9 research outputs found
Similarity between structural and proxy estimates of brain connectivity.
peer reviewedFunctional magnetic resonance and diffusion weighted imaging have so far made a major contribution to delineation of the brain connectome at the macroscale. While functional connectivity (FC) was shown to be related to structural connectivity (SC) to a certain degree, their spatial overlap is unknown. Even less clear are relations of SC with estimates of connectivity from inter-subject covariance of regional F18-fluorodeoxyglucose uptake (FDGcov) and grey matter volume (GMVcov). Here, we asked to what extent SC underlies three proxy estimates of brain connectivity: FC, FDGcov and GMVcov. Simultaneous PET/MR acquisitions were performed in 56 healthy middle-aged individuals. Similarity between four networks was assessed using Spearman correlation and convergence ratio (CR), a measure of spatial overlap. Spearman correlation coefficient was 0.27 for SC-FC, 0.40 for SC-FDGcov, and 0.15 for SC-GMVcov. Mean CRs were 51% for SC-FC, 48% for SC-FDGcov, and 37% for SC-GMVcov. These results proved to be reproducible and robust against image processing steps. In sum, we found a relevant similarity of SC with FC and FDGcov, while GMVcov consistently showed the weakest similarity. These findings indicate that white matter tracts underlie FDGcov to a similar degree as FC, supporting FDGcov as estimate of functional brain connectivity
Static versus Functional PET: Making Sense of Metabolic Connectivity
Recently, Jamadar et al. (2021, Metabolic and hemodynamic resting-state connectivity of the human brain: a high-temporal resolution simultaneous BOLD-fMRI and FDG-fPET multimodality study. Cereb Cortex. 31(6), 2855-2867) compared the patterns of brain connectivity or covariance as obtained from 3 neuroimaging measures: 1) functional connectivity estimated from temporal correlations in the functional magnetic resonance imaging blood oxygen level-dependent signal, metabolic connectivity estimated, 2) from temporal correlations in 16-s frames of dynamic [18F]-fluorodeoxyglucose-positron emission tomography (FDG-PET), which they designate as functional FDG-PET (fPET), and 3) from intersubject correlations in static FDG-PET images (sPET). Here, we discuss a number of fundamental issues raised by the Jamadar study. These include the choice of terminology, the interpretation of cross-modal findings, the issue of group- to single-subject level inferences, and the meaning of metabolic connectivity as a biomarker. We applaud the methodological approach taken by the authors, but wish to present an alternative perspective on their findings. In particular, we argue that sPET and fPET can both provide valuable information about brain connectivity. Certainly, resolving this conundrum calls for further experimental and theoretical efforts to advance the developing framework of PET-based brain connectivity indices
Test-retest reproducibility of common estimates of brain connectivity
{So far, brain connectivity has been successfully estimated by means of functional connectivity (FC) from functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), structural connectivity (SC) from diffusion weighted imaging, intersubject covariance of regional gray matter volume (GMVcov) from structural MRI, and intersubject covariance of regional glucose metabolism (FDGcov) from 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) positron emission tomography data. To understand, in how far these estimates can be used to track physiological, i.e. task-related, and pathological, i.e., disease-specific, changes in resting state brain connectivity, data on reproducibility of these estimates are essential. Here, we determined reproducibility of group-level SC, FC, GMVcov, and FDGcov as estimated in the same subjects at rest using a simultaneous PET/MR acquisition protocol.}
Image data were acquired in 55 healthy, middle-aged individuals on a hybrid 3T PET/MR scanner. The above estimates of brain connectivity were computed from two identical acquisitions, taking place eight weeks apart, i.e., test and retest. Gray matter of each subject was parceled in native space. SC was computed as the number of streamlines connecting two GM regions and normalized by their surface area. FC was computed as Pearson correlation between time series of each pair of regions after regressing out GM and cerebrospinal fluid signals. SC and FC estimates were then averaged to obtain group-level connectivity estimates. GMVcov was computed as Pearson correlation between subject series of each pair of regions after regressing out a total GMV of each subject. Similarly, FDGcov was computed as Pearson correlation between subject series of each pair of regions after normalization to the total uptake of the GM of each subject. Reproducibility was determined using complementary measures such as (1)
Spearman’s correlation coefficient (SCC), (2) coefficient of variation (CV), and (3) proportion of connections repeatedly present in test and retest sessions.}
{When considering all connections without any thresholding, high SCCs were found for all
estimates: 0.99 for SC, 0.96 for FC, 0.95 for FDGcov, and 0.93 for GMVcov. When thresholding based on sparsity and keeping only significant (p<0.05) connections, i.e., 92%<sparsity<100%, the CVs were as following: 2.7% for SC, 3.1% for FDCcov, 3.6% for GMVcov, and 5.1% for FC. When thresholding based on connectivity strength, i.e., the magnitude of the Pearson correlation coefficient as available for FC, GMVcov, and FDGcov, and keeping only the strongest connections, i.e., |0.5|<R<|1|, the relative proportion of reproducible connections was 77% for GMVcov, 56% for FDGcov, and 54% for FC. Yet, FDGcov presented the highest absolute proportion of reproducible connections (11.5%), followed by FC (2.6%), and GMVcov (0.9%).}
{Reproducibility is comparable among group-level SC, FC, GMcov, and FDGcov, with SC
tending to be most reproducible. Among the remaining estimates, which are derived from a statistical relationship, a substantially higher (absolute) proportion of reproducible, strong connections is found for FDGcov. Thus, FDGcov enables to explore brain connectivity in a reproducible manner over a substantially larger part of the brain than FC and GMVcov.
Is a PET all you need? A multi-modal study for Alzheimer's disease using 3D CNNs
Alzheimer's Disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia and often
difficult to diagnose due to the multifactorial etiology of dementia. Recent
works on neuroimaging-based computer-aided diagnosis with deep neural networks
(DNNs) showed that fusing structural magnetic resonance images (sMRI) and
fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) leads to improved
accuracy in a study population of healthy controls and subjects with AD.
However, this result conflicts with the established clinical knowledge that
FDG-PET better captures AD-specific pathologies than sMRI. Therefore, we
propose a framework for the systematic evaluation of multi-modal DNNs and
critically re-evaluate single- and multi-modal DNNs based on FDG-PET and sMRI
for binary healthy vs. AD, and three-way healthy/mild cognitive impairment/AD
classification. Our experiments demonstrate that a single-modality network
using FDG-PET performs better than MRI (accuracy 0.91 vs 0.87) and does not
show improvement when combined. This conforms with the established clinical
knowledge on AD biomarkers, but raises questions about the true benefit of
multi-modal DNNs. We argue that future work on multi-modal fusion should
systematically assess the contribution of individual modalities following our
proposed evaluation framework. Finally, we encourage the community to go beyond
healthy vs. AD classification and focus on differential diagnosis of dementia,
where fusing multi-modal image information conforms with a clinical need
Mapping covariance in brain FDG uptake to structural connectivity.
Inter-subject covariance of regional 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) PET measures (FDGcov) as proxy of brain connectivity has been gaining an increasing acceptance in the community. Yet, it is still unclear to what extent FDGcov is underlied by actual structural connectivity via white matter fiber tracts. In this study, we quantified the degree of spatial overlap between FDGcov and structural connectivity networks.
We retrospectively analyzed neuroimaging data from 303 subjects, both patients with suspected neurodegenerative disorders and healthy individuals. For each subject, structural magnetic resonance, diffusion tensor imaging, and FDG-PET data were available. The images were spatially normalized to a standard space and segmented into 62 anatomical regions using a probabilistic atlas. Sparse inverse covariance estimation was employed to estimate FDGcov. Structural connectivity was measured by streamline tractography through fiber assignment by continuous tracking.
For the whole brain, 55% of detected connections were found to be convergent, i.e., present in both FDGcov and structural networks. This metric for random networks was significantly lower, i.e., 12%. Convergent were 80% of intralobe connections and only 30% of interhemispheric interlobe connections.
Structural connectivity via white matter fiber tracts is a relevant substrate of FDGcov, underlying around a half of connections at the whole brain level. Short-range white matter tracts appear to be a major substrate of intralobe FDGcov connections
Brain connectomics: time for a molecular imaging perspective?
peer reviewedIn the past two decades brain connectomics has evolved into a major concept in neuroscience. However, the current perspective on brain connectivity and how it underpins brain function relies mainly on the hemodynamic signal of functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Molecular imaging provides unique information inaccessible to MRI-based and electrophysiological techniques. Thus, positron emission tomography (PET) has been successfully applied to measure neural activity, neurotransmission, and proteinopathies in normal and pathological cognition. Here, we position molecular imaging within the brain connectivity framework from the perspective of timeliness, validity, reproducibility, and resolution. We encourage the neuroscientific community to take an integrative approach whereby MRI-based, electrophysiological techniques, and molecular imaging contribute to our understanding of the brain connectome
Brain connectomics : time for a molecular imaging perspective?
In the past two decades brain connectomics has evolved into a major concept in neuroscience. However, the current perspective on brain connectivity and how it underpins brain function relies mainly on the hemodynamic signal of functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Molecular imaging provides unique information inaccessible to MRI-based and electrophysiological techniques. Thus, positron emission tomography (PET) has been successfully applied to measure neural activity, neurotransmission, and proteinopathies in normal and pathological cognition. Here, we position molecular imaging within the brain connectivity framework from the perspective of timeliness, validity, reproducibility, and resolution. We encourage the neuroscientific community to take an integrative approach whereby MRI-based, electrophysiological techniques, and molecular imaging contribute to our understanding of the brain connectome
Reducing instability of inter-subject covariance of FDG uptake networks using structure-weighted sparse estimation approach.
Sparse inverse covariance estimation (SICE) is increasingly utilized to estimate inter-subject covariance of FDG uptake (FDGcov) as proxy of metabolic brain connectivity. However, this statistical method suffers from the lack of robustness in the connectivity estimation. Patterns of FDGcov were observed to be spatially similar with patterns of structural connectivity as obtained from DTI imaging. Based on this similarity, we propose to regularize the sparse estimation of FDGcov using the structural connectivity.
We retrospectively analyzed the FDG-PET and DTI data of 26 healthy controls, 41 patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD), and 30 patients with frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD). Structural connectivity matrix derived from DTI data was introduced as a regularization parameter to assign individual penalties to each potential metabolic connectivity. Leave-one-out cross validation experiments were performed to assess the differential diagnosis ability of structure weighted SICE approach. A few approaches of structure weighted were compared with the standard SICE.
Compared to the standard SICE, structural weighting has shown more stable performance in the supervised classification, especially in the differentiation AD vs. FTLD (accuracy of 89-90%, while unweighted SICE only 85%). There was a significant positive relationship between the minimum number of metabolic connection and the robustness of the classification accuracy (r = 0.57, P < 0.001). Shuffling experiments showed significant differences between classification score derived with true structural weighting and those obtained by randomized structure (P < 0.05).
The structure-weighted sparse estimation can enhance the robustness of metabolic connectivity, which may consequently improve the differentiation of pathological phenotypes