8,191 research outputs found

    Quantum Hopfield neural network

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    Quantum computing allows for the potential of significant advancements in both the speed and the capacity of widely used machine learning techniques. Here we employ quantum algorithms for the Hopfield network, which can be used for pattern recognition, reconstruction, and optimization as a realization of a content-addressable memory system. We show that an exponentially large network can be stored in a polynomial number of quantum bits by encoding the network into the amplitudes of quantum states. By introducing a classical technique for operating the Hopfield network, we can leverage quantum algorithms to obtain a quantum computational complexity that is logarithmic in the dimension of the data. We also present an application of our method as a genetic sequence recognizer.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures, final versio

    Continuous-variable quantum neural networks

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    We introduce a general method for building neural networks on quantum computers. The quantum neural network is a variational quantum circuit built in the continuous-variable (CV) architecture, which encodes quantum information in continuous degrees of freedom such as the amplitudes of the electromagnetic field. This circuit contains a layered structure of continuously parameterized gates which is universal for CV quantum computation. Affine transformations and nonlinear activation functions, two key elements in neural networks, are enacted in the quantum network using Gaussian and non-Gaussian gates, respectively. The non-Gaussian gates provide both the nonlinearity and the universality of the model. Due to the structure of the CV model, the CV quantum neural network can encode highly nonlinear transformations while remaining completely unitary. We show how a classical network can be embedded into the quantum formalism and propose quantum versions of various specialized model such as convolutional, recurrent, and residual networks. Finally, we present numerous modeling experiments built with the Strawberry Fields software library. These experiments, including a classifier for fraud detection, a network which generates Tetris images, and a hybrid classical-quantum autoencoder, demonstrate the capability and adaptability of CV quantum neural networks

    Designing zeolite catalysts for shape-selective reactions: Chemical modification of surfaces for improved selectivity to dimethylamine in synthesis from methanol and ammonia

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    The relative contributions of external and intracrystalline acidic sites of small pore H-RHO zeolite for the selective synthesis of methylamines from methanol and ammonia have been studied. Nonselective surface reactions which produce predominantly trimethylamine can be eliminated by “capping” the external acidic sites with trimethylphosphite (TMP) and other reagents, thus improving the selectivity toward the formation of dimethylamine. For small pore zeolites, neither the zeolite pore size nor the internal acidic sites is significantly affected by this treatment. In situ infrared and MAS-NMR studies show that TMP reacts irreversibly with the zeolite acidic sites via a modified Arbusov rearrangement to form surface-bound dimethylmethylphosphonate

    The Chemical Compositions of the Type II Cepheids -- The BL Her and W Vir Variables

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    Abundance analyses from high-resolution optical spectra are presented for 19 Type II Cepheids in the Galactic field. The sample includes both short-period (BL Her) and long-period (W Vir) stars. This is the first extensive abundance analysis of these variables. The C, N, and O abundances with similar spreads for the BL Her and W Vir show evidence for an atmosphere contaminated with 3α3\alpha-process and CN-cycling products. A notable anomaly of the BL Her stars is an overabundance of Na by a factor of about five relative to their presumed initial abundances. This overabundance is not seen in the W Vir stars. The abundance anomalies running from mild to extreme in W Vir stars but not seen in the BL Her stars are attributed to dust-gas separation that provides an atmosphere deficient in elements of high condensation temperature, notably Al, Ca, Sc, Ti, and ss-process elements. Such anomalies have previously been seen among RV Tau stars which represent a long-period extension of the variability enjoyed by the Type II Cepheids. Comments are offered on how the contrasting abundance anomalies of BL Her and W Vir stars may be explained in terms of the stars' evolution from the blue horizontal branch.Comment: 41 pages including 11 figures and 4 tables; Accepted for publication in Ap

    Late Glacial to Holocene relative sea level change in Assynt, northwest Scotland, UK

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    Relative sea-level change (RSL), from the Late Glacial through to the late Holocene, is reconstructed for the Assynt region, northwest Scotland, based on bio- and lithostratigraphical analysis. Four new radiocarbon-dated sea-level index points help constrain RSL change for the Late Glacial to late Holocene. These new data, in addition to published material, capture the RSL fall during the Late Glacial and the rise and fall associated with the mid-Holocene highstand. Two of these index points constrain the Late Glacial RSL history in Assynt for the first time, reconstructing RSL falling from 2.47 ± 0.59 m OD to 0.15 ± 0.59 m OD at c. 14000 - 15000 cal yr BP. These new data test model predictions of glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA), particularly during the early deglacial period which is currently poorly constrained throughout the British Isles. While the empirical data from the mid- to late-Holocene to present matches quite well with recent GIA model output, there is a relatively poor fit between the timing of the Late Glacial RSL fall and early Holocene RSL rise. This mismatch, also evident elsewhere in northwest Scotland, may result from uncertainties associated with both the global and local ice components of GIA models

    Linking Demographic Effects of Habitat Fragmentation Across Landscapes to Continental Source-Sink Dynamics

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    Forest fragmentation may cause increased brood parasitism and nest predation of breeding birds. In North America, nest parasitism and predation are expected to increase closer to forest edges because the brood-parasitic Brown-headed Cowbird(Molothrus ater) and generalist nest predators often enter the forest from adjoining developed (largely agricultural) habitats. Yet the abundance of brood parasites and nest predators at the patch scale may be strongly constrained by the total area of developed habitat at landscape scales. The scale and extent of landscape effects are unclear, however, because past studies were mostly conducted within local landscapes rather than across independent landscapes. We report replicated studies from 30 independent landscapes across 17 states of the United States that show that nest parasitism is strongly affected by fragmentation at a 20 km radius scale, equivalent to the maximum foraging range of cowbirds. Nest predation is influenced by both edge and landscape effects, and increases with fragmentation at a 10 km radius scale. Predation is additive to parasitism mortality, and the two together yield decreased population growth potential with increasing forest fragmentation at a 10 km radius scale for 20 of 22 bird species. Mapping of population growth potential across continental landscapes displays broad impacts of fragmentation on population viability and allows geographic prioritization for conservation

    454 pyrosequencing assessment of biodegradative bacteria from thermal hydrolysis processes

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    Anaerobic treatment process is a cost-effective method for treating organic wastes, since the biogas formed can be used for heat/electricity production and the digester residues can be recycled for other applications. An innovative use of the digestate could be as biodegradative and methanogenic inoculum for the stimulation of methane production in gas-producing or depleted wells. The microbial communities involved in the biodegradation of petrochemical waste are similar to the indigenous microorganisms typically found in unconventional basins. These communities also follow the same cascade of reactions: from the initial breakdown of complex molecules to the production of intermediate compounds used by methanogens. This study carried out a culture-independent assessment of the bacterial community composition of a digestate from the Bran Sands Advanced Digestion Facility (Middleborough, UK) and compared the results with the microbial populations found in unconventional gas basins. The 454 pyrosequencing analyses revealed a bacterial community dominated by Thermotogae, Bacteroidia, Clostridia and Synergistia, which are typically found in unconventional gas systems. The classification of nucleotide sequence reads and assembled contigs revealed a genetic profile characteristic for an anaerobic microbial consortium running fermentative metabolic pathways. The assignment of numerous sequences was related to hydrocarbon decomposition and digestion of cellulosic material, which indicates that the bacterial community is engaged in hydrolysis of plant-derived material. The bacterial community composition suggest that the effluent of the digester can be used as a biodegradative inoculum for the stimulation of methane generation in unconventional wells, where events of microbial methanogenesis have been previously observed

    Coil occlusion of a femoral arteriovenous fistula

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    A femoral arteriovenous fistula was discovered in a 17-mo-old child with congenital heart disease and prior femoral cardiac catheterization. The fistulous connection was clearly visible by angiography with vein compression, and the fistula was closed percutaneously using a Gianturco coil. Cathet. Cardiovasc. Intervent. 51:308–311, 2000. © 2000 Wiley-Liss, Inc.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/35250/1/14_ftp.pd
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