20 research outputs found

    Root anatomical traits contribute to deeper rooting of maize under compacted field conditions

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    © The Author(s) 2020. To better understand the role of root anatomy in regulating plant adaptation to soil mechanical impedance, 12 maize lines were evaluated in two soils with and without compaction treatments under field conditions. Penetrometer resistance was 1–2 MPa greater in the surface 30 cm of the compacted plots at a water content of 17–20% (v/v). Root thickening in response to compaction varied among genotypes and was negatively associated with rooting depth at one field site under non-compacted plots. Thickening was not associated with rooting depth on compacted plots. Genotypic variation in root anatomy was related to rooting depth. Deeper-rooting plants were associated with reduced cortical cell file number in combination with greater mid cortical cell area for node 3 roots. For node 4, roots with increased aerenchyma were deeper roots. A greater influence of anatomy on rooting depth was observed for the thinner root classes. We found no evidence that root thickening is related to deeper rooting in compacted soil; however, anatomical traits are important, especially for thinner root classes

    Effects of soil structure complexity to root growth of plants with contrasting root architecture

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    This study was funded by the Scottish Food Security Alliance a partnership between the University of Aberdeen, University of Dundee and The James Hutton Institute. We thank all people that contributed to this work. In particular, Rong Qu, Dhin Md Islam, Dr. Stewart J Chalmers, Annette Raffan and Jaime Buckingham for providing technical support.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Root hairs aid soil penetration by anchoring the root surface to pore walls

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    The physical role of root hairs in anchoring the root tip during soil penetration was examined. Experiments using a hairless maize mutant (Zea mays: rth3–3) and its wild-type counterpart measured the anchorage force between the primary root of maize and the soil to determine whether root hairs enabled seedling roots in artificial biopores to penetrate sandy loam soil (dry bulk density 1.0–1.5g cm(−3)). Time-lapse imaging was used to analyse root and seedling displacements in soil adjacent to a transparent Perspex interface. Peak anchorage forces were up to five times greater (2.5N cf. 0.5N) for wild-type roots than for hairless mutants in 1.2g cm(−3) soil. Root hair anchorage enabled better soil penetration for 1.0 or 1.2g cm(−3) soil, but there was no significant advantage of root hairs in the densest soil (1.5g cm(−3)). The anchorage force was insufficient to allow root penetration of the denser soil, probably because of less root hair penetration into pore walls and, consequently, poorer adhesion between the root hairs and the pore walls. Hairless seedlings took 33h to anchor themselves compared with 16h for wild-type roots in 1.2g cm(−3) soil. Caryopses were often pushed several millimetres out of the soil before the roots became anchored and hairless roots often never became anchored securely.The physical role of root hairs in anchoring the root tip may be important in loose seed beds above more compact soil layers and may also assist root tips to emerge from biopores and penetrate the bulk soil

    In situ root identification through blade penetrometer testing – Part 2:field testing

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    The spatial distribution, depths and diameters of roots in soil are difficult to quantify but important to know when reinforcement of a rooted slope or the stability of a plant is to be assessed. Previous work has shown that roots can be detected from the depth–resistance trace measured using a penetrometer with an adapted blade-shaped tip. Theoretical models exist to predict both forces and root displacements associated with root failure in either bending or tension. However, these studies were performed in dry sand under laboratory conditions, using acrylonitrile butadiene styrene root analogues rather than real roots. In this paper blade penetrometer field testing on two forested field sites, with Sitka spruce and pedunculate oak in sandy silt and clayey silt, respectively, is used to evaluate models under field conditions. Root breakages could be detected from blade penetrometer depth–resistance traces and using complementary acoustic measurements. Predictions of additional penetrometer resistance at root failure were more accurate than the displacement predictions. An analytical cable model, assuming roots are flexible and fail in tension, provided the best predictions for Sitka roots, whereas thick oak roots were better predicted assuming bending failure. These matched the modes of failure observed in three-point bending tests of the root material in each case. The presence of significant amounts of gravel made it sometimes difficult to distinguish between hitting a root or a stone. The root diameter could be predicted when root strength and stiffness, and soil penetrometer resistance were known and the right interpretative model was selected. Estimates based on peak force were more accurate than those based on root displacement. This measurement procedure is therefore a potentially valuable tool to quantify the spatial distribution of roots and their reinforcement potential in the field. </jats:p

    Monitoring soil health in Scotland by land use category – a scoping study

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    Monitoring of soil health in a changing climate is a priority issue for Scottish Government. In 2020, CXC published a baseline report that pulled together existing research on the vulnerability of Scottish soils to climate change. This scoping study takes the thirteen potential indicators that were previously identified and considers their strategic relevance to monitoring soil health in the context of existing land use Scotland. Ten pre-defined land use categories were considered. We have also considered how soil monitoring might be managed to inform our understanding of cross-cutting issues such as biodiversity and climate change

    In situ root identification through blade penetrometer testing – Part 1:interpretative models and laboratory testing

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    Root architecture and reinforcement are important parameters to measure the safety of vegetated slopes and stream banks against slope instability and erosion or to assess the stability of plants against environmental loading (e.g. windthrow of trees). However, these are difficult to measure without time-consuming sampling or counting procedures. Previous studies proposed using a penetrometer with an adapted geometry, and showed that individual root breakages could be detected as sudden drops in penetrometer resistance. However, there are no existing models to derive root properties from the measured traces. Here, several interpretative models are developed and their performance at identifying and characterising buried acrylonitrile butadiene styrene root analogues of varying diameter and architecture in sand are assessed. It was found that models, assuming the analogues broke in bending rather than tension, provided good predictions for the force–displacement behaviour. The simple analytical bending model developed here was shown to perform almost as well as more sophisticated numerical models. For all models, the predictions of additional penetrometer force required to break the root analogue were more accurate than predictions for lateral root displacement required to reach failure. The root analogue diameter and to a lesser extent the soil resistance and root angle were shown to affect the penetrometer resistance strongly. Root branching, root length and the distance between the point of load application and a root boundary (root tip or parent root) had a much smaller effect. When the root failure mechanism, root strength, root stiffness and soil resistance are known, an accurate prediction of the root diameter can be made based on the root peak resistance value identified from a blade penetration test. Penetrometer testing, a test which is easy to perform in the field, coupled with an accurate interpretative model might therefore be an effective method to rapidly quantify the spatial distribution, depths and diameters of roots. </jats:p

    The helical motions of roots are linked to avoidance of particle forces in soil

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    Limitation to root growth results from forces required to overcome soil resistance to deformation. The variations in individual particle forces affects root development and often deflects the growth trajectory. We have developed transparent soil and optical projection tomography microscopy systems where measurements of growth trajectory and particle forces can be acquired in a granular medium at a range of confining pressures. We developed image-processing pipelines to analyse patterns in root trajectories and a stochastic-mechanical theory to establish how root deflections relate to particle forces and thickening of the root. Root thickening compensates for the increase in mean particle forces but does not prevent deflections from 5% of most extreme individual particle forces causing root deflection. The magnitude of deflections increases with pressure but they assemble into helices of conserved wavelength in response linked to gravitropism. The study reveals mechanisms for the understanding of root growth in mechanically impeding soil conditions and provides insights relevant to breeding of drought-resistant crops.</p