104 research outputs found

    Advancement in the child attachment interview and the child and adolescent reflective functioning scale using a PDM-2 framework: case reports

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    open5siThe Child Attachment Interview (CAI) is a well-established semi-structured interview, widely used to identify attachment representations in middle childhood and adolescence. The application of the Child and Adolescent Reflective Functioning Scale (CRFS) to CAI narratives allows for an assessment of child mentalization, considered a strong predictor of attachment security. The 2nd edition of the Psychodynamic Diagnostic Manual (PDM-2) includes CAI and CRFS as valid and reliable assessment measures in order to assess the dominion of the Mental Functioning axis. The aim of the present paper is to investigate the informative power of CAI and CRFS for the overall understanding of mental functioning and personality in a PDM-2 framework. The present report includes the discussion of two clinical cases of school-aged children in applying the Psychodiagnostic Chart-Second Edition (PDC-2) to the CAI transcript. The first case concerns a young male, aged 10, suffering from Oppositional-Provocative Disorder (externalizing disorder), while the second case concerns a young female, aged 15, suffering from Somatic Symptoms Disorder (internalizing disorder). PDC-2 for children and adolescents was used. Data from the scoring of CAI and CRFS were combined with a systematic evaluation of the qualitative contents emerging from CAI transcripts. A detailed analysis suggests that both the CAI and CRFS are useful attachment-oriented measures, able to explore a child's mental states, and together with the application of PDC-2 they provide an essential contribution in the understanding of developmental psychopathology. Implications of this innovative approach for clinical assessment, treatment design, and interventions are further discussed.openBizzi, Fabiola; Locati, Francesca; Parolin, Laura; Shmueli-Goetz Yael; Brusadelli, EmanuelaBizzi, Fabiola; Locati, Francesca; Parolin, Laura; Shmueli-Goetz, Yael; Brusadelli, Emanuel

    How Can I Trust You? The Role of Facial Trustworthiness in the Development of Epistemic and Interpersonal Trust

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    Recently, researchers from developmental and clinical psychology highlighted epistemic trust (ET) as a key factor for personality disorders. ET is intended as the mental openness to information coming from others during social exchanges. ET develops from signals called ostensive cues, delivered through facial expressions during interactions in a secure attachment context. Similarly, interpersonal trust (IT) refers to the perception of others as not harmful, which is also developed through secure attachment relationships. Our purpose was to suggest a conceptualization of ET as a specific facet of IT. We hypothesize that positive experiences of caregiving promote IT development that includes a specific sense of trust toward others’ knowledge. Moreover, we suggest that the early ability to infer a judgment of trustworthiness from facial cues is the starting point for developing both IT and ET. This conceptualization supports the role of considering both IT and ET in the development of borderline pathology. Our purpose is to suggest a conceptualization of ET as a specific facet of IT. We hypothesize that positive experiences of caregiving promote IT development that includes a specific sense of trust toward others’ knowledge. Moreover, we suggest that the early ability to infer a judgment of trustworthiness from facial cues is the starting point for developing both IT and ET. This conceptualization supports the role of considering both IT and ET in the development of borderline pathology

    Beyond the mask of deference: exploring the relationship between ruptures and transference in a single-case study

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    The relationship between transference and therapeutic alliance has been long discussed. It is only recently, however, that empirical evidence has provided support for a tight correspondence between several transference dimensions and rupture and resolution processes. In the present single-case study, we used alliance ruptures as a key dimension to understand patient’s transference dynamics. This was achieved in a particular form of patient’s behavior, i.e., patient’s deference and acquiescent behavior, which describes a significant submission to assertions, skills, judgments and point of views of another person. Therapeutic process was measured by means of the Rupture Resolution Rating Scale, the Core Conflictual Relationship Theme and the Defense Mechanism Rating Scales, whereas therapeutic outcome was measured by means of the Shedler-Westen Assessment Procedure-200. Results of sequential analysis yielded a significant correspondence between rupture markers, characterized by avoidance and shifting of session’s topic, and patient’s narrations. Furthermore, a systematic correspondence between alliance ruptures and patient’s avoidant functioning, which emerged both in transference relationship and in the quality of the defense structure, was found. Together, these findings indicate that patient’s deference inhibits the expression of relational themes, with ruptures in alliance that seem to be supported by a strong defensive structure. In particular, patient’s avoidance played a double role in the treatment. On the one hand, avoidance was the main characteristic of her transference structure, based on extreme intellectualization and emotional closure. On the other hand, it contributed to create an impasse in the treatment, based on a withdrawal ruptures model and on obsessive level defences

    Manual de buenas prácticas para diseños agroecológicos

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    El presente libro está constituido por seis capítulos y sus contenidos contribuyen con el objetivo de la difusión de las bases científicas y los diseños de Modelos Prediales Agroecológicos apropiados para los Cinturones Verdes de ciudades y pueblos, haciendo énfasis en el manejo de la agro-biodiversidad, la fertilidad del suelo, la regulación de organismos asociados a los cultivos y en el diseño de agroecosistemas a escalas prediales y de paisaje. El Capítulo 1, “Diseño de la agricultura. Impacto y riesgo ambiental”, aborda la cuestión de la agroecología, la soberanía y seguridad alimentaria y los derechos campesinos, el concepto de agricultura tradicional, la agricultura y la historia planetaria y cómo se transformó rápidamente el planeta con los grandes cambios tecnológicos surgidos de las dos últimas guerras mundiales. En el Capítulo 2, “Bases ecológicas para el diseño de predios agroecológicos”, aporta elementos teóricos para comprender la estructura y el funcionamiento (flujo de energía, ciclo de nutrientes y agua), las relaciones tróficas, las relaciones bióticas (positivas, negativas y mixtas) en un agroecosistema. En el Capítulo 3, “Diseños agroecológicos para promover el control biológico y la reconstrucción de trama tróficas”, se explican técnicas de manejo del hábitat para promover tramas tróficas de insectos. Básicamente consisten en el incremento de mayor diversidad de plantas que a su vez determinan mayor diversidad de depredadores y parasitoides, creándose tramas tróficas complejas y equilibradas. El Capítulo 4, “Manejo Ecológico del suelo”, se refiere al diseño y manejo ecológico del suelo como base de la fertilidad, salud y estabilidad del agroecosistema. Se realiza especial énfasis en mostrar la vida en el suelo de todos los seres vivos que habitan el suelo, se desarrollan en una gran diversidad de interacciones como parasitismo, simbiosis, alelopatías, depredación, entre otras, conformando un delicado equilibrio que puede fácilmente romperse ante situaciones ambientales particulares o disturbios como las labranzas, las fertilizaciones inorgánicas, los monocultivos, entre otros, perdiéndose servicios ecosistémicos vitales como el mantenimiento de la fertilidad del suelo y los ciclos de nutrientes. En el Capítulo 5, “Diseños espacio – temporales en la agricultura”, se presentan muchas configuraciones sobre cómo conseguir una agricultura sustentable, productiva y eficiente, de manera que provea alimentos saludables y servicios ecosistémicos. Las estrategias de manejo con base agroecológica, tienen un soporte práctico que permite la productividad, la sostenibilidad y la resiliencia de la producción agrícola. Las tecnologías propuestas ayudan a la diversificación espacial (asociaciones) y temporal (rotaciones) de los cultivos, hacen énfasis en propuestas con nóminas reales de especies cultivables y de criterios que garantizan en éxito de los diseños. En el Capítulo 6, “Evaluación de Sistemas del Cinturón Verde mediante Indicadores de Sustentabilidad (Mesmis)”, se aplica la “Metodología para la evaluación de sustentabilidad mediante el uso de indicadores” comúnmente citado como MESMIS. Es un marco metodológico que capta la complejidad del manejo del agroecosistema. Reconoce indicadores que muestran las consecuencias del proceder de los aspectos más relevantes de un sistema de manejo y permite evaluar las tendencias de los diferentes objetivos de los sistemas sustentables. Al tener un carácter sistémico se pueden seleccionar indicadores que comprendan la evaluación diferentes objetivos a la vez: mantener o mejorar la productividad y reducir los riesgos; aumentar los servicios ecológicos y socioeconómicos; proteger la base de recursos y prevenir la degradación de suelos, agua y agrobiodiversidad; analizar la viabilidad social y económica, o que sean socialmente aceptables y culturalmente compatibles.Fil: Barchuk, Alicia Haydeé. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Cátedra de Ecología Agrícola; Argentina.Fil: Guzmán, María Laura. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Cátedra de Ecología Agrícola; Argentina.Fil: Locati, Luciano. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Cátedra de Ecología Agrícola; Argentina.Fil: Suez, Luciana Sol. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Cátedra de Ecología Agrícola; Argentina

    the curious phenomenon of dual positive circulating cells longtime overlooked tumor cells

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    Abstract The presence in the blood of patients with solid tumors of circulating cells expressing both epithelial and leukocyte markers (dual-positive cells, DPcells), has often been reported, though it has never been investigated in detail. A recent study suggested that DPcells are hybrid cells derived from the fusion of tumor cells with macrophages. Such fusion hybrids acquire macrophage-associated features endowing them with accelerated growth, increased motility, enhanced invasion activity and thus, a higher efficiency in metastasis formation. However, no direct evidence proving the tumor origin of circulating DPcells was provided in patients. Here we contribute a review of literature data on DPcells and on the hybrid theory with the aim of putting the current evidence both in a biological and clinical perspective and to generate new hypotheses on the mechanisms underlying tumor progression. To add further biological and clinical context to our literature review, we also report some preliminary data from our laboratory on the identification of DPcells in several solid tumors and confirmation of their malignant genotype, thus classifying them as DP-CTCs

    The 2016–2017 earthquake sequence in Central Italy: macroseismic survey and damage scenario through the EMS-98 intensity assessment

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    In this paper we describe the macroseismic effects produced by the long and destructive seismic sequence that hit Central Italy from 24 August 2016 to January 2017. Starting from the procedure adopted in the complex field survey, we discuss the characteristics of the building stock and its classification in terms of EMS-98 as well as the issues associated with the intensity assessment due to the evolution of damage caused by multiple shocks. As a result, macroseismic intensity for about 300 localities has been determined; however, most of the intensities assessed for the earthquakes following the first strong shock on 24 August 2016, represent the cumulative effect of damage during the sequence. The earthquake parameters computed from the macroseismic datasets are compared with the instrumental determinations in order to highlight critical issues related to the assessment of macroseismic parameters of strong earthquakes during a seismic sequence. The results also provide indications on how location and magnitude computation can be strongly biased when dealing with historical seismic sequences.Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri - Dipartimento della Protezione Civile (DPC)Published2407–24314T. Sismicità dell'Italia1SR TERREMOTI - Sorveglianza Sismica e Allerta Tsunami2SR TERREMOTI - Gestione delle emergenze sismiche e da maremoto5SR TERREMOTI - Convenzioni derivanti dall'Accordo Quadro decennale INGV-DPCJCR Journa