2 research outputs found

    The Fantasy Self

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    If you could be anything what would you be? The Fantasy Self is a visual and psychological examination of fantasy personas, analyzed using the vehicles of photography and Jungian psychology. The subjects are photographed as their fantasy self and then psychoanalyzed with the intention of making the connections between the subconscious mind and the conscious mind. The Collective Unconscious is comprised of twelve major archetypes, each with their own set of distinct characteristics. The Innocent, The Orphan, The Warrior, The Caregiver,The Seeker, The Destroyer, The Lover, The Creator, The Ruler, The Sage, The Magician, and The Fool. Every human being has components of all twelve in their psyche. At each stage in life, the hierarchy of the active archetypes will change. The intention of the thesis is to make connections between the subjects’ active archetypes and their fantasy personas. Understanding that fantasy does not live in the ether, but lives in our subconscious mind, helps one develop a relationship to one’s fantasy as a tool for therapy and a path to self awareness

    Creative ART Interchange Barcelona-Chicago. Projecte d’intercanvi artístic entre escoles de Barcelona i Chicago

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    La idea de fer aquest projecte va començar l'any 2009/10 quan el Govern de Catalunya va donar una beca a Glòria Martí Rubí per fer una recerca d'educació artística a la ciutat de Chicago (IL), Grand Rapits (MI) i Barcelona(CAT). Durant la recerca hi van haver molts contactes amb artistes, artterapeutes i professors d'art com Rene Arceo que junt amb Glòria Martí són els coordinadors d’aquest nou projecte. L’objectiu és posar en contacte a professors/es i alumnes de l'àrea artística d’ Escoles i Instituts de Chicago i de Barcelona -sense descartar ampliar-ho a tot Catalunya- per intercanviar idees, treballs i experiències. L'art permet conèixer i aprofundir en les realitats culturals de cada país. El tema general a treballar per totes les escoles és “La Meva Ciutat”