8 research outputs found
Rare diseases affect up to 6%-8% of the population and pose a challenge to healthcare professionals and healthcare system. Hereditary angioedema is a rare life-threatening, debilitating disease characterized by recurrent edema attacks. It is essential to establish the diagnosis as quickly as possible. The Healthcare Network was created in o der to prevent mistreatment of hereditary angioedema. This study evaluated the usefulness of the Hospital Information System and the Healthcare Network in urgent management of hereditary angioedema. The Instructions for Hereditary Angioedema that contain information on the diagnosis, instructions for treatment, preventive measures prior to a dental procedure, endoscopy or surgery under general anesthesia, available regimens and storage location in the Hospital, specialist’s
telephone number in emergency, and name of the family member to be contacted, were implemented in the Hospital Information System, Šibenik General Hospital as a protocol for urgent management. Data on the treatment before and after implementation of the Instructions for Hereditary Angioedema were compared. Comparing medical decisions before and after implementing the Instructions for Hereditary Angioedema in the Hospital Information System revealed that following implementation of the Instructions, correct therapy was administered more often (p=0.006, Fisher exact test) and shortterm prophylaxis applied more often before medical procedures (p=0.011, Fisher exact test). Healthcare Network raised the physician awareness of this disabling and potentially fatal disease, led to accurate diagnosis and timely treatment, enabled short hospital stay, prompt recovery, and reduced absenteeism from work due to hereditary angioedema. With specific modifications, it could also be extrapolated to other rare diseases.Rijetke bolesti su izazov zdravstvenim stručnjacima i sustavima. Smatra se da 6-8 % populacije boluje od rijetkih bolesti. Nasljedni angioedem (HAE) jedna je od rijetkih bolesti, karakterizirana ponavljajućim napadima oteklina (edema) različitih dijelova tijela te se vrlo često ne dijagnosticira pravodobno, a težina ponavljajućih napadaja se pogoršava i za život je opasno stanje. Bitno je posumnjati na rijetku bolest i postaviti dijagnozu što je brže moguće. Ova je probna studija procijenila korisnost implementacije podataka o bolesnicima s HAE u Bolnički informacijski sustav (BIS) Opće bolnice Šibenskokninske
županije kao i primjenu protokola za hitno zbrinjavanje i formiranje mreže zdravstvene zaštite (MZZ). Upute u BIS-u za HAE sadrže podatke o dijagnozi HAE-a, upute za liječenje, preventivne mjere prije stomatološkog, endoskopskog ili kirurškog postupka (pod lokalnom/općom anestezijom); popis raspoloživih lijekova u hitnoći i mjesto njihove pohrane u bolnici; telefonski broj specijalista u hitnoći te ime člana obitelji (kontakt osoba). Podatci o liječenju prije primjene uputa za HAE uspoređeni su s podatcima prikupljenima u razdoblju nakon provedbe implementacije novog sustava. Uspoređujući medicinske odluke prije i nakon implementacije uputa za HAE u BIS-u, pravilna je terapija bila češće primijenjena (p =0,006, Fisherov test), kao i kratkotrajna profi laksa prije medicinskih postupaka (p = 0,011, Fisherov test). Uspostava MZZ pospješuje informiranost medicinskog osoblja, pravilan odabir liječenja i zbrinjavanje bolesnika s HAE. Omogućuje brži oporavak, kraći boravak u bolnici i smanjenje radne odsutnosti bolesnika s HAE. Temeljem ove studije otvara se mogućnost
primjene MZZ i za druge rijetke bolesti
Hereditarni angioedem (HAE) rijetka je, ali potencijalno za život opasna bolest zbog nepredvidivih napadaja bezbolnih, ograničenih, recidivirajućih otoka supkutanog ili submukoznog, intersticijskog tkiva u trajanju od nekoliko sati do nekoliko dana. Oboljelih od HAE u RH ima oko 100 (ali vjerojatno ima više nedijagnosticiranih). Poseban kvalitativni napredak u usklađivanju dogovora o liječenju HAE jesu Smjernice Svjetske alergološke organizacije koje su donesene 2012. Oslanjajući se na taj dokument, Radna grupa hrvatskih stručnjaka pripremila je prijedlog smjernica za liječenje HAE u Hrvatskoj. Napadaji angioedema u HAE posljedica su mutacije gena za plazmatski protein inhibitor C1. Zbog manjka inhibitora ili njegove disfunkcionalnosti dolazi do okidačem (trigerom) potaknute autoaktivacije C1 i cijele kaskade s konačno povećanom propusnošću krvnih žila i edemom tkiva. Postoje tri tipa hereditarnog angioedema: tip I uzrokovan sniženom razinom C1inh proteina, tip II uzrokovan proizvodnjom nefunkcionalnog C1inh proteina te tip III karakteriziran normalnom funkcijom i razinom C1inh. U svih bolesnika sa sumnjom na HAE mora se odrediti nivo C4 i inhibitora C1, kao i funkcija inhibitora C1. Liječenje akutne atake HAE: Svi napadaji angioedema koji onesposobe dijelove tijela i/ili zahvaćaju lice, vrat, trbuh, a pogotovo gornje dišne putove zahtijevaju liječenje. Terapija mora biti odmah dostupna (On-Demand Treatment). U akutnoj ataci treba odmah primijeniti koncentrat inhibitora C1 (dobiven iz plazme ili rekombinantni), ikatibant ili ekalantid. Ako ovi lijekovi nisu dostupni, akutni napadaji edema mogu se liječiti plazmom obrađenom detergentom. Ako se ovakva plazma ne može dobiti, angioedemi se liječe svježe smrznutom plazmom. Intubacija ili traheotomija moraju se izvesti na vrijeme ako progredira edem gornjih dišnih putova. U napadaju angioedema bolesnik može dobiti i adjuvantnu terapiju (analgetike, infuzije). Preporučuje se da svi bolesnici uvijek nose sa sobom lijekove za samoprimjenu. Preporučljiva je kratkoročna profilaksa edema prije kirurških zahvata (osobito stomatoloških zahvata), zahvata u kojima je potrebna endotrahealna intubacija, zahvata na gornjim dišnim putovima ili farinksu te prije bronhoskopije i endoskopije. Dugoročna profilaksa indicirana je ako se javi jedna ili više težih ataka angioedema na mjesec. Kao dugoročna profilaksa mogu se rabiti koncentrat inhibitora C1 ili androgeni. Probir djece za HAE trebalo bi odgoditi do 12. mjeseca života. Sve potomke bolesnika treba testiratiHereditary angioedema (HAE) is a rare but potentially fatal genetic disorder with nonpitting, nonerythematous, and not pruritic swelling which can affect the hands, feet, face, genitals and visceral mucosa. The type, frequency, and severity of the attacks vary between patients, and over the lifetime of an individual patient. Efforts in Croatian counties have identified approximately 100 patients (but there must be more undiagnosed patients). The first global guideline for the management of HAE was developed by the World Allergy Organization HAE International Alliance and published in 2012. Based on that document the Working group of Croatian experts was assigned to propose guideline for HAE management in Croatia. HAE is is most often related to decreased or dysfunctional C1 inh with autoactivation of C1 and bradykinin accumulation leading to localized dilatation and increased permeability of blood vessels resulting in tissue swelling. A diagnosis of HAE can be confirmed by measuring complement and C1 inh quantitative and functional levels.Three HAE types could be differentiated: HAE type 1 (C1 inh level is low), HAE type 2 (C1 inh level is normal but dysfunctional), and HAE type 3 (normal level and function of C1 inh). All patients suspected to have HAE-1/2 should be assessed for blood levels of C4, C1 inh protein, and C1 inh function. All attacks that result in debilitation/dysfunction and/or involve the face, the neck, or the abdomen should be considered for on-demand treatment. It is recommended that attacks are treated as early as possible. HAE attacks are treated with C1 inh, ecallantide, or icatibant.If these drugs are not available, attacks should be treated with solvent detergent-treated plasma (SDP). If SDP is not available, then attacks should be treated with frozen plasma.Intubation or tracheotomy should be considered early in progressive upper airway edema. Patients with attacks could receive adjuvant therapy when indicated (pain management, intravenous fluids). All patients should have on-demand treatment for two attacks and carry their on-demand treatment at all times. The administration of short-term prophylaxis should be considered before surgeries (dental/intraoral surgery, where endotracheal intubation is required), where upper airway or pharynx is manipulated, and before bronchoscopy or endoscopy. Long-term prophylaxis should be considered in all severely symptomatic HAE-1/2 patients. C1 inh concentrate or androgens can be used. Screening children for HAE-1/2 should be deferred until the age of 12 months, and all offspring of an affected parent should be tested
Hereditary angioedema due to C1-inhibitor deficiency in Macedonia : clinical characteristics, novel SERPING1 mutations, and genetic factors modifying the clinical phenotype
Objective: Hereditary angioedema due to C1 inhibitor deficiency (C1-INH-HAE) is a rare disease, characterized by swellings. We aimed to characterize on a clinical and molecular basis C1-INH-HAE patients in the Republic of Macedonia. Results: All 15 patients from six unrelated families were diagnosed with C1-INHHAE type I, with a mean age of symptom onset of 11 years and an average delay of diagnosis of 7 years. Patients reported on average 31 angioedema attacks/year, with a median clinical severity score (CSS) of 7. We identified three known mutations, and two mutations (c.813_818delCAACAA and c.1488T>G) were reported for the first time. To address the genotype-phenotype association, a pooled analysis including 78 C1-INH-HAE south-eastern European patients was performed, with additional analysis of F12-46C/T and KLKB1- 428G/A polymorphisms. We demonstrated that patients with nonsense and frameshift mutations, large deletions/insertions, splicing defects, and mutations at Arg444 exhibited an increased CSS compared with missense mutations, excluding mutations at Arg444. In addition, the CC F12-46C/T polymorphism was suggestive of earlier disease onset. Discussion: Genetic analysis helped identify the molecular basis of C1-INH-HAE given that causative mutations in SERPING1 were detected in all patients, including an infant before the appearance of clinical symptoms. We identified two novel mutations and further corroborated the genotype-phenotype relationship, wherein mutations with a clear effect on C1-INH function predispose patients to a more severe disease phenotype and CC F12-46C/T predisposes patients to earlier disease onset
Hereditarni angioedem uzrokovan manjkom C1-inhibitora u pediatrijskih bolesnika u Hrvatskoj - prvo nacionalno istraživanje, dijagnostički i profilaktički izazovi
Hereditary angioedema (HAE) is a rare autosomal dominant disease with deficiency (type I) or dysfunction (type II) of C1 inhibitor, caused by mutations in the C1-INH gene, characterized by recurrent submucosal or subcutaneous edemas including skin swelling, abdominal pain and life-threatening episodes of upper airway obstruction. The aim of this study was to investigate healthcare experiences in children with HAE due to C1 inhibitor deficiency (C1-INH-HAE) in Croatia in order to estimate the number of affected children and to recommend management protocols for diagnosis, short-term prophylaxis and acute treatment. Patients were recruited during a 4-year period at five hospitals in Croatia. Complement testing was performed in patients with a positive family history. This pilot study revealed nine pediatric patients positive for C1-INH- HAE type I, aged 1-16 years, four of them asymptomatic. Before the age of one year, C1-INH levels may be lower than in adultsit is advisable to confirm C1-INH-HAE after the age of one year. Plasma-derived C1- INH is recommended as acute and short-term prophylactic treatment. Recombinant C1-INH and icatibant are licensed for the acute treatment of pediatric patients. In Croatia, HAE is still underdiagnosed in pediatric population.Hereditarni angioedem (HAE) je rijetka autosomno dominantna bolest nastala zbog mutacije gena SERPING1 za inhibitor plazmatskog proteina C1 (C1-INH). Uslijed manjka C1 inhibitora (tip I) ili njegove disfunkcionalnosti (tip II) dolazi do okidačem potaknute autoaktivacije C1-komponente komplementa i cijele kaskade koja dovodi do submukoznih ili subkutanih iznenadnih pojava oteklina kože, lica, kapaka, usana ili grla te abdominalnih bolova praćenih povraćanjem i dehidracijom. U najtežim slučajevima uslijed edema glotisa može doći do gušenja. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bila je procjena ukupnog broja djece s HAE zbog nedostatka C1 inhibitora (C1-INH-HAE) u Hrvatskoj kako bi se preporučili i provodili ujednačeni protokoli za dijagnozu, kratkotrajnu profilaksu i akutno liječenje. Pedijatrijski bolesnici su uključivani u istraživanje tijekom 4 godine u pet bolnica u Hrvatskoj. Svima s pozitivnom obiteljskom anamnezom na HAE analizirana je razina komplementa i C1 inhibitora. Probno istraživanje je otkrilo devet bolesnika pedijatrijske populacije u dobi od 1-16 godina koji su pozitivni za CI-INH-HAE tip I, od kojih su 4 bili asimptomatski. U slučaju akutnog napadaja HAE kao i za profilaktičnu primjenu preporuča se primjena pdC1-INH (humani inhibitor C1 esteraze). Također, rekombinantni C1-INH i ikatibant indicirani su za akutno liječenje pedijatrijskih bolesnika. U Hrvatskoj HAE je još uvijek nedovoljno dijagnosticiran u pedijatrijskoj populaciji
Smjernice za dijagnostiku i liječenje hereditarnog angioedema [Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of hereditary angioedema]
Hereditary angioedema (HAE) is a rare but potentially fatal genetic disorder with nonpitting, nonerythematous, and not pruritic swelling which can affect the hands, feet, face, genitals and visceral mucosa. The type, frequency, and severity of the attacks vary between patients, and over the lifetime of an individual patient. Efforts in Croatian counties have identified approximately 100 patients (but there must be more undiagnosed patients). The first global guideline for the management of HAE was developed by the World Allergy Organization HAE International Alliance and published in 2012. Based on that document the Working group of Croatian experts was assigned to propose guideline for HAE management in Croatia. HAE is is most often related to decreased or dysfunctional C1 inh with autoactivation of C1 and bradykinin accumulation leading to localized dilatation and increased permeability of blood vessels resulting in tissue swelling. A diagnosis of HAE can be confirmed by measuring complement and C1 inh quantitative and functional levels.Three HAE types could be differentiated: HAE type 1 (C1 inh level is low), HAE type 2 (C1 inh level is normal but dysfunctional), and HAE type 3 (normal level and function of C1 inh). All patients suspected to have HAE-1/2 should be assessed for blood levels of C4, C1 inh protein, and C1 inh function. All attacks that result in debilitation/dysfunction and/or involve the face, the neck, or the abdomen should be considered for on-demand treatment. It is recommended that attacks are treated as early as possible. HAE attacks are treated with C1 inh, ecallantide, or icatibant.If these drugs are not available, attacks should be treated with solvent detergent-treated plasma (SDP). If SDP is not available, then attacks should be treated with frozen plasma.Intubation or tracheotomy should be considered early in progressive upper airway edema. Patients with attacks could receive adjuvant therapy when indicated (pain management, intravenous fluids). All patients should have on-demand treatment for two attacks and carry their on-demand treatment at all times. The administration of short-term prophylaxis should be considered before surgeries (dental/intraoral surgery, where endotracheal intubation is required), where upper airway or pharynx is manipulated, and before bronchoscopy or endoscopy. Long-term prophylaxis should be considered in all severely symptomatic HAE-1/2 patients. C1 inh concentrate or androgens can be used. Screening children for HAE-1/2 should be deferred until the age of 12 months, and all offspring of an affected parent should be tested
Hereditarni angioedem (HAE) rijetka je, ali potencijalno za život opasna bolest zbog nepredvidivih napadaja bezbolnih, ograničenih, recidivirajućih otoka supkutanog ili submukoznog, intersticijskog tkiva u trajanju od nekoliko sati do nekoliko dana. Oboljelih od HAE u RH ima oko 100 (ali vjerojatno ima više nedijagnosticiranih). Poseban kvalitativni napredak u usklađivanju dogovora o liječenju HAE jesu Smjernice Svjetske alergološke organizacije koje su donesene 2012. Oslanjajući se na taj dokument, Radna grupa hrvatskih stručnjaka pripremila je prijedlog smjernica za liječenje HAE u Hrvatskoj. Napadaji angioedema u HAE posljedica su mutacije gena za plazmatski protein inhibitor C1. Zbog manjka inhibitora ili njegove disfunkcionalnosti dolazi do okidačem (trigerom) potaknute autoaktivacije C1 i cijele kaskade s konačno povećanom propusnošću krvnih žila i edemom tkiva. Postoje tri tipa hereditarnog angioedema: tip I uzrokovan sniženom razinom C1inh proteina, tip II uzrokovan proizvodnjom nefunkcionalnog C1inh proteina te tip III karakteriziran normalnom funkcijom i razinom C1inh. U svih bolesnika sa sumnjom na HAE mora se odrediti nivo C4 i inhibitora C1, kao i funkcija inhibitora C1. Liječenje akutne atake HAE: Svi napadaji angioedema koji onesposobe dijelove tijela i/ili zahvaćaju lice, vrat, trbuh, a pogotovo gornje dišne putove zahtijevaju liječenje. Terapija mora biti odmah dostupna (On-Demand Treatment). U akutnoj ataci treba odmah primijeniti koncentrat inhibitora C1 (dobiven iz plazme ili rekombinantni), ikatibant ili ekalantid. Ako ovi lijekovi nisu dostupni, akutni napadaji edema mogu se liječiti plazmom obrađenom detergentom. Ako se ovakva plazma ne može dobiti, angioedemi se liječe svježe smrznutom plazmom. Intubacija ili traheotomija moraju se izvesti na vrijeme ako progredira edem gornjih dišnih putova. U napadaju angioedema bolesnik može dobiti i adjuvantnu terapiju (analgetike, infuzije). Preporučuje se da svi bolesnici uvijek nose sa sobom lijekove za samoprimjenu. Preporučljiva je kratkoročna profilaksa edema prije kirurških zahvata (osobito stomatoloških zahvata), zahvata u kojima je potrebna endotrahealna intubacija, zahvata na gornjim dišnim putovima ili farinksu te prije bronhoskopije i endoskopije. Dugoročna profilaksa indicirana je ako se javi jedna ili više težih ataka angioedema na mjesec. Kao dugoročna profilaksa mogu se rabiti koncentrat inhibitora C1 ili androgeni. Probir djece za HAE trebalo bi odgoditi do 12. mjeseca života. Sve potomke bolesnika treba testiratiHereditary angioedema (HAE) is a rare but potentially fatal genetic disorder with nonpitting, nonerythematous, and not pruritic swelling which can affect the hands, feet, face, genitals and visceral mucosa. The type, frequency, and severity of the attacks vary between patients, and over the lifetime of an individual patient. Efforts in Croatian counties have identified approximately 100 patients (but there must be more undiagnosed patients). The first global guideline for the management of HAE was developed by the World Allergy Organization HAE International Alliance and published in 2012. Based on that document the Working group of Croatian experts was assigned to propose guideline for HAE management in Croatia. HAE is is most often related to decreased or dysfunctional C1 inh with autoactivation of C1 and bradykinin accumulation leading to localized dilatation and increased permeability of blood vessels resulting in tissue swelling. A diagnosis of HAE can be confirmed by measuring complement and C1 inh quantitative and functional levels.Three HAE types could be differentiated: HAE type 1 (C1 inh level is low), HAE type 2 (C1 inh level is normal but dysfunctional), and HAE type 3 (normal level and function of C1 inh). All patients suspected to have HAE-1/2 should be assessed for blood levels of C4, C1 inh protein, and C1 inh function. All attacks that result in debilitation/dysfunction and/or involve the face, the neck, or the abdomen should be considered for on-demand treatment. It is recommended that attacks are treated as early as possible. HAE attacks are treated with C1 inh, ecallantide, or icatibant.If these drugs are not available, attacks should be treated with solvent detergent-treated plasma (SDP). If SDP is not available, then attacks should be treated with frozen plasma.Intubation or tracheotomy should be considered early in progressive upper airway edema. Patients with attacks could receive adjuvant therapy when indicated (pain management, intravenous fluids). All patients should have on-demand treatment for two attacks and carry their on-demand treatment at all times. The administration of short-term prophylaxis should be considered before surgeries (dental/intraoral surgery, where endotracheal intubation is required), where upper airway or pharynx is manipulated, and before bronchoscopy or endoscopy. Long-term prophylaxis should be considered in all severely symptomatic HAE-1/2 patients. C1 inh concentrate or androgens can be used. Screening children for HAE-1/2 should be deferred until the age of 12 months, and all offspring of an affected parent should be tested
Hereditarni angioedem (HAE) rijetka je, ali potencijalno za život opasna bolest zbog nepredvidivih napadaja bezbolnih, ograničenih, recidivirajućih otoka supkutanog ili submukoznog, intersticijskog tkiva u trajanju od nekoliko sati do nekoliko dana. Oboljelih od HAE u RH ima oko 100 (ali vjerojatno ima više nedijagnosticiranih). Poseban kvalitativni napredak u usklađivanju dogovora o liječenju HAE jesu Smjernice Svjetske alergološke organizacije koje su donesene 2012. Oslanjajući se na taj dokument, Radna grupa hrvatskih stručnjaka pripremila je prijedlog smjernica za liječenje HAE u Hrvatskoj. Napadaji angioedema u HAE posljedica su mutacije gena za plazmatski protein inhibitor C1. Zbog manjka inhibitora ili njegove disfunkcionalnosti dolazi do okidačem (trigerom) potaknute autoaktivacije C1 i cijele kaskade s konačno povećanom propusnošću krvnih žila i edemom tkiva. Postoje tri tipa hereditarnog angioedema: tip I uzrokovan sniženom razinom C1inh proteina, tip II uzrokovan proizvodnjom nefunkcionalnog C1inh proteina te tip III karakteriziran normalnom funkcijom i razinom C1inh. U svih bolesnika sa sumnjom na HAE mora se odrediti nivo C4 i inhibitora C1, kao i funkcija inhibitora C1. Liječenje akutne atake HAE: Svi napadaji angioedema koji onesposobe dijelove tijela i/ili zahvaćaju lice, vrat, trbuh, a pogotovo gornje dišne putove zahtijevaju liječenje. Terapija mora biti odmah dostupna (On-Demand Treatment). U akutnoj ataci treba odmah primijeniti koncentrat inhibitora C1 (dobiven iz plazme ili rekombinantni), ikatibant ili ekalantid. Ako ovi lijekovi nisu dostupni, akutni napadaji edema mogu se liječiti plazmom obrađenom detergentom. Ako se ovakva plazma ne može dobiti, angioedemi se liječe svježe smrznutom plazmom. Intubacija ili traheotomija moraju se izvesti na vrijeme ako progredira edem gornjih dišnih putova. U napadaju angioedema bolesnik može dobiti i adjuvantnu terapiju (analgetike, infuzije). Preporučuje se da svi bolesnici uvijek nose sa sobom lijekove za samoprimjenu. Preporučljiva je kratkoročna profilaksa edema prije kirurških zahvata (osobito stomatoloških zahvata), zahvata u kojima je potrebna endotrahealna intubacija, zahvata na gornjim dišnim putovima ili farinksu te prije bronhoskopije i endoskopije. Dugoročna profilaksa indicirana je ako se javi jedna ili više težih ataka angioedema na mjesec. Kao dugoročna profilaksa mogu se rabiti koncentrat inhibitora C1 ili androgeni. Probir djece za HAE trebalo bi odgoditi do 12. mjeseca života. Sve potomke bolesnika treba testiratiHereditary angioedema (HAE) is a rare but potentially fatal genetic disorder with nonpitting, nonerythematous, and not pruritic swelling which can affect the hands, feet, face, genitals and visceral mucosa. The type, frequency, and severity of the attacks vary between patients, and over the lifetime of an individual patient. Efforts in Croatian counties have identified approximately 100 patients (but there must be more undiagnosed patients). The first global guideline for the management of HAE was developed by the World Allergy Organization HAE International Alliance and published in 2012. Based on that document the Working group of Croatian experts was assigned to propose guideline for HAE management in Croatia. HAE is is most often related to decreased or dysfunctional C1 inh with autoactivation of C1 and bradykinin accumulation leading to localized dilatation and increased permeability of blood vessels resulting in tissue swelling. A diagnosis of HAE can be confirmed by measuring complement and C1 inh quantitative and functional levels.Three HAE types could be differentiated: HAE type 1 (C1 inh level is low), HAE type 2 (C1 inh level is normal but dysfunctional), and HAE type 3 (normal level and function of C1 inh). All patients suspected to have HAE-1/2 should be assessed for blood levels of C4, C1 inh protein, and C1 inh function. All attacks that result in debilitation/dysfunction and/or involve the face, the neck, or the abdomen should be considered for on-demand treatment. It is recommended that attacks are treated as early as possible. HAE attacks are treated with C1 inh, ecallantide, or icatibant.If these drugs are not available, attacks should be treated with solvent detergent-treated plasma (SDP). If SDP is not available, then attacks should be treated with frozen plasma.Intubation or tracheotomy should be considered early in progressive upper airway edema. Patients with attacks could receive adjuvant therapy when indicated (pain management, intravenous fluids). All patients should have on-demand treatment for two attacks and carry their on-demand treatment at all times. The administration of short-term prophylaxis should be considered before surgeries (dental/intraoral surgery, where endotracheal intubation is required), where upper airway or pharynx is manipulated, and before bronchoscopy or endoscopy. Long-term prophylaxis should be considered in all severely symptomatic HAE-1/2 patients. C1 inh concentrate or androgens can be used. Screening children for HAE-1/2 should be deferred until the age of 12 months, and all offspring of an affected parent should be tested