7 research outputs found

    Venice Incognito: Masks in the Serene Republic.

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    Book reviews including 'Mission Italy: on the front lines of the Cold War', by Richard Gardner

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    Oliver Logan reviews the book 'La giustizia del papa: sudditi e tribunal nello Stato Pontificio in etagrave moderna', by Irene Fosi, Rome and Bari: Editori Laterza, 2007. John A. Davis reviews the book 'La ivolta del Patriziato: il liberalismo della nobiltagrave nella Toscana del Risorgimento', by Thomas Kroll, Florence: Leo S. Olschki, 2005. Karen Pinkus reviews the book 'Lo Smemorato di Collegno: storia italiana di un'identitagrave contesa', by Lisa Roscioni, Turin: Einaudi, 2007. Maura Hametz reviews the book 'Ai confini della nazione: stampa e razzismo nell'Italia di fine Ottocento', by Michele Nani, Rome: Carocci, 2006. Susan Cuthbertson reviews the book 'Oltre il mito: l'egitto degli italiani (1917-1947)', by Marta Petricioli, Milan: Bruno Mondadori, 2007. Alexander De Grand reviews the book 'Una guerra per l'impero: memorie della campagna d'Etiopia, 1935-36', by Nicola Labanca, Bologna: Il Mulino, 2005. Paul A. Garfinkel reviews the book 'Debating divorce: marriage and the making of modern Italians, 1860-1974', by Mark Seymour, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006. Alice A. Kelikian reviews the book 'La legge del desiderio: il progetto Merlin e l'Italia degli anni Cinquanta (Saggi e monographie del Dipartimento di Discipline Storiche dell' Universitagrave di Bologna), by Sandro Bellassai, Rome: Carocci Editore, 2006. Thomas Row reviews the book 'Making Trieste Italian, 1918-1954', by Maura Hametz, London: The Royal Historical Society/Boydell Press, 2005. Marco Mondini reviews the book 'Empire on the Adriatic: Mussolini's conquest of Yugoslavia 1941-43', by H. James Burgwyn, New York: Enigma Books, 2005. Bruno Mascitelli reviews the book 'Mission Italy: on the front lines of the Cold War', by Richard Gardner, Latham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield, 2005. Borden Painter reviews the book 'Stupendous, miserable city: Pasolini's Rome', by John David Rhodes, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2007. Fabio Vighi reviews the book 'Sex, the self, and the sacred: women in the cinema of Pier Paolo Pasolini', by Colleen Ryan-Scheutz, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2007. Bernadette Luciano reviews the book 'The value of worthless lives: writing Italian American immigrant autobiographies', New York: Fordham University Press, 2007. Joseph Farrell reviews the book 'Reading and writing the Mediterranean: essays by Vincenzo Consolo', edited by Norma Bouchard and Massimo Lollini, Toronto: Toronto University Press, 2007. Liz Horodowich reviews the book 'Tropic of Venice', by Margaret Doody, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2007