8 research outputs found

    Magnetic PiezoBOTs: a microrobotic approach for targeted amyloid protein dissociation

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    Piezoelectric nanomaterials have become increasingly popular in the field of biomedical applications due to their high biocompatibility and ultrasound-mediated piezocatalytic properties. In addition, the ability of these nanomaterials to disaggregate amyloid proteins, which are responsible for a range of diseases resulting from the accumulation of these proteins in body tissues and organs, has recently gained considerable attention. However, the use of nanoparticles in biomedicine poses significant challenges, including targeting and uncontrolled aggregation. To address these limitations, our study proposes to load these functional nanomaterials on a multifunctional mobile microrobot This microrobot is designed by coating magnetic and piezoelectric barium titanate nanoparticles on helical biotemplates, allowing for the combination of magnetic navigation and ultrasound-mediated piezoelectric effects to target amyloid disaggregation. Our findings demonstrate that acoustically actuated PiezoBOTs can effectively reduce the size of aggregated amyloid proteins by over 80% in less than 10 minutes by shortening and dissociating constituent amyloid fibrils. Moreover, the PiezoBOTs can be easily magnetically manipulated to actuate the piezocatalytic nanoparticles to specific amyloidosis-affected tissues or organs, minimizing side effects. These biocompatible PiezoBOTs offer a promising non-invasive therapeutic approach for amyloidosis diseases by targeting and breaking down protein aggregates at specific organ or tissue sites

    Protein corona formation around biocatalytic nanomotors unveiled by STORM

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    The interaction of nanoparticles with biological media is a topic of general interest for drug delivery systems and among those for active nanoparticles, also called nanomotors. Herein, we report the use of super resolu-tion microscopy, in particular stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (STORM), to characterize the formation of protein corona around active enzyme-powered nanomotors. First, we characterize the distribu-tion and number of enzymes on nano-sized particles and characterized their motion capabilities. Then, we incubated the nanomotors with fluorescently labelled serum proteins. Interestingly, we observed a signifi-cant decrease of protein corona formation (20 %) and different composition, which was studied by a proteo-mic analysis. Moreover, motion was not hindered, as nanomotors displayed an enhanced diffusion regardless of protein corona. Elucidating how active particles interact with biological media and maintain their self-propulsion after protein corona formation will pave the way of the use these systems in complex biological fluids in biomedicine

    Biodegradable Small-Scale Swimmers for Biomedical Applications

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    Most forms of biomatter are ephemeral, which means they transform or deteriorate after a certain time. From this perspective, implantable healthcare devices designed for temporary treatments should exhibit the ability to degrade and either blend in with healthy tissues, or be cleared from the body with minimal disruption after accomplishing their designated tasks. This topic is currently being investigated in the field of biomedical micro- and nanoswimmers. These tiny devices have the ability to move through fluids by converting physical or chemical energy into motion. Several architectures of these devices have been designed to mimic the motion strategies of nature's motile microorganisms and cells. Due to their motion abilities, these devices have been proposed as minimally invasive tools for precision healthcare applications. Hence, a natural progression in this field is to produce motile structures that can adopt, or even surpass, similar transient features as biological systems. The fate of small-scale swimmers after accomplishing their therapeutic mission is critical for the successful translation of small-scale swimmers' technologies into clinical applications. In this review, recent research efforts are summarized on the topic of biodegradable micro- and nanoswimmers for biomedical applications, with a focus on targeted therapeutic delivery.ISSN:0935-9648ISSN:1521-409

    On-command disassembly of microrobotic superstructures for transport and delivery of magnetic micromachines

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    Magnetic microrobots have been developed for navigating microscale environments by means of remote magnetic fields. However, limited propulsion speeds at small scales remain an issue in the maneuverability of these devices as magnetic force and torque are proportional to their magnetic volume. Here, a microrobotic superstructure is proposed, which, as analogous to a supramolecular system, consists of two or more microrobotic units that are interconnected and organized through a physical (transient) component (a polymeric frame or a thread). The superstructures consist of microfabricated magnetic helical micromachines interlocked by a magnetic gelatin nanocomposite containing iron oxide nanoparticles (IONPs). While the microhelices enable the motion of the superstructure, the IONPs serve as heating transducers for dissolving the gelatin chassis via magnetic hyperthermia. In a practical demonstration, the superstructure's motion with a gradient magnetic field in a large channel, the disassembly of the superstructure and release of the helical micromachines by a high-frequency alternating magnetic field, and the corkscrew locomotion of the released helices through a small channel via a rotating magnetic field, is showcased. This adaptable microrobotic superstructure reacts to different magnetic inputs, which can be used to perform complex delivery procedures within intricate regions of the human body

    Biodegradable small-scale swimmers for biomedical applications

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    Most forms of biomatter are ephemeral, which means they transform or deteriorate after a certain time. From this perspective, implantable healthcare devices designed for temporary treatments should exhibit the ability to degrade and either blend in with healthy tissues, or be cleared from the body with minimal disruption after accomplishing their designated tasks. This topic is currently being investigated in the field of biomedical micro- and nanoswimmers. These tiny devices have the ability to move through fluids by converting physical or chemical energy into motion. Several architectures of these devices have been designed to mimic the motion strategies of nature's motile microorganisms and cells. Due to their motion abilities, these devices have been proposed as minimally invasive tools for precision healthcare applications. Hence, a natural progression in this field is to produce motile structures that can adopt, or even surpass, similar transient features as biological systems. The fate of small-scale swimmers after accomplishing their therapeutic mission is critical for the successful translation of small-scale swimmers' technologies into clinical applications. In this review, recent research efforts are summarized on the topic of biodegradable micro- and nanoswimmers for biomedical applications, with a focus on targeted therapeutic delivery

    The magnetopyroelectric effect: heat-mediated magnetoelectricity in magnetic nanoparticle-ferroelectric polymer composites

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    Magnetoelectricity enables a solid-state material to generate electricity under magnetic fields. Most magnetoelectric composites are developed through a strain-mediated route by coupling piezoelectric and magnetostrictive phases. However, the limited availability of high-performance magnetostrictive components has become a constraint for the development of novel magnetoelectric materials. Here, we demonstrate that nanostructured composites of magnetic and pyroelectric materials can generate electrical output, a phenomenon we refer to as the magnetopyroelectric (MPE) effect, which is analogous to the magnetoelectric effect in strain-mediated composite multiferroics. Our composite consists of magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (IONPs) dispersed in a ferroelectric (and also pyroelectric) poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene) (P(VDF-TrFE)) matrix. Under a high-frequency low-magnitude alternating magnetic field, the IONPs generate heat through hysteresis loss, which stimulates the depolarization process of the pyroelectric polymer. This magnetopyroelectric approach creates a new opportunity to develop magnetoelectric materials for a wide range of applications.ISSN:2051-6347ISSN:2051-635

    On-Command Disassembly of Microrobotic Superstructures for Transport and Delivery of Magnetic Micromachines

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    Magnetic microrobots have been developed for navigating microscale environments by means of remote magnetic fields. However, limited propulsion speeds at small scales remain an issue in the maneuverability of these devices as magnetic force and torque are proportional to their magnetic volume. Here, a microrobotic superstructure is proposed, which, as analogous to a supramolecular system, consists of two or more microrobotic units that are interconnected and organized through a physical (transient) component (a polymeric frame or a thread). The superstructures consist of microfabricated magnetic helical micromachines interlocked by a magnetic gelatin nanocomposite containing iron oxide nanoparticles (IONPs). While the microhelices enable the motion of the superstructure, the IONPs serve as heating transducers for dissolving the gelatin chassis via magnetic hyperthermia. In a practical demonstration, the superstructure's motion with a gradient magnetic field in a large channel, the disassembly of the superstructure and release of the helical micromachines by a high-frequency alternating magnetic field, and the corkscrew locomotion of the released helices through a small channel via a rotating magnetic field, is showcased. This adaptable microrobotic superstructure reacts to different magnetic inputs, which can be used to perform complex delivery procedures within intricate regions of the human body.ISSN:0935-9648ISSN:1521-409

    Magnetic PiezoBOTs: a microrobotic approach for targeted amyloid protein dissociation

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    Piezoelectric nanomaterials have become increasingly popular in the field of biomedical applications due to their high biocompatibility and ultrasound-mediated piezocatalytic properties. In addition, the ability of these nanomaterials to disaggregate amyloid proteins, which are responsible for a range of diseases resulting from the accumulation of these proteins in body tissues and organs, has recently gained considerable attention. However, the use of nanoparticles in biomedicine poses significant challenges, including targeting and uncontrolled aggregation. To address these limitations, our study proposes to load these functional nanomaterials on a multifunctional mobile microrobot (PiezoBOT). This microrobot is designed by coating magnetic and piezoelectric barium titanate nanoparticles on helical biotemplates, allowing for the combination of magnetic navigation and ultrasound-mediated piezoelectric effects to target amyloid disaggregation. Our findings demonstrate that acoustically actuated PiezoBOTs can effectively reduce the size of aggregated amyloid proteins by over 80% in less than 10 minutes by shortening and dissociating constituent amyloid fibrils. Moreover, the PiezoBOTs can be easily magnetically manipulated to actuate the piezocatalytic nanoparticles to specific amyloidosis-affected tissues or organs, minimizing side effects. These biocompatible PiezoBOTs offer a promising non-invasive therapeutic approach for amyloidosis diseases by targeting and breaking down protein aggregates at specific organ or tissue sites.ISSN:2040-3364ISSN:2040-337