ensino Médio completo, e todos eram do gênero feminino. Entre as situações hipotéticas investigadas, os agentes demonstraram ter a percepção do risco e atitude de levá-lo para discussão da equipe em 49% das situações envolvendo o risco à saúde auditiva, 53% saúde vocal, 60% e 62% os riscos relacionados à motricidade orofacial e linguagem, respectivamente. Não foi encontrada relação entre o tempo de atuação e a percepção do risco à saúde fonoaudiológica. CONCLUSÃO: Os agentes comunitários mostraram ter percepção de muitas situações de risco à saúde fonoaudiológica dos usuários, especialmente no que se refere à saúde vocal e das estruturas e funções orofaciais. É necessário ao agente comunitário ir além das habilidades e competências conceituais e procedimentais no que se refere à saúde da comunicação humana, pois se almeja um profissional com habilidades atitudinais.<br>PURPOSE: To investigate the perception of community health workers about the aspects related to hearing and communication health of users of a family health program. METHODS: Cross-sectional observational study with questionnaire application to 85 community health workers. Twenty hypothetical situations were investigated, addressing issues related to Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology present in their routine. The variables analysed were: age, work experience, education, perception of health risks in the areas of voice, orofacial myology, language and audiology. RESULTS: The mean age of the agents was 38 years (±9.1), and their mean time of experience in the family health program was 5 years (±2.9). It was observed that 80 professionals (94%) had at least complete high school education, and all were female. Among the hypothetical situations investigated, the workers showed to have the perception of risk and attitude to take it to discussion with the team in 49% of the situations involving risks to hearing health, 53% risk to vocal health, 60% and 62% risks related to orofacial myology and language, respectively. There was no relationship between time of experience and the perception of risks. CONCLUSION: The community health workers have perception of many risk situations to hearing and communication health of the population, especially regarding voice and orofacial structures and functions. Community health workers need to go beyond the conceptual and procedural abilities and competencies regarding the health of human communication, because of the idea of professionals with attitudinal skills