22 research outputs found

    Eficiencia energética en una vivienda unifamiliar aislada

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    El aumento exponencial del consumo energético sufrido a nivel global en las últimas décadas, y necesario para afrontar el desarrollo tanto socioeconómico como tecnológico, conlleva a su vez unas consecuencias negativas para nuestro planeta, tales como son la emisión de dióxido de carbono y otros Gases de Efecto Invernadero (GEI), la alteración del medio ambiente o la destrucción de ecosistemas. Todo ello ha derivado en una búsqueda de soluciones a dichos problemas, así, mediante acuerdos internacionales y el establecimiento de unos objetivos comunes, como el conocido Protocolo de Kioto, se espera poder reducir estos impactos ineludibles causados por la actividad del ser humano. Precisamente, de esta preocupación por preservar el planeta surge el presente Trabajo de Fin de Grado, que aborda el tema del ahorro y la eficiencia energética en el sector residencial desde un punto de vista cercano y con el que puede identificarse todo el mundo. El ahorro y la eficiencia energética están considerados como una de las piezas clave en la mitigación del impacto medioambiental. Entre los beneficios que ambas generan se encuentran los siguientes: - Reducción del consumo energético, y por tanto de su gasto asociado, - Reducción de las emisiones de CO2 y otros GEI asociados a la producción energética, - Aumento de la independencia energética, asegurando el abastecimiento de energía, - Reducción de la alteración del medioambiente por la explotación de recursos energéticos. De esta manera, el objetivo principal de este proyecto es el de analizar y mostrar el enorme potencial de ahorro energético y el margen de mejora de eficiencia energética que existe en el sector residencial, partiendo para ello del estudio de un caso específico. Concretamente, este Trabajo de Fin de Grado trata sobre la aplicación de la eficiencia energética en una vivienda unifamiliar aislada situada en el municipio madrileño de Torrelodones. El proyecto puede dividirse en cuatro grandes bloques relacionados entre sí; descripción y análisis de la vivienda y sus instalaciones, simulación energética de la vivienda a través de un programa informático, propuesta de diferentes medidas de eficiencia energética y, por último, un estudio exhaustivo del conjunto de las medidas de eficiencia energética seleccionadas y la viabilidad económica de dicho proyecto. Así, en la primera parte del Trabajo se describen las principales características de la vivienda y los sistemas consumidores de energía existentes en el inmueble. Además, se analizan los diferentes consumos asociados a cada instalación y sus rendimientos. Por otro lado, y de manera complementaria, en la segunda parte del estudio se realiza una simulación energética del edificio a través del software oficial, Herramienta Unificada Lider-Calener, ofrecido por el Ministerio de Energía, Turismo y Agenda Digital (MINETAD), y desarrollado por el mismo junto con el Instituto para la Diversificación y Ahorro de la Energía (IDAE). Esta simulación permite estudiar de manera precisa la demanda energética de los sistemas de climatización de la vivienda. A su vez, a partir de esta simulación, se obtiene también la calificación y etiqueta energética de la vivienda, la cual indicará el nivel de desempeño energético del inmueble en función de dos parámetros principales, el consumo de energía primaria no renovable y las emisiones de CO2 asociadas. Tras determinar la calificación energética y analizar los diferentes resultados obtenidos en las dos etapas anteriores, se procede, en una tercera parte del proyecto, a idear, proponer y diseñar diferentes soluciones y medidas que puedan mejorar el desempeño energético de la vivienda. Estas medidas se basan principalmente en dos puntos: • Mejora de la envolvente de la vivienda, a través de la rehabilitación o reforma en alguno de los cerramientos que componen la estructura del edificio. • Incorporación de energías renovables y otras tecnologías eficientes en los diferentes sistemas e instalaciones de la vivienda. Finalmente, se estudia la viabilidad económica de las diferentes medidas propuestas en la fase anterior, recogiendo aquellas con mayor rentabilidad en un plan de acción. El proyecto finaliza con un último análisis de los resultados obtenidos a lo largo del estudio y una discusión de los mismos. Por último, se espera que este proyecto pueda servir en la promoción y divulgación de las prácticas del ahorro y la eficiencia energética en el sector residencial, y que tan importantes son para la mitigación del impacto medioambiental y el establecimiento de un camino hacia el desarrollo sostenible

    Image2_Genome-wide identification, evolution and transcriptome analysis of GRAS gene family in Chinese chestnut (Castanea mollissima).TIF

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    GRAS transcription factors play an important role in regulating various biological processes in plant growth and development. However, their characterization and potential function are still vague in Chinese chestnut (Castanea mollissima), an important nut with rich nutrition and high economic value. In this study, 48 CmGRAS genes were identified in Chinese chestnut genome and phylogenetic analysis divided CmGRAS genes into nine subfamilies, and each of them has distinct conserved structure domain and features. Genomic organization revealed that CmGRAS tend to have a representative GRAS domain and fewer introns. Tandem duplication had the greatest contribution for the CmGRAS expansion based on the comparative genome analysis, and CmGRAS genes experienced strong purifying selection pressure based on the Ka/Ks. Gene expression analysis revealed some CmGRAS members with potential functions in bud development and ovule fertility. CmGRAS genes with more homologous relationships with reference species had more cis-acting elements and higher expression levels. Notably, the lack of DELLA domain in members of the DELLA subfamily may cause de functionalization, and the differences between the three-dimensional structures of them were exhibited. This comprehensive study provides theoretical and practical basis for future research on the evolution and function of GRAS gene family.</p

    Image1_Genome-wide identification, evolution, and expression analysis of the NAC gene family in chestnut (Castanea mollissima).TIF

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    The NAC gene family is one of the most important transcription factor families specific to plants, responsible for regulating many biological processes, including development, stress response, and signal transduction. However, it has not yet been characterized in chestnut, an important nut tree species. Here, we identified 115 CmNAC genes in the chestnut genome, which were divided into 16 subgroups based on the phylogenetic analysis. Numerous cis-acting elements related to auxin, gibberellin, and abscisic acid were identified in the promoter region of CmNACs, suggesting that they play an important role in the growth and development of chestnut. The results of the collinear analysis indicated that dispersed duplication and whole-genome-duplication were the main drivers of CmNAC gene expansion. RNA-seq data of developmental stages of chestnut nut, bud, and ovule revealed the expression patterns of CmNAC genes. Additionally, qRT-PCR experiments were used to verify the expression levels of some CmNAC genes. The comprehensive analysis of the above results revealed that some CmNAC members may be related to chestnut bud and nut development, as well as ovule fertility. The systematic analysis of this study will help to increase understanding of the potential functions of the CmNAC genes in chestnut growth and development.</p

    Image1_Genome-wide identification, evolution and transcriptome analysis of GRAS gene family in Chinese chestnut (Castanea mollissima).TIF

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    GRAS transcription factors play an important role in regulating various biological processes in plant growth and development. However, their characterization and potential function are still vague in Chinese chestnut (Castanea mollissima), an important nut with rich nutrition and high economic value. In this study, 48 CmGRAS genes were identified in Chinese chestnut genome and phylogenetic analysis divided CmGRAS genes into nine subfamilies, and each of them has distinct conserved structure domain and features. Genomic organization revealed that CmGRAS tend to have a representative GRAS domain and fewer introns. Tandem duplication had the greatest contribution for the CmGRAS expansion based on the comparative genome analysis, and CmGRAS genes experienced strong purifying selection pressure based on the Ka/Ks. Gene expression analysis revealed some CmGRAS members with potential functions in bud development and ovule fertility. CmGRAS genes with more homologous relationships with reference species had more cis-acting elements and higher expression levels. Notably, the lack of DELLA domain in members of the DELLA subfamily may cause de functionalization, and the differences between the three-dimensional structures of them were exhibited. This comprehensive study provides theoretical and practical basis for future research on the evolution and function of GRAS gene family.</p

    Table1_Genome-wide identification, evolution and transcriptome analysis of GRAS gene family in Chinese chestnut (Castanea mollissima).XLSX

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    GRAS transcription factors play an important role in regulating various biological processes in plant growth and development. However, their characterization and potential function are still vague in Chinese chestnut (Castanea mollissima), an important nut with rich nutrition and high economic value. In this study, 48 CmGRAS genes were identified in Chinese chestnut genome and phylogenetic analysis divided CmGRAS genes into nine subfamilies, and each of them has distinct conserved structure domain and features. Genomic organization revealed that CmGRAS tend to have a representative GRAS domain and fewer introns. Tandem duplication had the greatest contribution for the CmGRAS expansion based on the comparative genome analysis, and CmGRAS genes experienced strong purifying selection pressure based on the Ka/Ks. Gene expression analysis revealed some CmGRAS members with potential functions in bud development and ovule fertility. CmGRAS genes with more homologous relationships with reference species had more cis-acting elements and higher expression levels. Notably, the lack of DELLA domain in members of the DELLA subfamily may cause de functionalization, and the differences between the three-dimensional structures of them were exhibited. This comprehensive study provides theoretical and practical basis for future research on the evolution and function of GRAS gene family.</p

    Image3_Genome-wide identification, evolution and transcriptome analysis of GRAS gene family in Chinese chestnut (Castanea mollissima).TIF

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    GRAS transcription factors play an important role in regulating various biological processes in plant growth and development. However, their characterization and potential function are still vague in Chinese chestnut (Castanea mollissima), an important nut with rich nutrition and high economic value. In this study, 48 CmGRAS genes were identified in Chinese chestnut genome and phylogenetic analysis divided CmGRAS genes into nine subfamilies, and each of them has distinct conserved structure domain and features. Genomic organization revealed that CmGRAS tend to have a representative GRAS domain and fewer introns. Tandem duplication had the greatest contribution for the CmGRAS expansion based on the comparative genome analysis, and CmGRAS genes experienced strong purifying selection pressure based on the Ka/Ks. Gene expression analysis revealed some CmGRAS members with potential functions in bud development and ovule fertility. CmGRAS genes with more homologous relationships with reference species had more cis-acting elements and higher expression levels. Notably, the lack of DELLA domain in members of the DELLA subfamily may cause de functionalization, and the differences between the three-dimensional structures of them were exhibited. This comprehensive study provides theoretical and practical basis for future research on the evolution and function of GRAS gene family.</p

    Image2_Genome-wide identification, evolution, and expression analysis of the NAC gene family in chestnut (Castanea mollissima).TIF

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    The NAC gene family is one of the most important transcription factor families specific to plants, responsible for regulating many biological processes, including development, stress response, and signal transduction. However, it has not yet been characterized in chestnut, an important nut tree species. Here, we identified 115 CmNAC genes in the chestnut genome, which were divided into 16 subgroups based on the phylogenetic analysis. Numerous cis-acting elements related to auxin, gibberellin, and abscisic acid were identified in the promoter region of CmNACs, suggesting that they play an important role in the growth and development of chestnut. The results of the collinear analysis indicated that dispersed duplication and whole-genome-duplication were the main drivers of CmNAC gene expansion. RNA-seq data of developmental stages of chestnut nut, bud, and ovule revealed the expression patterns of CmNAC genes. Additionally, qRT-PCR experiments were used to verify the expression levels of some CmNAC genes. The comprehensive analysis of the above results revealed that some CmNAC members may be related to chestnut bud and nut development, as well as ovule fertility. The systematic analysis of this study will help to increase understanding of the potential functions of the CmNAC genes in chestnut growth and development.</p

    Image3_Genome-wide identification, evolution, and expression analysis of the NAC gene family in chestnut (Castanea mollissima).TIF

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    The NAC gene family is one of the most important transcription factor families specific to plants, responsible for regulating many biological processes, including development, stress response, and signal transduction. However, it has not yet been characterized in chestnut, an important nut tree species. Here, we identified 115 CmNAC genes in the chestnut genome, which were divided into 16 subgroups based on the phylogenetic analysis. Numerous cis-acting elements related to auxin, gibberellin, and abscisic acid were identified in the promoter region of CmNACs, suggesting that they play an important role in the growth and development of chestnut. The results of the collinear analysis indicated that dispersed duplication and whole-genome-duplication were the main drivers of CmNAC gene expansion. RNA-seq data of developmental stages of chestnut nut, bud, and ovule revealed the expression patterns of CmNAC genes. Additionally, qRT-PCR experiments were used to verify the expression levels of some CmNAC genes. The comprehensive analysis of the above results revealed that some CmNAC members may be related to chestnut bud and nut development, as well as ovule fertility. The systematic analysis of this study will help to increase understanding of the potential functions of the CmNAC genes in chestnut growth and development.</p

    Bis(triisopropylsilylethynyl)pentacene/Au(111) Interface: Coupling, Molecular Orientation, and Thermal Stability

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    The assembly and the orientation of functionalized pentacene at the interface with inorganics strongly influence both the electric contact and the charge transport in organic electronic devices. In this study electronic spectroscopies and theoretical modeling are combined to investigate the properties of the bis­(triisopropylsilylethynyl)­pentacene (TIPS-Pc)/Au(111) interface as a function of the molecular coverage to compare the molecular state in the gas phase and in the adsorbed phase and to determine the thermal stability of TIPS-Pc in contact with gold. Our results show that in the free molecule only the acene atoms directly bonded to the ligands are affected by the functionalization. Adsorption on Au(111) leads to a weak coupling which causes only modest binding energy shifts in the TIPS-Pc and substrate core level spectra. In the first monolayer the acene plane form an angle of 33 ± 2° with the Au(111) surface at variance with the vertical geometry reported for thicker solution-processed or evaporated films, whereas the presence of configurational disorder was observed in the multilayer. The thermal annealing of the TIPS-Pc/Au(111) interface reveals the ligand desorption at ∼470 K, which leaves the backbone of the decomposed molecule flat-lying on the metal surface as in the case of the unmodified pentacene. The weak interaction with the metal substrate causes the molecular dissociation to occur 60 K below the thermal decomposition taking place in thick drop-cast films

    Mesostructured Fullerene Electrodes for Highly Efficient n–i–p Perovskite Solar Cells

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    Electron-transporting layers in today’s state-of-the-art n–i–p organohalide perovskite solar cells are almost exclusively made of metal oxides. Here, we demonstrate a novel mesostructured fullerene-based electron-transporting material (ETM) that is crystalline, hydrophobic, and cross-linked, rendering it solvent- and heat-resistant for subsequent perovskite solar cell fabrication. The fullerene ETM is shown to enhance the structural and electronic properties of the CH<sub>3</sub>NH<sub>3</sub>PbI<sub>3</sub> layer grown atop, reducing its Urbach energy from ∼26 to 21 meV, while also increasing crystallite size and improving texture. The resulting mesostructured n–i–p solar cells achieve reduced recombination, improved device-to-device variation, reduced hysteresis, and a power conversion efficiency above 15%, surpassing the performance of similar devices prepared using mesoporous TiO<sub>2</sub> and well above the performance of planar heterojunction devices on amorphous or crystalline [6,6]-phenyl-C<sub>61</sub>-butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM). This work is the first demonstration of a viable, hydrophobic, and high-performance mesostructured electron-accepting contact to work effectively in n–i–p perovskite solar cells