43 research outputs found

    Intranet indexing using semantic document clustering

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    Denna uppsats presenterar ett system baserat pÄ automatiska indexerings-tekniker avsett för stora, dynamiska och nÀtverksbaserade informations-samlingar, tillÀmpat pÄ ett företags intranet. Syftet Àr att beskriva dess struktur, baserat pÄ dokumentens innehÄll och semantik, för att möjliggöra en överblick av innehÄllet. Ett anvÀndningsomrÄde Àr att underlÀtta navigering i intranet. Vi föreslÄr ett system som skapar ett hierarkiskt index som Àr möjliggör ùsurfningù i strukturen. Större delen av uppsatsen inriktas pÄ indexeringstekniker, varav de flesta hÀrstammar frÄn forskning inom Information Retrieval. Vi har utvecklat en prototyp varvid vi anvÀnt oss av en iterativ utvecklingsmetod. Slutligen drar vi slutsatsen att de föreslagna teknikerna Àr anvÀndbara för automatisk indexering och kan nyttjas för att fÄ den överblick som söks

    Context Awareness and Mobile Phones

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    Supporting Group Relationships in Mediated Domestic Environments

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    As everyday Internet use has become pervasive and natural,people use it effortlessly to find new acquaintances and nurtureexisting relationships. In this sense, Internet use can mimic andexpand everyday social behavior from real life. However, in reallife we often participate in gatherings with others not only asindividuals but also as part of a group, for instance a family.Social gatherings involving several groups reinforces not only theindividual network, but also the group-to-group relationships,adding another layer to social life. Our social identities, our “us”-feelings, are thus developed and enhanced. While there arenumerous Internet-based tools and services for nurturing theindividual’s network, in analogy to real life, group-levelinteractions are barely touched upon. We explore some basicconsiderations for how computer-mediated communicationsystems could help nurturing group-to-group relationships, andhow group, rather than individual, interaction with devices can beaddressed in interaction design. Finally, we explore why gamesand gameplay might particularly well suited to motivate use ofsuch systems. These issues will be the main focus of the TA2(Together Anywhere, Together Anytime) research project

    The ChatterBox: Using Text Manipulation in an Entertaining Information Display

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    The ChatterBox is an attempt to make use of the electronic "buzz" that exists in a modern workplace: the endless stream of e-mails, web pages, and electronic documents which fills the local ether(-net). The ChatterBox “listens” to this noise, transforms and recombines the texts in various ways, and presents the results in a public place. The goal is to provide a subtle reflection of the local activities and provide inspiration for new, unexpected combinations and thoughts. With the ChatterBox, we have tried to create something in between a traditional application and a piece of art: an entertaining and inspiring resource in the workplace. This poses several interesting questions concerning human-computer interaction design, e.g., information and display design. In this paper, we present the ChatterBox, its current implementation and experiences of its use