3 research outputs found

    Elaboraci贸n y validaci贸n de una cartilla sobre parto humanizado

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    Introduction: Humanized childbirth care focuses on the good treatment of pregnant women; however, some mothers experience obstetric violence, which affects their wellbeing. It is necessary to have validated tools that permit informing, communicating, and educating on practices that contribute to making the delivery process a humanized experience.Methods. This was a validation study consisting on the development of an educational-communicative booklet on humanized childbirth, from a bibliography review, along with subsequent validation by 16 specialists and 100 participants from the target population, in 2020.Results: The specialists scored the booklet with a content validity index (CVI) median of 0.94 and Cronbach鈥檚 alpha reliability of 0.81. In the target population, the level of positive response ranged between 87% and 100%, with a median of 97.9%.Discussion: Through a literature review and by heeding to writing details, form, and depth, the study managed to elaborate a booklet that showed high CVI to provide education on humanized childbirth to pregnant women and relatives. Study strengths included process rigor, pollster suitability, and simple size. The principal weakness is that information collection was carried out in health institutions.Conclusions: The booklet elaborated is valid to guarantee understanding, by mothers and their relatives, of humanized childbirth. It is considered relevant and innovative material to educate on this theme, as an impacting event in the lives of the mother-child binomial and their family.Introducci贸n: La atenci贸n humanizada del parto se centra en el buen trato a la gestante, sin embargo, algunas maternas experimentan violencia obst茅trica, lo cual afecta a su bienestar. Se hace necesario contar con herramientas validadas que permitan informar, comunicar y educar sobre pr谩cticas que contribuyen a hacer del parto una experiencia humanizada.Material y m茅todo: Estudio de validaci贸n con el objetivo de desarrollar una cartilla educomunicativa sobre parto humanizado, a partir de la revisi贸n bibliogr谩fica, la posterior validaci贸n por parte de 16 especialistas y 100 participantes del p煤blico objetivo, en 2019.Resultados: Los especialistas calificaron la cartilla con una media del 铆ndice de Validez de Contenido (IVC) de 0,94 y una confiabilidad, Alfa de Cronbach de 0,81. En poblaci贸n objetivo, el nivel de respuesta positiva oscil贸 entre el 87 y el 100 %, con una media de 97,9%.Discusi贸n: Haciendo revisi贸n de literatura y cuidando los detalles de escritura, forma y fondo, se logr贸 elaborar una cartilla que mostr贸 alto IVC para brindar educaci贸n sobre parto humanizado a gestantes y familiares. Algunas fortalezas fueron: la rigurosidad del proceso, la idoneidad de las encuestadoras y el tama帽o de muestra. La principal debilidad es que la recolecci贸n de la informaci贸n se llev贸 a cabo en instituciones de Salud.Conclusiones: La cartilla elaborada es v谩lida para garantizar el entendimiento, por parte de maternas y familiares, del parto humanizado. Se considera material relevante e innovador para educar en este tema, como un evento de impacto en la vida del binomio madre-hijo y su familia

    Educaci贸n en salud durante el embarazo desde la perspectiva de las gestantes

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    Introduction: It is necessary to know the educational needs of pregnant women after the Covid-19 pandemic. Objectives: To know the educational needs of pregnant women and their preferred mans to receive that education. Method: Descriptive study through virtual survey with purposive sampling and snowball call towards pregnant women who had their deliveries during the pandemic, as well as healthcare workers dedicated to prenatal and delivery care. Educational needs, types of content and the preferred way to receive it were found out. Results: A total of 144 women participated, 34 (23.61%) pregnant and 110 (76.39%) mothers, between 17-34 years old. They stated that they needed education on prenatal/delivery care: 113 (78.47%), breastfeeding: 109 (75.69%), baby care: 108 (75.00%) maternity and Covid-19): 90 (62.50%), prevention of Covid-19 transmission to the baby, 85 (59.03%) and mental health: 79 (54.86%). They would prefer videos 114 (54.86%), by WhatsApp: 106 (73.61%) and email 82 (56.94%). Conclusions: Pregnant women, mothers need education on pregnancy care, but also on Covid-19 prevention. They suggest videos through social networks.Introducci贸n: se requiere conocer las necesidades de educaci贸n para las gestantes en escenarios de post-pandemia por Covid-19. Objetivo: conocer las necesidades de educaci贸n para gestantes/maternas y los medios preferidos para recibirla. M茅todo: estudio descriptivo mediante encuestas virtuales con muestreo intencional y convocatoria en bola de nieve, a gestantes/maternas cuyos partos ocurrieron en pandemia. Personal de atenci贸n prenatal y parto tambi茅n fue entrevistado. Se averiguaron necesidades de educaci贸n, contenidos y formas preferidas para recibirla. Resultados: participaron 144 mujeres, 34 (23,6%) gestantes, 110 (76,4%) maternas, con edades entre 17-43 a帽os. Manifestaron necesitar educaci贸n sobre cuidados del preparto/parto: 113 (78,5%), lactancia materna: 109 (75,7%), cuidados del beb茅: 108 (75%), maternidad y Covid-19: 90 (62,5%), prevenci贸n de trasmisi贸n al beb茅: 85 (59%) y salud mental: 79 (54,9%). Preferir铆an videos 114(79,2%), por WhatsApp: 106 (73,6%) y correo electr贸nico: 82 (56,9%). Conclusiones: las maternas necesitan educaci贸n sobre cuidados de la gestaci贸n, pero tambi茅n sobre prevenci贸n del Covid-19. Sugieren videos a trav茅s de redes sociales

    Elaboration and Validation of a Booklet on Humanized Childbirth

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    Introducci贸n:La atenci贸n humanizada del parto se centra en el buen trato a la gestante, sin embargo, algunas maternas experimentan violencia obst茅trica, lo cual afecta a su bienestar. Se hace necesario contar con herramientas validadas que permitan informar, comunicar y educar sobre pr谩cticas que contribuyen a hacer del parto una experiencia humanizada. Material y m茅todo: Estudio de validaci贸n con el objetivo de desarrollar una cartilla educomunicativa sobre parto humanizado, a partir de la revisi贸n bibliogr谩fica, la posterior validaci贸n por parte de 16 especialistas y 100 participantes del p煤blico objetivo, en 2019. Resultados: Los especialistas calificaron la cartilla con una media del 铆ndice de Validez de Contenido (IVC) de 0,94 y una confiabilidad, Alfa de Cronbach de 0,81. En poblaci贸n objetivo, el nivel de respuesta positiva oscil贸 entre el 87 y el 100 %, con una media de 97,9%. Discusi贸n: Haciendo revisi贸n de literatura y cuidando los detalles de escritura, forma y fondo, se logr贸 elaborar una cartilla que mostr贸 alto IVC para brindar educaci贸n sobre parto humanizado a gestantes y familiares. Algunas fortalezas fueron: la rigurosidad del proceso, la idoneidad de las encuestadoras y el tama帽o de muestra. La principal debilidad es que la recolecci贸n de la informaci贸n se llev贸 a cabo en instituciones de Salud. Conclusiones: La cartilla elaborada es v谩lida para garantizar el entendimiento, por parte de maternas y familiares, del parto humanizado. Se considera material relevante e innovador para educar en este tema, como un evento de impacto en la vida del binomio madre-hijo y su familia.Introduction: Humanized childbirth care focuses on the good treatment of pregnant women; however, some mothers experience obstetric violence, which affects their wellbeing. It is necessary to have validated tools that permit informing, communicating, and educating on practices that contribute to making the delivery process a humanized experience. Methods. This was a validation study consisting on the development of an educational-communicative booklet on humanized childbirth, from a bibliography review, along with subsequent validation by 16 specialists and 100 participants from the target population, in 2020. Results: The specialists scored the booklet with a content validity index (CVI) median of 0.94 and Cronbach鈥檚 alpha reliability of 0.81. In the target population, the level of positive response ranged between 87% and 100%, with a median of 97.9%. Discussion: Through a literature review and by heeding to writing details, form, and depth, the study managed to elaborate a booklet that showed high CVI to provide education on humanized childbirth to pregnant women and relatives. Study strengths included process rigor, pollster suitability, and simple size. The principal weakness is that information collection was carried out in health institutions. Conclusions: The booklet elaborated is valid to guarantee understanding, by mothers and their relatives, of humanized childbirth. It is considered relevant and innovative material to educate on this theme, as an impacting event in the lives of the mother-child binomial and their family